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| Summoner Rekka
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Just a regular Monday... Some fanart too...

Another pic of your Bishie of the Month!
 Sexy? Ain't he?Just went to work today. It was a little easier than usual. Only 20 patients. : P I got stuck filing half the damn day... Oh well, at least I didn't have to answer the phone! ^__^
I bought 2 dvds today: "Pulp Fiction" and "A Few Good Men". I've seen them both, but not "Pulp Fiction" unclipped. ^ ^ Doode. Samuel L. Jackson is one bad ass you know what. ^ ^ I bought a few good men cause it's got Tom Cruise in it. ^ ^ Yes. I'm a fan. Fack your mum if it bugs ya. Just kidding. :P
I did more fan art today! I bought some markers on a whim too and tried them out. It's tricky using them, you know... "Dog food?! ::whimpers::" Ed and Al as kids Please rate!
Well, gotta head to bed now. See you all tomorrow! Maybe with more fan art too!  Good night, you guys!

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Monday, August 1, 2005
Fan art galore!!!
I'm DOG tired!
I didn't do very much today. I did go to the mall today and found the GREATEST shirt!! HERE! Isn't it funny?! It's true because my honey DOES live in TX. Lol. Okay. I'm a DORK! I KNOW!
I'm reposting the photos of my room again for you guys! Scroll down if you've seen 'em....
Here's some stuff and my anime collection:
My former Red Bullet! I miss you, Van! T.T I kinda miss driving it. It was so easy to see out the back!
Mr.Salty My kitty.
Sack lunch Kitty! He's so crazy...
Where all the myO magic happens! Small space. Gonna get a larger desk soon! Yep. That's an Apple eMac. I love my computer!
Above the desk! I have a lot of hats that I never wear. Bah. But that's a "tin" gold dragon I got for Christmas a few years ago. I think it's very chic! ^ ^
Movies. Mostly this is all dvds and some tapes. I have just dvds for most of my anime. There are other movies in my horde: Disney, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings stuff... Ninja Turtles ROCK, baby! ^______^
My manga horde and drawings! Yeah. Lots of books. You can see my stereo there and above that is a fanart with me and my favorite character in an old fic I wrote. ^/////^ You can see the one I did of Touma to the left and on the right is Rekka no Ryo. Some little figurines of Quistis Trepe and Hamtaro and a Hello Kitty doll I won..... somewhere....
Close up of the left side. You can see my art books. I loaned two of the new CLAMP ones to a friend, but you can see how big the poster of that pic of Tenku no Touma I posted as "Thinking of You, Baby".
Other drawings and high school awards. The top one is Naaza from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers in charcoal. The other is another view of Rekka no Ryo from the same show. You can see my letter I earned for band and cords I wore at graduation. Pink was band and red was for a Spanish Competition I helped run for the whole state of Flordia in 2003. I scheduled ALL of the times for the performances! :/ The silver cord is leadership in band, medal for making superiors across the board at State Competition for marching band, and the blue ribbons is first prize in Behavioral Science for the Science Fair when I was a Freshman. ^ ^
My bed ^ ~ Self-explanitory folks... duuuur. You can see Mr. Bear and and One-Eye the Tiger. Yes, brother RIPPED out his pretty green eye and flushed his tail down the toilet. T.T Above that is my Ronin Warrior action figure "shrine", Inuyasha calendar, Angel Santuary wallscroll, and the bulletin board for random junk. There's a better angle of the Cowboy Bebop wall scroll I have. I have more, but I'll need to lay them out to snap pics...
Well! That's me and my junky life!
I did do some fan art today! Water sprite Me as a kitty! Same as before but done There's also Mexican Seiji for those of you that haven't seen his happy dance of Mexican hat goodness. Please rate!
 Good night, you guys!

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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Dinner Party and Photoshoot # 2 (Long post : / )

Thanks everyone for wishing me a happy anniversary here! ^ ^ I love you guys and really appreciate it that you do comment on the things I do. You're input has gotten me outta some TOUGH scrapes! Let's have more fun this year too!
 Rock my world! YEAH! I found this picture web surfing ^ ^ Tee hee. "Teach me to play, Rooooooy, honey!"
I didn't do very much today. I did go to a fancy cocktail dinner earlier. It was all the way downtown in Jacksonville for my Surgery Center. Lots of yummy food and the dessert! OMG. I LOVE chocolate covered strawberries! One of the girls at the office swiped the chocolate garnish off of the chocolate tart. I did too. ^ ^;;; Mom won an award for working there for 5 years. I'll get a pin next year. Oh. joy. ¬_¬;;;;
I got pictures now folks! Some old ones, but you'll like them! The account is messing them up, so you'll have to click the sideways words. ^ ^;;;; Sorry. My image host isn't resizing PHOTOS for some reason. : /
Here's some stuff and my anime collection:
My former Red Bullet! I miss you, Van! T.T I kinda miss driving it. It was so easy to see out the back!
Mr.Salty My kitty.
Sack lunch Kitty! He's so crazy...
Where all the myO magic happens! Small space. Gonna get a larger desk soon! Yep. That's an Apple eMac. I love my computer!
Above the desk! I have a lot of hats that I never wear. Bah. But that's a "tin" gold dragon I got for Christmas a few years ago. I think it's very chic! ^ ^
Movies. Mostly this is all dvds and some tapes. I have just dvds for most of my anime. There are other movies in my horde: Disney, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings stuff... Ninja Turtles ROCK, baby! ^______^
My manga horde and drawings! Yeah. Lots of books. You can see my stereo there and above that is a fanart with me and my favorite character in an old fic I wrote. ^/////^ You can see the one I did of Touma to the left and on the right is Rekka no Ryo. Some little figurines of Quistis Trepe and Hamtaro and a Hello Kitty doll I won..... somewhere....
Close up of the left side. You can see my art books. I loaned two of the new CLAMP ones to a friend, but you can see how big the poster of that pic of Tenku no Touma I posted as "Thinking of You, Baby".
Other drawings and high school awards. The top one is Naaza from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers in charcoal. The other is another view of Rekka no Ryo from the same show. You can see my letter I earned for band and cords I wore at graduation. Pink was band and red was for a Spanish Competition I helped run for the whole state of Flordia in 2003. I scheduled ALL of the times for the performances! :/ The silver cord is leadership in band, medal for making superiors across the board at State Competition for marching band, and the blue ribbons is first prize in Behavioral Science for the Science Fair when I was a Freshman. ^ ^
My bed ^ ~ Self-explanitory folks... duuuur. You can see Mr. Bear and and One-Eye the Tiger. Yes, brother RIPPED out his pretty green eye and flushed his tail down the toilet. T.T Above that is my Ronin Warrior action figure "shrine", Inuyasha calendar, Angel Santuary wallscroll, and the bulletin board for random junk. There's a better angle of the Cowboy Bebop wall scroll I have. I have more, but I'll need to lay them out to snap pics...
Well! That's me and my junky life!
Ha ha, yes. I know I didn't use the word bare/bear correctly in the last post. Gimme a break. It was four in the morning when all these changes went into play. NYAAAAAAAH: P I kid, Shawn. ^ ^ How's that "hunt" going? Hmm? Lol.
Gonna draw for a little while. I'm bored and waiting for a friend to get online to talk. I'm going to shop later today after I actually sleep. Lol. No tax week for the mall. Awesome. It's the last day for it too... Hope you guys liked the photos. None of me though, sorry! I'll try and get more. I'm camera shy no matter how cute you guys think I am! ^///^ I did another drawing! Go see Here!  Good night, you guys!

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Saturday, July 30, 2005
New stuff and late nights...

YES! One year at myOtaku! Happy Anniversary to me! .......... Yeah. I know I'm 2 days late. :P
 Flame Alchemist Roy Mustang is August's Bishie via popular demand. ^ ^ Hot stuff, ne?
So how does the site look for this month? I tried keeping everything looking okay with the colors and stuff... : / Hope you guys like it! I also joined DeviantART finally! Click on the cute "My Art" button to see it. There is art that you guys have seen, but there will be more later once I get used to it.
I got paid on Thursday: $240! Not as much as it used to be since I'm back to working part time now. Took a big pay hit. Plus I have the car payments to make, but those don't start until September. So I'm gonna save so I still have "Fun Monies". ^ ^ Oh! SetoKaibaFreak asked me what "nordic white" was about the color of my car. It's just a fancy name for white. : / And zero li enna asked about my mileage. I think it's 24 for to and from usage and 32 highway miles... ^ ^;;;;;; That's good, right????? No, inuyasha311, I didn't use boobage to get the price down. I had grumpy pop do that. ^ ^;;;;
Bah... It's almost 4 in the damn morning... I need to be up at nine to talk to Yami. ^ ^ He makes my heart go THUD... and my head go fuzzy. ^/////^ So I'm gonna head to bed folks. Sorry that I haven't been around as much as I should. I'm getting used to working these new hours now, so please bare with me!
 Good night, you guys!

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Saturday, July 23, 2005
Bishie Babes and Groovy Cars
::Drum Roll::

 Saturday... The Bishie of the Month Results: Roy Mustang: V Yamcha I Well, well... it seems the masses have decided. Roy Mustang will be our next Bishie for the month of August. Yamcha I guess will have to try again next time... -_-* YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! I got my car! Ahhhh. It's music to my ears: "MY car". It just sounds sooooo right. I haven't taken a picture of it yet, but I have pictures from the internet...

From the front...My car is a 2005 Hyundai Elantra in a shiny new "nordic white". They couldn't find one in "rally red" like I wanted, but I kinda like the white...

From the back...It's a hatchback. Lots of room. 6 speakers. A/C... that WORKS. AM/FM stereo up to 18 memory channels with CD player. Front and back window washers. Power windows and locks. A car alarm and on the key ring with a "Panic Button" in case someone is following me. Fog lights. Lots of little compartments and drawers to hide stuff. Sunglasses holder. My back seats fold down for more cargo room. I have a net in the "trunk" that can hold food and stuff. A spare tire is underneath that too. Um, 10 year, 100,000 mile warranty, roadside assistance, and if my car is on a trip over 150 miles and breaks down and to be serviced over night, Hyundai will pay for all of my lodging and food (well I'll be re-embersed) up to $100 a day! ^__^ Coolness! In total the car is $11,400 roughly. My payments are $199.50 a month, but mom and dad are taking care of my insurance because I'm in school... ^________________________^ Happy!!!!!!! Well, that's what I've been doing all this week. Working and playing with the alarm button on my car. ^ ^ I saw the new "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" movie twice all ready, bought an Inuyasha shirt from Hot Topic. It's yellow. Waaaaaaaaaah. I'm sleepy. Good night everybody. I love you!

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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Boys, cars, and school... Typical day for a girl...
::Drum Roll::

 All right... Saturday... The Bishie of the Month Results: Roy Mustang: III Yamcha III Okay this was last's posts results. Looks like Roy and Yamcha are TIED! ::SIGHS:: -.-* Well, looks like I can either have another poll... or I've got 2 winners for August... Any suggestions? Please forgive. Gone car hunting today! Yeah, going to go car shopping today! I've got $3,000 big American baffos (I think that's dollars ^ ^;;;) saved up for a down payment... I hope I get a good deal... I got all my classes for school that I wanted and I still get to keep my job! Hence, the car hunt. I'll also be a licensed Certified Nursing Assistant by the end of October too!!! ^ ^ That's long ways for a CNA. I won't be a nurse yet, but I'm getting close! Well, I've got laundry to do... I have to find a shirt that shows some cleavage... Mom said they give you a break if girls have big you know what. Lol. What do you think, Yami? ^ ~ I love you all and wish me luck!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Down to the wire with boys and classes... I hate deadlines... They bore me.
::Humming "Old McDonald"::

 Icky. Tuesday... The Poll thus far: Vegeta: II Roy Mustang: IIII Yamcha III Okay this was last's posts results. Looks like Roy and Yamcha are pretty close. Yet, sadly. I must drop Vegeta-sama -.-* Please forgive. Vote again! Sorry Yamchaa, only one vote per poll! Naughty! Well, my weekend was certainly "satisfying" ^ ~. Especially early yesterday morning. Hot damn! ^////^ Unfortunately, I will not disclose what happened... Not something I want on the internet... : / I like to tease you guys though! ^ ^ (I love you, honey!!!) I register later this morning and I'l find out if I can really keep my job and go to school. Oy... I really hope that I can get the classes that I want. I can't even log in online to do it until the time and the date. I HATE this COLLEGE. BAH!!! I'm attempting to take 12 credit hours... and still keep my job... I'm gonna be sooo worn out! A short post today. VOTE DAMMIT! Lol. Please? It's a new poll so if you wanted to vote again on your favorite, go ahead! Yamcha versus Roy Mustang! Vote for character! Not just cause he's hot or that everyone else thinks he's so cool! I hate bandwagon voters. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. >.< I love you all and take care!
 Me and my friend's guitar. No. This isn't my room (I wish I had that much Metallica and Zepplin junk) and yes, I do know that the camera adds 10 pounds. : P Yami thinks I'm gorgeous so NYAHHHH! :P I do like my hair color in this picture! ^ ^ Plus I finally got a smile down for once! I'M TAKEN, BOYS!
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Bombs, school, and a job hunt...
::YAAWN::  Bah... again with the sleepy! The Poll thus far: Vegeta: I Roy Mustang: II Yamcha II Yue and Kiba have not received any votes so they are out for this month. It's down to these 3 lucky boys! Time to vote again! ^ ^ Nothing very exciting happened for me today or during the week. I just found out about London today. Thank God that it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Many were injured but I think no more than 40 people were killed in the attacks. And considering London is more heavily populated and condensed than NYC, they were really lucky that they didn't have many casualties. Good Luck Tony Blair! ^ ~ I start school again on the 22nd of August. I might loose my job though because I can't be there enough. So I'm starting to look for more right now. There is a hospital next door to where I work and all I would have to do if I should get hired is fill out a transfer form because we are BOTH HCA facilities. ^ ^ No more background checks and pee tests for drugs, yes!! A short post today. VOTE DAMMIT! Lol. Please? It's a new poll so if you wanted to vote again on your favorite, go ahead! I love you all and take care!
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Monday, July 4, 2005
A country's birthday and an African photoshoot ^ ^
Happy Birthday America!
 BANG BOOM BOOM!! I love the fireworks!I usually don't do much on the fourth. ^ ^ We like to set up lawn chairs behind our house and watch the neighors light off the illegal stuff. ^ ^ The best show I saw was when I was living in Washington D.C. when I was about in 4th grade and we got to sit and watch them up close! The whole sky lit up and they had it timed to I think the 1812 Overture or Liberty Bell March. It's been a long time since then. ^ ^ Oh, some of you didn't know where my parents had been for 20 days. I posted a while back that they had gone to Africa. Daddy went on a safari lead by this guy named John Sharp. Type in his name and the word Safari on and check him out. He's pretty good if you're thinking about going on one! Daddy went to HUNT so this wasn't a site seeing tour of the savanna. In fact, I don't think that they did go anywhere near on. They were in Zimbabwe.
 This was the kind of terrain they saw and climbed. Not very flat like you'd think. ^ ^;;My mom went too!
 This is her I think on the plane after they landed in South Africa. ^ ^ She's blonde. I'm not! >.<Daddy killed 5 things: 2 kinds of pig/boar, an African deer, and impala, and a cape buffalo (water buffalo???). That was the BIG kill:
 Daddy is on the right with the sunglasses. John Sharp is in the middle. The one on the left is Capt. Zekkin. ^ ^ He's a friend of the family. Mommy says he looks like Race Bannon. Lol. But yeah. I feel bad for the buffalo. Oh well... At least he's not gonna get eaten by a lion. Plus he didn't die slowly... ^ ^ Bullets are good for something I guess... My friend said: "Aww, poor cow." LOL!Okay. Here are the candidates for August's Bishie of the Month! :  Yamcha from Dragonball and Dragonball Z! ^ ^ A surprise considering that he's not the lead character. The underdog in this months voting perhaps? I can't wait to see ^///^ Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist. ^ ^ I haven't learned too much about this character yet. I'm still just getting into the series... He looks very intriguing though! ^ ^
 Everyone's favorite "Bad Man", Vegeta is next in line. ^ ^ I love a man in spandex ^.~
Yue! He's from Card Captor Sakura. ^ ^ The silent eyes and silvery hair... ^///^ A plus!
Lastly, Kiba from Wolf's Rain. I've never watched the show to tell you the truth, but my sister tells me that he's pretty cool. About all I could tell you is that "Kiba" in Japanese means "fang". Well. It's fitting. ^ ^;;;
Well, the nominations are closed now. Cast a vote! ^ ^ Polls are open for 5 days! You can only vote once! Good luck, boys! ^.~ I love you all and take care!
 Happy Fourth of July!
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Ready for it to be Friday again...
::YAAWN::  Sleepy...Mom and daddy are back and daddy got 5 animals and mom managed to pull a lot of James Bond stuff with bringing in snail shells and some other stuff. Nothing serious. They did a lot of hiking and you wouldn't believe all the climbing they did! It's pretty mountainous there. I always thought it was pretty flat. I guess not! Anyway, not much doing today just sleeping about 4 hours so I'm exhausted... Remember to nominate some candidates for me to make a poll on! Vegeta is one so there's four more to be chosen! Come oooon! I love you all and take care!
 Ja ne!
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