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| Summoner Rekka
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Fuzzy feeling: Mom and Dad home? Bathroom Cleaner? Or... Love?
Mom and Dad come home today! ^____^  Boy, am I sure glad that they're coming back. I HATE being responsible!!Bah. But they're supposed to be home sometime during lunch. So I was gonna make something easy to eat because they'll be really tired. Does pasta and salad sound good to you guys? I'd make some meat, but... all we have is chicken! I can't cook it very well... I managed to help clean up around here. My room's still a mess, but I did get the family room picked up, dusted, and vaccuumed. I finished cleaning the dining room too, and I tackled the bathroom with a variety of cleaners.... My head hurts. For once I got lazy with directions and I mixed chemicals. Don't do that. I still smell bleach, kaboom, and teflon cleaner... My eyes are still dry too. Blah. I feel clean yet... artificially covered in some filmy mess. Yuck. Lesson: Read directions and follow them... You'll save yourself a big headache... OH! ^////^ I'm in love! ^ ^ I feel so giddy right now. Actually I've been feeling a little light for a while now... but I dunno yesterday while talking on the phone with him I just... ^/////^ I felt HAPPY! Happy, excited, anxious, fuzzy, warm, calm, a little turned on too... Ack! I'm turning red! Maybe that's why everything is pink now!! I feel like the color pink!! But anyways. I'm not telling who it is (and for those of you that figured it out: SHHHHHH!!!!). I want "him" to say it if he wants to. Well anyway. No pressure on him. I'm all about keeping secrets... I just don't wanna say anything cause it might piss a few people off. >.< Can't have that now... Oh well. I don't care! I LOVE him!!! Totally, completely, utterly, can't live without each other love!! I'm not over the top am I? This is a first for me sooo... Tell me to calm down. Please? I don't want this going to my head.... LOL. Well, this is the new background and colors for this month. There will be a poll for August... Suggestions open! I need 4 candidates!! I shall start of with:
 This picture is just screaming to be thought of in perverted ways. Meh. I'm a BIG fan of Vegeta. ^////^ I LOVE this fanart!! Anyway, 1 down 4 more to be chosen! Enter and win... my gratitude? ^ ^;;;;I love you all and take care!
 Ja ne!
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Star Wars, Final Fantasy 3 and 8, and babies. Wow. Odd combo, huh?
Sunday afternoon and nothing to do. Yet another ::sigh::  No rain today, but it still is all hot and icky after a rain so it might as well be. I've been on a TOTAL Star Wars craze. Did anyone watch the AFI Tribute to George Lucas the other day? OMG. William Shatner was on it. 'Nuff said! But seeing the whole cast of Star Wars and some joked about Star Trek and Indiana Jones was worth watching... Hey, some neat info I found out for Final Fantasy fans and Star Wars. I found out that in the "4th Episode" when Luke rescues Leia he's dressed as a storm trooper. Well, it turns out in Final Fantasy 3 (also known as 6), the SAME scene played out when Locke rescued Celes for the first time. It's the SAME script. I freaked. The next cool thing I picked up were the names Biggs and Wedge. Yep it's the soldiers in 3 and in 8 for Final Fantasy. I think it's more than a coincidence, but I still think it's as cool as hell that they're so similar. I'm a freak like that I guess. ^ ^;; I found out today that the first friend I ever had when I was 5 is now 6 months pregnant. She's 18, but I've known her since she was in diapers... I'm still in shock and my mom doesn't know either. She was like a second mom to her. I couldn't believe it!! But the father dumped her, but her ex-boyfriend is willing to marry her to help out. ^_________^ WAAAAI!! Isn't that sweet! Yay! Still trying to clean up before parents get back... I love you all and take care!
 Ja ne!
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
A Lazy Sunday, But Not Too Lazy Ta Boogie!
Sunday afternoon and nothing to do. ::sigh::  It's been raining a little bit here. Kinda off and on. Two weeks without the folks now. Things are going all right. I got paid this week, and I'm about to make a grocery store run. Update on my best friend: She's doing a lot better now. I had let her use my phone to talk to him. But on Friday night he called MY phone at 2:30 in the morning. >.< We didn't talk, but you're not supposed to call people that early in the morning! I have adoring fans now for my fanfiction!! Four of them! ^___^ I am very much grateful to them: Furby, Coco, Pocky, and Milan! ^ ^ You guys rock! Well, I'm waiting for a friend to call, so I must bit you all a fine farewell. Mom and dad come home next Sunday so I may not update for a little while again. Did everybody go see that fan art I did last week? Click and no harm shall befall you!!It's for ChaosButterfly! I love you all and take care!
 Ja ne!
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Cleaning out my closet... and picking up pieces of a broken heart...
"Dern it! Where did I put that dag blasted thing!?"  I've been cleaning a lot and being "mom". Well, it's been a week since the parents left. The house is still standing and everyone still has there arms and legs. We had a little scare with the hurricane/tropical storm/depression Arlene, but nothing really bad. No flying animals over the yard. The only bad thing is that my very bestest friend found out that her fiancee left her for California. He just up and left without really a goodbye. He gave her one story and some others two different ones. But the one he's sticking to is that he cheated on her about 7 months ago right before he asked her to marry him (I think). He won't say with who though... but before he finally told her how long ago it was we both thought that it was because that he's gay and he left with his best friend who's bi..... He admitted to kissing him a week ago soooooo....... I dunno... At least it wasn't with another girl... She's pretty mad and upset. I'm not sure what to tell her. I always felt that he would do something like this... at least he didn't knock her up or anything. He never paid for breaking her windshield though... Oh, many thanks for Panda and Mouse for their help. Time is the only medicine for her now... that and she got her new Djs in the mail. Ronin Warrior ones!!! ^________^ So pervy, but the pictures are pretty! I get paid this week and I'll be that much closer to my car! ^ ^ I'll let you guys know how much I've got soon! Oh, I did a new fan art. So, go see! CLICKY ME-O!It's for ChaosButterfly! I love you all and take care!
 Ja ne!
Comments (11) |
Monday, June 6, 2005
Safari Bound!
Gone. Gone. Gone...r?  Hope the natives will be nice. Yep, parents are on a ticket to Johanesburg, South Africa. Dad and mom are going to be gone until June 26th. They'll both be on a safari in Zimbabwe, but they have to fly to South Africa to get there. They left early this morning at around 1 so I'm a little tired. It's a flight to Atlanta, GA then from there it's 17 hours give or take to Africa. As of now, I'm legally responsible for my little brother should anything medically bad happen to him. I don't have one for my sister because she was supposed to stay with my grandparents all summer, so they have her medical power of attorney. So I get to babysit for about 3 and a 1/2 weeks. Fun. I didn't really do much this weekend. I basically laid around and enjoyed the weekend. ^///^ Yami called me and it made me very happy. It's good to hear a kind voice on the other end! He's on a trip right now, but he should be back soon. Sorry this was short. I'm kinda tired after helping mom and dad get ready for their trip, but sadly I have to go to work now. :P I love you all and take care!
 Ja ne!
Comments (6) |
Thursday, June 2, 2005
The results are in, my fellow.... O..takuians? ^ ^;;
^///^  SHOCKED? I was kinda in a bind for the main and post backgrounds. Can't go wrong with chickens and hearts right?! Well folks, I've decided to wait until August to go buy my car. There was a bit of a "rift" this weekened concerning the new car. Is it bad if I don't want a cheaper car just because I don't like the color or even style? Plus it's USED. REALLY used and the girl selling it and I REALLY don't get along! ^ ^;; I counted up all the votes. Ranma recieved 3, Kouga recieved also 3, and Inuyasha really surprised me and only recieved 2! So it was a tie originally out of the 8 people that voted so, since I didn't vote yet, I chose Ranma! ^ ^ I'm sorry those who voted for Kouga and Inuyasha! Since Kouga won second, he'll be next month's bishie! ^///^ Sorry this was short. I'm kinda tired after all this redesigning! I love you all and take care!
Comments (5) |
Monday, May 30, 2005
Monday off and the polls are up!
-_-*  Ooops... Well, I went to go deposit my tax return the other day and my card ended up getting eaten by the machine! If you leave it in there too long, my bank's safety feature is to eat your card so other blokes don't get my hard earned moo-lah! So I had to call the corporate office and cancel cards and they're sending me a new one in the mail... They're also sending the pin number separately too. I won't have access to money for a while. Good thing I filled up on gas first! OH! Bank told me the amount I have now!! Drumroll please! ::drummroll:: $2300! WHOO HOOO! I'll have at least $3800 by the time mom and dad come back from Africa! HA! I don't work today! M'sooo glad to get this day off. I HATE MONDAYS! I finally started playing Final Fantasy X-2! >.< It's kinda fast in the battles. I'm not quite used to it, but I'm a MASTER at this series! I'll get it eventually! Oh, next month will be a new post design and a new bishie of the month! Any suggestions? I've got these three lined up:
 Kouga-kun ^ ^ Ranma-chan ^ ^
 Inuyasha-sama ^ ^
Please be fair! Don't pick the ones you like just because they're your favorites! Think about them first!! Okay. I'll have to figure out colors on my own I think... but every opinion is appreciated! I love you all!
Comments (8) |
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Money is good!!
^ ^  I do love a good tax return!! I got my tax return yesterday! $201.00! It's not very much to some people who make eighty-billion digits. : / But hay! It's closer to my car! I've been working full time now at work until we can get back on track in Medical Records at work! My paycheck was $396.06 when it is usually around $230. Oh well, I made almost $600 in 2 weeks so... Hopefully my car will be the one I want! I didn't get to talk to my friend this morning so I'm a little sad. I think his sister didn't let him on. Grr. That, or he may be sick today. I told you sleeping on the ground is bad for you! Oh well, feel better, Yami! I love you all!
Comments (9) |
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Just a song today....
.....  Listening to Richard Marx. I really love this song... but I hate it too... But it's EXACTLY how I feel now. Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
How can we say forever
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times
That I though would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' crazy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' crazy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you I'm okay, just a little bummed. I'll get better. It's just taking it's sweet time getting here. :P I love you all!
Comments (10) |
Thursday, May 19, 2005
I heart you!
^///^  "I love you!!!" I just wanted to let everybody who visits me to know how much I really appreciate your comments and thoughts. They really do help me a lot and I'm not as discouraged at the end of the day when I come home and read them. Sometimes there are few... sometimes there are MANY! All your input is very special to me and I don't know what I'd ever do with out all of you! So... Panda
 Thank you for all of your Ancient JAPANESE wisdom! Your daily posts give me the giggles! Get well soon! Steptoussai!
 ^ ^ So young! I'm jealous that you're still in high school! Thank you so much for your visits! "First Post" award goes to you! ^ ^ Yay! Raven8763...
 You. Rock. Period. You are the Yaoi Queen around here! I love all the yaoiness on your site! Here! Have a bishie! NO! Have two! Now go make a dirty fic we yaoi-fan crazed girls love! TheMouse!
 Or Shawn as I know him by... ^ ^ It's nice to have an insider to the male oriented world. That last bout I had really did a number on me, but you put my head on straight! Arigato! Now. Go have fun in Disney without me... T__T ::schkk::Paging Dr. Monkey Orange! Report to OR 4 stat!! ::schkk::
 You are my medical comrade-in-arms! You know just as badly as I do how ruthless Med school is. May we both terrorize medicine! NYA HA!! Thanks for making me laugh! Katocool!!
 How did you get your name anyway? ^ ^ Thanks for being one of my regulars. If there's only one person to post a comment, it's you! MUCH LUV FOR WHITE NINJA!!! ^ ^ Thank you! Hey, your birthday is the day after mine! I'll make you something nice, k!? ElvesAteMyRamen
 I cannot remember how long I laughed when I found your site. YOUR NAME ROCKS! ^ ^ Not only that but I love your art work! Keep up the good work and my army of bloddy thirsty chibis will keep the plagarists at bay! ChaosButterfly
 Bon Vivant? WTF? I have no idea, but it's gotta be great. You're great! I love your Saiyuki wallpapers and all the coloring you do with them! ::chibis dance in honor:: Now hide the rum before they get to it. My chibis are quite pervy when intoxicated... Akayo Kanachi ::swoon::
 ^ ^ M'still waiting to go to Tokyo, dude! So cute... ^ ^ You are one of those guys that every girl wants to be around just cause. ^ ^ Aikou no Shinzui...
 ^ ^ My newest bud-DY at the myO. I find myself giggling like an ijit when we chat online. WTF?! LOL!! Hey... I think you and I were deranged squirrel buddies in a former life. ::blinks:: ^ ^ See? Weird. That's what I love about you! ^ ^ Go watch Whose Line and tell me what happens! Thanks for the laughs... and extended vocab... -_-* MewWem!
 ^ ^ You live where Hobbits habit... New Zealand. Ahhh... LUCKY! ^ ^ You've ALWAYS got something good to post. Movies... money... the occasional chemistry dream about Jessie McCartney. ROFL. I giggled. I cried. And laughed more! I do hope your arm is better. Yeah don't wanna get menngy B now, do ya? I'm scared of clowns? Does that help? And last but not least... for now... Yami... ^///^
 ^ ^ Thanks for having the courage to do what you are doing. It means a lot to me! ^ ^ Thanks for making me laugh, cry, and picking me up when I've had a horrid day... ^///^ Wow. That's what? 11-12 people?! OMG! And there's like 20 more on my list! Well, this post was for all of you who really leave actual and heartfelt comments. ^ ^ I really appreciate it and love you all to pieces!! Take care all of you and don't forget to smile! I HEART YOOOOU!!! ^///////^
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