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myOtaku.com: StuPidGirl363

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Took You Home, Set You On The Glass, I Pulled Off Your Wings, And Then I Laughed
HEY!!! I'm so god damn hot. I have to change out of my normal attire (Black t-shirt, black hoodie, black pants) and change into a pair of blue shorts and a green muscle shirt. I had school today, but its okay. All of my friends got it off. I'm not really jealous because I get out of school at 10:40 in the morning every day (except for monday which I get out at 11:30). I don't have school Friday or Monday. I'm looking forwards to being on the computer all night. Yup, that's me, a huge computer loser.

I want to go see Scary Movie 4. They're going to be like making fun of the grudge and saw. I think its going to be hilarious. My friends are going to go see it tomorrow. If they want me to, I'd really like to go see it with them.

Man I am so bored, I never have anyone stay the night. I'm tired of hanging out by myself, I really really want someone to stay the night. No one ever asks me if I want to stay the night or ask me if they could stay the night. I feel like a disease half the time. Anyway That's all. I'm going to go! Peace!

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