stupid person
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Hey tonight I went to my schools football game and froze my fucking ass off! Florida is usually not this cold. It was like freakin 30 degrees outside! But I got to see one of my best friends because she goes to the school that my school played. We were talking and I really miss her and all of my friends from my middle school. Well I am really tired so see ya.
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
I am so bored right now. I cant wait until tomarrow, I get to see a couple of my friends that I havent seen in a while. Well I got to go do some homework. See ya.
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Saturday, November 3, 2007
Sorry I havent updated lately my computer wasnt working and I have been really busy because my teachers give me a crap load of homework to do. I feel so lonely all the time lately. I think it might be because my friend at school hasnt been talking to me a lot lately, shes been talking to my other friend or this other girl that she never stops talking about it makes me feel unimportant. Well I got to go do some homework. See ya.
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
Today I have been feeling lonely and unloved. I dont know why but I do. I am really bored to but theres not anything new about that. It was kinda funny earlier, my aunt said that there was 51 states. Well I dont want to bore anyone with my boring life so see ya.
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
Hello people. I am really tired. I want to go to sleep but I have a crap load of homework to do thats due tomarrow. Its kinda funny that I am failing my career research class. All 9th graders have to take because they say it will help us in our life like social skills and getting self confidence up and stuff like that. It is also supposed to help you figure out what you want as a career but it hasnt helped me at all.
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Today I have to help my cousin grade papers. She is a teacher, she teaches third grade, and she has a lot of papers to grade so she asked me to help so I am. I really feel like crap right this second because it is so freakin cold in my aunts house!
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Saturday, September 15, 2007
All I did today was help my aunt paint her bathroom. We painted it a pretty green color. Its not the best looking thing but its pretty good looking for very unprofessional people did it.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I am really bored. Today at my school was b-day (we have a and b-day each day we have 4 classes but they are all different so I have 8 classes all together) and I hate b-day except I never have homework in any of those classes. Right now I am home alone and bored as crap for about an hour while my mom is at some meeting thing. There is absolutly nothing fun to do around my house though I might go play with my puppy. Yeah I will go do that. See ya.
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Sunday, September 9, 2007
I have a lot of homework that I have to do. It sucks because this is the weekend Im not supposed to get a lot of homework.
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
Hey I am really bored as usual...I really want some pocky right now!!! I ran out of pocky last week so I need to go to an oriental store so I can get some more. I LOVE POCKY!!!!

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