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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Aren't paperboys supposed to be little scrawny kids with terrible aim and a pocket full of quarters for the new bike horn they're savin' up for?! No? WHY NOT!?

 Now this is getting a little outta hand... [90% in the morning; 50%ish throughout today] High: 80s*F Low:80s*F Winds: HUMID. Ick. Hope the folks in Louisiana are staying strong. Heard the death toll would be in the hundreds... Everyone say a prayer for them this week. They need them!
Mmm... Nothing much happened since last post, save for two VERY scary things. I think this was on Monday morning as I was getting ready to take a shower. Groggy, I got up and walked to the bathroom. I have to pass the garage door on the way there. It was open. Odd. So was the big garage door. I just closed the regular door thinking that maybe one of the twins [brother and sister] left it open by accident on their way out the door... Didn't think about it. Sleepy... Passing mom and dad's bedroom door [daddy went to work all ready...], mom comes flying out:
"What was that?" ::I blink:: "What was what?" I yawned, and mother proceeded to tell me of the morning's events... Backtrackin' a bit: Mom used to be heavy. Now she's not. Lost 200 lbs! ^ ^ Anyway, she likes to run in the early mornings. Being as pretty as she is [Jason can attest to that... hee hee. So shy :P], naturally other guys of all ages [yes, including guys my age: "Your mom's hot!" Ew?] think so too, so she carries a gun when she runs 7 miles every morning. With that in mind, back to the story. It had been going on for a while now, sort of harmless things... What am I talkin' about? Mom has a stalker! And it's our paperboy. Well, he's certainly no shrimpy kid on a bicycle throwin' papers at the door. Nah. This guy is with the Florida Times Union, which is the paper we get. He's no BOY either. Tall as my mom [and she's an amazon at 6'2'' in heels], kinda built, but in a chunky way, foreign [latin or hispanic. Yes, there is a HUGE difference]...Ubermensch [the dregs of society]. YUCK. Anyway, on one particular road, the guy would sit... and wait for her to pass. He was always in a different car or van so mom could never tell where he was... You'd think he was using the provided one... Oh well. She would run past, he would slowly follow her until she was off that road, then continue on with the paper route. Finally, Saturday morning as she was running, he was getting a little too close to her with the car/van, and my mom finally stopped and turned around. "You are pushin' it bud. You are really pushing it." He gets out of his car and stands at the door and whistles "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyaaah", gets back in drives off. Mom told daddy and they got everything ready: phone, keys, car parked for easy backing out... Sunday morning, Ubercreepy pulls out all the stops, follows her, passes her, has the van blocking the road in the center of it... and gets out of his car... starts toward mom. Mom stops and pulls out her gun from her holster. Just stands there with it at her side. He just stands there and goes to move again. Mom threatens him to stop and calls dad. Dad is there in two seconds! He gets in the guys face too! But by now the guy had gotten back in his car and dad had driven up to the car with the truck so close that the guy couldn't open his door. Well, I don't know what he said and all but needless to say, he scared the guy. Mom and dad called the Sheriff's Department and the Paper. They got the guy fired and since he hadn't hurt mom, there was no way that he could be arrested or anything. All mom can do is file a statement and get a restraining order or something.  WHAT THE HECK?!So the scary thing is that the gun thing happened the morning I woke up and found the garage door open and big door open!! Mike and Shannon didn't leave it open! They shut it tight to keep the kitty from getting out!!!!  To make things worse someone followed me home Tuesday night!! I sat in my car for 20 minutes in my driveway b/c someone was sitting in theirs right behind my car! I didn't know if someone was playing a joke or if the guy was actually lost, but I hit the panic button on my car and the guy drove off. I have no idea if it was the same guy but... still.. that story scared me! I called Jason and bothered him at work about it... I didn't want to, but I was scared and I didn't want to worry my daddy. I was in tears too, Jason'll tell you. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night either... Jason made me feel a little better.  Lemme tell ya what Jason did for me!I told Jason the same story about Ubercreepy when I got out of the shower that morning online. He asked me for my mom's name and the number where I work. I thought that was kinda odd... He then told me that in case something happened to me if I were talking to him online or on the phone, that he could call my mom and tell her what happened so that she could try and help me. He says that this is his way of protecting me because he's so far away... T////////T I started to cry when he told me that! I was so shocked that he would do that, especially for someone he's never really met. I think I really do love Jason. It's the little things he does to make me feel better. I love you Jason. Thank you! ^////^ He's also going to call me every morning as I go out to my car to go to school and to work. He's my hero! ^////^ Gonna head to bed... to sleep... Good night!
 Remember! Lock all of your doors! Keep your cell charged if you have one when you go out! Remember that everyone is NOT your friend and they CAN hurt you if they want! Always tell someone where you are going! Have someone with you for a buddy system! If you have a weapon, make sure you know how to use it properly so you don't hurt yourself! Be aware of what is going on around you! And read the paper online... Paperboys are weird anyway. : / |

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Monday, August 29, 2005
New Bishie, new colors, new music!

Tee hee ^///^
 More rain yet again... [90% in the morning; 50%ish throughout today] High: 90s*F Low:80s*F Winds: HUMID. Ick. At least the hurricane is gone.
Wow... last week was kinda crazy. Been busy with school and work. I'm trying to get used to the new schedule... My sleep cycle is kinda going on it's own now. I'm either tired or hyper... or horny. : / Yeaaaaaah. VERY TIRED. Oh well, I'll get used to it eventually...  Yamcha took 2nd place in the last Bishie of the Month Poll, so... he is it for this month! ^//////^ Yay for Yamcha! So dreamy! ^////^ No, I did NOT choose Yamcha because it's Jason's user name... :PI did a lot last week. Kinda worn out still. I've got school later today, but nothing too hectic. Just three classes then I have to head to work and stay until 6. I also spent my last pay check on my first car payment. I've got... meh $50 left over.  That's gotta last me until NEXT Thursday. Mmm... Gotta go buy gas...  Downloaded "Doom 2" onto my computer. I used to play it a lot when I was younger. I finally found it ^ ^. I've forgotten all the codes and cheats for the game and can't get past the 2nd level without getting "raped" by monsters.  Can't wait until I find the chainsaw. Nya ha! If anyone knows the stuff for it, send it my way! Let's see what else did I do?...
 Oh, I learned a few more chords for the guitar.I'm actually writing something. It sounds pretty good... I just have a hard time playing it since it's a bit advanced for me. I hope to perfect it soon and maybe put words to it! My fingers still kinda hurt...  I'm WOUNDED!Actually, I'm okay. I was doing the dishes last week and ended up slicing open my pinky wide open. It hurts. It's healing though. I dropped a galss bowl and the shards cut me. Nasty cut... Can't bowl very well... Gonna head to bed... Good night!
 Oh yeah. How does the site look for this month? Purple is harder to match things for me... It's weird. Maybe I'm not so good with matching... Oh well. New color and bishie poll at the end of the month! |

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Thursday, August 25, 2005
Pick September's Color! ^ ^ Try not to pick one you've seen here. Like the current ones... Choices at the end of the post! VOOOOTE!

Tee hee ^///^
 Rain, rain, thunder, thunder... bah [90% in the morning; 67% throughout today] High: 96*F Low:83*F Winds: HUMID. Ick.A hurricane is coming to Florida...
Oops... I need to be watching more of The Weeather Channel, huh? Hurrican Katrina is supposed to pass over the middle of Fla. Looks like we're just gonna get the bands again. So rain all week it looks like.  I started school again for the Fall Semester. I'm taking 12 credit hours: Elementary Statistics, Human Growth and Development, Microeconomics, and U.S. History I. I had the last three yesterday and I have Stats later today. I like all of my professors so far. There's one that's just a STUD. ^////^ He's a doctor and he's pretty funny. He's a fair guy too! ^////^ So cute! Don't worry, Jason. ^////^ I'll only play doctor with you!!! ^//////^  I just called over to Texas while he was at work. ^ ^ He was very happy and surprised that I called! ^////^ I love you, Jason!
 I'll be studying a lot more lately, so I may barely get to update! Don't worry. I'll still post the next Bishie of the Month! ^ ^  Just hope I won't pass out! Let's see what else did I do?... OH YEAAAAAH! ^ ^  I'm learning how to play the guitar!I learned chords G major, G#, A major, A minor, C major, and one diminished chord that's HARD to make. My hands are too little... Oh well. My friend J-rod [Jared] is teaching me! ^ ^ He might buy me one for my birthday! Cool huh?! ^ ^ My fingers are hurting though...  I feel better now after all the fun.I'm a little tired though. My sleep cycle is a little wacky with the getting up early in the morning. I'm exhausted though.I get paid later today, BUT... most of it is going to the car. I make my first payment Friday. >.< I'm almost out of money! Other than that, I did some shopping. I got a Panda key chain that says "Eat my shoot". LOL. GET IT!? Okay.... Â. I thought it was funny. I also bought a purple Inuyasha t-shirt, Vol. 15 of Ranma 1/2, and a How To Manga art book... It really helps me out! ^ ^ "This Tank is beat dooooown!" as a friend of mine would say. He's funny. Gonna head to bed... Good night!
 Oh yeah. Pick one of these colors... PURPLE, DARK BLUE, BLACK, WHITE, GREY, or RED [Jason, if you say BROWN, I will beat you down! Lol! Inside joke, guys. Sorry! ^ ^;;;; I pick purple! I haven't played with that color yet! |

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Friday, August 19, 2005
Let's see: Play, pocket money, painting, playing more, popcorn-movieness, and pain! ALL BEGINNING WITH P!!! Pheh... I's plum tuckered out...

Just chillin'...
 Scattered T-storms [40% raining] High: 94*F Low:76*F Winds: North @ 5-10 mphIcky day today it looks like...
Oops... Looks like I've forgotten to update with you guys. My bad.  Well, a lot has happened... kinda. I got to talk to TheMouse a few days ago. We were talking online and he was helping me [well, attempting to, lol] figure out the best way and time for Jason to fly down here. Jason and I had decided on the 15th of December. Just a few jolly days before Christmas. ^////^ I can't wait. Jason wants to take a bus... Oi. That's 16.5 hours... one way... ::whines:: I can't wait that long! "Ah, it could be worse..." Yeah, yeah... I think he feels safer on a bus than a plane... of course planes are SAFER than buses, ah well... it might be cheaper... he just needs to book it soon. Like this weekend. *HINT HINT* ^ ^ Anyway, off track a bit... Sorry. There's a lot to yak about! ^ ^ I was getting confuzzled with all the airliner talk Shawn (TheMouse) had when we were on AIM. So... He called me! ^///^ He wasn't at all what I thought he sounded like! Very mature. ^ ^ Shawnie's got kinda a sexy voice. ^////^ I bet he can if he tries. *WINK WINK* Tee hee! ^///////////////^
 ::swoon:: Lol!!! Some sketches and fiddles...Original sketch [[unfinished]]That one's just in pencil. Playing "Final Fantasy Tactics" for PS 1 and got inspired. Same [[inverted??]]
Kinda looks like I did it in chalk and black paper! I like it as is... I just need to sign it. ^ ^ Let's see what else did I do?... OH YEAAAAAH! ^ ^  I have brand new checks!What am I talkin' about? That new checking account I got comes with checks and stuff! I'd post a picture, but it's got all my info on it. But if I can find the link later when I reorder them, I'll show you! ^ ^  I did a lot of resting this week. I think when you hit 21, every body function seems to fuck up one way or another. Three days ago it was my GI tract. Tummy hurt, cramping, and yes, Immodium AD was my best friend with the toilet and it's paper. >.< At least I found time to read some of the new manga I hadn't had time to read. Anyway, a few days later [yesterday], the "red dragon" returned from it's 28 day journey... It was angry. It hurt. Couldn't get up to move or do anything. It was like some one shoved a knife up there. It even hurt to pee!!  Owies. My meds weren't really helping. Jason was on the phone to help me from crying. I love you, baby!!! ^//////////^ I'm better now. Ooh, I saw "The Skeleton Key" on the weekend and on Tuesday night again. I liked it. Not too scary. It's PG-13. Kinda a mix between "The Sixth Sense" and "Darkness Falls". Not very scary, but you'll jump a little bit. Anyway, it's got a New Orleans flava to it and a little bit of Creole folk-tale and some magic. There's some voodoo-ness goin' on and some plot twists that will surprise you if you're REALLY not paying attention. The ending is... meh. Good if you like that kind, bad if you don't. I'm partial to happy endings myself, but this movie went both ways. I had to see it twice to get all the story straight in my head. Go check it out or wait until it comes to DVD/video. It's a good Halloween girl slumber party movie for teens. ^ ^ Other than that, I bought the new "Saiyuki: Reloaded Vol. 1" and "Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 2". Happy to buy little things again, but I still have to learn to manage my monies now. I got 3 "Fullmetal Alchemist" shirts from Hot Topic. 2 black with either a pink picture or pink and green with Ed and Al on it. I scored an "Inuyasha" one that's yellow with green, red, orange on a yellow shirt. It's Kagome, but I bought that a while ago. Other than that, that's it! ^ ^  Kinda bored now. Maybe some Final Fantasy is in order!? Good night, you guys!!OH!!!!!!!!
      Did uh, you guys hear about "The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess" getting PUSHED BACK EVEN FARTHER?!?!?
Anger. Mad. Rumor has it that it's going to be in March now. Someone [some video game guy that get's Nintendo emails/memos] that works at the game store where I have it reserved said that at a press conference, Bill Gates is also releasing the new X Box in November. NOW, Nintendo is moving the release date AGAIN for "Zelda"!! Coincidence? I say it's a pretty tactical move on Nintendo's part. Perhaps it's because they don't want to have to have people buying the X Box over the new game. More sales= more games for Nintendo to create I guess. Ah well, my reserve is still good. ^ ^ In the mean time... REBELL!!!! BUY A MACINTOSH! SCREW MICROSOFT!!!

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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Busy bee! Scared bee! Pissed off bee!! RAWR. Happy bee! Sleepy bee...

I feel better, but a little peeved.
 Partly cloudy. 83 F. It feels like it's 93 F. Blah. Humid.
I did a lot today: Cleaned the bathroom Got my car plate Gave my new baby its first car wash! I feel sooooo much better today you guys!! Thanks for all of the kind words. They really helped! My trip to the car dealer:Driving to the dealer is kinda a pain. I have to go past the ramp onto the highway and on a Saturday, everyone and their mother is out at lunchtime. GRAH. I was halfway there when I realized that I had gotten into the lane to get on the freeway!!  I've never been on the freeway/highway before so I turned on my blinker... LIKE A GOOD DRIVER... and attempt to get over. There was this one JERK OFF... who left like 10 feet of car space in front of him and my rear end of the car was in the other lane, blocking others! To the driver of a white chevy pickup truck with a stupid naked chick sticker on your trailer hitch:
 YOU. ARE. A. MORON!Anyway, I just leaned on the horn really hard until he heard me. Then he accidentally sped up too fast and almost hit the driver in front of him! He slammed on his brakes and then proceed to yell at me!  He then got outta his truck in stopped traffic and when to open my door!!! (this was all in the span of 2 minutes at a stop light) WAH! By the time he got to my door, I got into another lane and sped off! He didn't follow me, but I thought I was gonna die! Doesn't matter... I still have that baseball bat in my car from the softball game!I finally got to the dealer and the guy who had my plate ready was really cute!! ^///^ He liked saying my last name cause it's Spanish and you gotta roll your "r"s. His birthday is 6 days before mine and he's 20 too! ^ ^ I thought that was kinda cool. He was very nice.
But! I have eyes only for Yami. ^///^ No fanart today... Gotta set up my car payments tomorrow and buy school supplies too. See you all later!

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Saturday, August 13, 2005
Running errands, seeing friends, and just feelin'... BLAAH

 Yep... Rainy. Joy.
Didn't do very much this past week. Opened up a checking account to pay for my new car, gonna get my new plates tomorrow for the car, and in about 5-7 business days I'll have my own checks. I bought my school books today too. $274... Used: 3 New: 1 I hate money... But other than that I've been just kinda bummed. Work sucks. Home sucks more. School sucks 'cause I'm broke.
 I've been just sucky in general. Not to mention it's been nothing but rain all the time. The only joy I get is talking with Jason online and on the phone. He always seems to make me smile again. ^ ^ Just four more months!   My friend's doing a little better.Her whole situation is kinda bumming me out too 'cause I can't fix it myself with a magic wand![If anyone sees one, please... SEND IT TO ME!!!] I stopped by her house on Wednesday, the day after the fire, and saw the house.  There was not as much damage as I thought. The chimney was hit by lightning and the attic caught fire. The mantle above her fireplace was ripped apart to get to the fire as well part of the ceiling leading out to the front hall. The vents in the kitchen (this is all in the vicinity of the fireplace; like 8 feet or less) showed scorching on the outer part of the ceiling. The rest of the house was intact. Just the fireplace area was pretty burned. The rest of the house is covered in ash, soot, and carbon. The roof and the attic were pretty burned and the skylights she has were starting to melt But because of the roof being so damaged they can't live in the house for at least 6 months... She'll have to spend Christmas somewhere else... Right now the insurance company is paying for new temporary housing, their clean up, new clothes to wear because they're taking the old ones and washing them with all the linen and anything with a cloth cover: carpets, blankets, curtains... She's really lucky. They only lost about 3 pictures and some catalogues!!! Plus, yesterday she had to get her wisdom teeth removed.  Yeah, remember MY little adventure with the "tooth fairy"? They're going to put her out instead though. Her teeth are harder to get to, plus she is needle phobic. EXCESSIVELY. She'll bounce back. They'll give her "happy meds". She'll be juuuuuuust fine. ^ ^ Feel better, Kristin! No fanart today... Just a random one! Please rate my Bunny Lovin'! It's an old one. Done as a joke. Rate if you haven't all ready! ^ ^I hope I feel better tomorrow...

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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
FIRE!!!!!!!!!!! and Fanart!!

 My friends's house caught fire!!!!!
We had a lightning storm! My friend Kristin's house got hit by lightning and caught on fire!!! I was driving into my neighbor hood, and saw that the air was fuzzy/hazy. I was thinking that someone was burning trash again, but then I drove past her street and 3 flippin' firetrucks were parked out front! Lots of hoses and water! The flames were gone by the time I saw everything. I called her cell and made sure she, her mom, and her two doggies were okay. She was asleep when it struck the chiminey! She SLEPT through the BOOM! WTF?!  She smelled the smoke and woke up and got the dogs out too. Her mom I think was at work at the time. Only part of the attic caught fire, thank goodness... She's okay. Moderate damage with the fire, but there is lots of water though. : / I'm just glad that she and her mom and dogs are okay! I was scared! I bet she was too!!!!  We didn't win the tournament softball game it turns out.The final game we lost by 2 points. I told mom about it and she responded: "cheating bastards". Apparently, she found out that they had been "talking smack" and not using good sportsmanship. They had made fun of another girl and I for wearing blue jeans and say that they hope we don't break our nails.  Man. Come say it to my face! One fanart today! Please rate my Hazed Cloud! It's from Final Fantasy 7. From a doujinshi scan I have. I'm practicing before I try and draw free hand. I can't quite yet. I need something to look off of... Yes. Sad I know!  Bedtime! YAAAAAAAY! OVER 800 HITS!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!

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Monday, August 8, 2005
Final Score: A bruise the size of a baby's head....

Anyone ELSE wanna throw a ball at me?!
 I actually had an okay time... ^ ^
Sorry for not posting earlier. The game took a lot out of me. There were four teams. We got to play the first game. Mom and Daddy were there. Dad helped me bat a little bit. I don't have any problems throwing a ball, thank God. I just can't hit the broad side of a barn. : / I was a sprint runner for one person cause she hurt her leg. I got to bat only once in the last inning. The pitcher and another player of ours were arguing about if she was safe or not. It was hot and I got impatient: "Pitch the friggin' ball!" I shouted. I got a softball to the side of my rib cage and my Pop went postal on the guy. IT HURT! I cried a little bit, but walked to first and got out at second. I have this huge bruise under my left breast. Looks like a purple and green circle. Ew. :P In an earlier inning, I caught a homerun ball! ^ ^ YAY! Hurt my hand 'cause it was coming down fast. I'm okay though!  We won the first game 4 to 1! I didn't stay for the championship game. I hurt too much to play anymore. I'll find out later today at work. No fanart again today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Yamchaa! He's 22 years old today! Go say happy birthday!!Gonna go draw a little more before bed... See you!  Good night! YAAAAAAAY! OVER 800 HITS!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!

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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Take me out to the baaaall gaaame, take me out to the back alley and shoot me for this dumb idea... Lol

Softball Saturday... Bah
 Y'know what? Bring it.
Gotta play softball for my surgery center today. Games start at noon EST. Partly Cloudy, high 73 degrees, humidity 96.3%. Chance of isolated showers. Well, at least it's not gonna be REALLY hot today. I don't know how to play. I thought it was a good idea at the time too. :P Oops. You just hit the ball and run right? ^ ^;;;;; No fanart today...  Curse my good sportsmanship!! I'll post some fanart hopefully later tonight! Check back and wish me luck!!

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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Shortness, sleepyness, fuzzyness, glompyness.... Did I spell those last two words right????
::muttermutter:: SNORESPORK!!! ::mumblemumble::
Bah. Three A.M. What am I doin' up??? A repost on some fan art for those who haven't seen it. Scroll around to some of the other stuffs I got. Need to know what I need to fix!!! ^ ^;;;; The ultimate cute fuzzy thing...Glomped! Please rate!  Good night, you guys! I'll post tonight's story tomorrow! 2 posts in one PLUS fanart that's NEW!

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