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myOtaku.com: SugarCone

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


The dream of achieving happiness haunts us like the ghost of Christmas past. We strive for that perfect balance in our lives, the perfect house, partner, children, car. Our own desire to be so perfect, is the one thing that pushes us to achieve, to work hard for what we want, it is our strength, and our weakness. Walking the path of ultimate perfection is endless, you know deep in yourself that you will never reach that point where everything is exactly how you want it, and that can drive you to insanity, it can push you over the edge to a place where you sabotage your own identity to be something you believe you should be. It is modern society that tells us what we should be, achieve and obtain to be perfect; how we should act and how we should live. Why does this modern �easy� way of life not feel natural, why do I want to oppose everything that I am told and cause havoc and mayhem in the perfect routine of daily life? I am an animal, and so are you, we have adapted to an environment harsher than any nature can throw at us, one that we have created ourselves; a jungle that is deeper and more treacherous than any existing in the world. A mental maze of should and should nots that cause us to loose track of what is really important and follow that path of perfection that society has drawn out for us. Well, I refuse to; I will do what I enjoy, I will raise my children to be respectful of both the human nature, and mother nature, I will enjoy the warm feeling of the sun and the smell of grass, I will be hypocritical and use the shortcuts that human inventions have provided me with, but I will also make my own, and if that means stepping on the toes of the power-hungry and perfection crazed man of today then so be it. I will be who I am, I will make mistakes, I will cry and laugh, throw tantrums, and accept the fact that perfection is only for the gods of all religions and mother nature, and therefore I will be perfect.


Morning Everyone,

Now that I have moved I live in a university town, I am sure you have all heard of the University of Oxford, well as you can imagine there are more intelligent people than is natural to in this one small place, and there are a lot of very interesting conversations that you can overhear, be it in a caf� somewhere or on the bus or just walking along on the street. I wrote the little paragraph on top while in a caf� listening to two men talk about their strive to perfection. They both had the perfect suits, the perfect hair, manicures hands, accents, and vocabulary. And they both looked so pompous and so repulsive in their perfection; they kept looking down on everything around them and finding fault. It made me angry, and it made me write, which I guess I should thank them for. Anyway I thought I will have a little Q&A, here is what I want you to tell me

1. What is the one thing that makes your temper flare up like a volcano?
2. What would be a perfect day for you?
3. Would you want to be perfect?
4. What is the one thing in the world that you want more than anything else?
5. Would you give up happiness if it meant that the rest of the world lives in harmony?
6. What�s your favourite food?
7. Can I have a hug? ;)

Looking forward to your answers!


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