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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Being a nurse in 17 months!
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| Summoner Rekka
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
-_-  I'm alive, just a little tired and bored... See? Hey guys, no, I didn't forget about you guys. I've been working full-time now for 2 weeks and talking with a good friend online every morning too instead of sleeping. It's crazy what you'll do for someone you care about, huh? ::singsong voice:: I'm nooot teeeellliiiing! ^///^  Say hello to Mr. Salty again. He's my kitty... Chaos Butterfly wanted to see him so... Hope she stops by!Most of this week and last week have been really busy at the surgery center. I've been working 40 hours a week! And we had another 50+ case day today and an early morning meeting at 6. I stayed later than everyone to finish up so I would have more time to deal with tomorrow's day. Man it's only Tuesday! Uh oh... Hey guys? Y'know that fuzzy tummy feeling you get sometimes? The one that makes your head feel woozy and your heart skip? ^//////^  I think I'm in love guys! ^///^
Shh! I'm not disclosing anything now. Maybe soon? NYA HA! I love suspense, don't you?
I did another fan art! Please go see! ^ ^ Oyasumi
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
I've been looking so long at these pictures of you... -The Cure
^///^  I feel funny! Erm... A beautiful day today, ne? He got my letter finally! ^///^ I'm so happy that it got to him! I really worked hard on it! my tummy feels all funky! ^ ^ I scanned some pictures for all you lovely otakus! You see, I am NOT made of ink and copic markers! Darn... I kinda wanted to be! But here are a few.  Me at two and a half years. That's a bubble pipe in my mouth... I still have it I think! ^///^ Me again. I'm four in this one. Navy brat through and through! ^ ^
 Senior Prom... ::sigh:: Not pleased with this one as I'd like. My hair is so long here! And red! LOOK at it! o.0 ^///^ I know some of you LOVE my hair. This one is for you! ^///^
And lastly:
 Graduation 2003! Congradulations Class of 2005! You did it! I posted one more fan art today. I LOVE my scanner!!! I'm heading to bed now. I have another working day ahead of me tomorrow... ::Le sigh:: I hope you guys liked the pictures! Hey Yami, you've heard the song right? Remind you of someone? ^///^ Kidding.  Oyasumi!
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
^////^  I had an interesting weekend. Mom and dad went to a wedding all weekend out of town. So I had the whole weekend... to clean... and truck my sister to and from Akido all weekend. On my spare time I talked alot with Yamchaa online. ^////^ I don't think he'd be happy about me talking about certain stuff... You're secrets are safe with me! ^ ^ We did talk about music a lot and the pictures he took. He accidentally fell asleep while talking to me! ::tee hee:: He's so cute. No really! Jason you're a babe! ^////^ We talked about other stuff, buuuut... it's way too much stuff. I stayed up all night on Saturday! Went to bed at 1 P.M. ¬.¬ Yes, how irresponsible of me... >.< Anyway. I had a great time! I bought a scanner today. I accidentally shorted out my brother's ram on his comp when I used his scanner. So, I gotta buy him new ram and my scanner cost alot too. I'm in the hole $280 and change...  Say hello to Mr. Salty! He's my kitty...But I'll start posting pictures of me soon. I just have to find them... I'll post some fan art in a few days. Now I can scan all the junk I want! "WOOT". That was for Aikou no Shinzui... He's always saying it, but it BUGS me. So this is a one time deal bucko! ^ ^ Hope you and your sister are feeling better..  Sleepy.
I'm fixing to watch "The Goonies" now. I haven't seen it in a while. "The Breakfast Club" is on now, but it's all clipped. ^///^ I like it. Question everyone!: If you were going to die in 72 hours, what would you do? I'd go see Jason then probably go to Orlando to Disney or something. I'm having a rough spot with my family here. They're making me mad... >.< Hope you guys have a wonderful day! Oyasumi
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Friday, May 6, 2005
::YAWN::  Ugh. A little sleepy now. Erm... ::looks out bedroom window:: Looks like there is going to be actual sun today. I had a very slow day yesterday. Only 15 patients to copy for. ^ ^ And get this: remember that BIG oopsie I did the other day? Well, I did NOTHING wrong according to our Privacy Officer. I had turned myself in after it happened to her. The form that patients sigh, she told me, only applies to PATIENT INFORMATION. So, by legality's standpoint, letting her back there wasn't a smart thing to do, but I did not violate any patient rights. You have to ask to "opt out of the directory (become a restricted access patient) for something like that. When she told me all that I was a little confused. I didn't know what she meant. She told me that the patients and family members are given the pamphlet to read and it has that option. PSH. NOBODY reads those damn things! So, it's kinda of like a double edged sword here. They didn't read so therefore there is no cause to get all bent up about it. NYAH! :P But one thing happened yesterday that I kinda oopsed on: I was talking with my pen pal online ( ^///^ So nice) and lost track of the time because I was having so much fun. Well, I was supposed to go into work at Noon, but ended up realizing that at about 12:10. No worries. I wasn't fired. Although, I did get the nerve to say a few things and split without a response. YES! What courage! Tell him how you feel and then split before he can reject you! I AM SUCH A COWARD!  Heh heh... My bad. ::kicks dirt:: Yami, I apologize! T_TI bought the first Volume to Full Metal Alchemist yesterday too. ^ ^ Alphonse looks bad ASS in it! He's all "Rrrr" and Ed's all "Nyah-ha-HA!". They're so cute! WAHHHH! I saw the episode last night! O.o WTF!? WHAT HAPPENED?! It was soooo sad! I kid you not, I cried a little bit! There is no justice here. INJUSTICE!!! Whoops, sorry. Wu-fei moment... ::blush::ATTENTION!
 ::INSERT HAPPY DANCE::My nursing etrance exam results came back to me in the mail! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I had to get an average of 50 in Math and a 55 in Reading comprehension... ::DRUMROLL:: Math score composite: 72!Reading score composite: 70! I DID IT!!!!! XD Soooo happy! The only thing that can make me happier now is for my pen pal to get his letter today and well for him NOT to flip out on me after my PM... Hmm... Guess I have to wait until I get home tonight...
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
Days may suck but: You ain't gettin' rid of me!
T_T  Maaan... Erm... It was kinda gloomy today. Lots of rain, but not enough to really make things miserable. The sad thing was that it was all day long! Perfectly good nap weather... wasted at work. Work was slower today. Yesterday we had 53 patients as I said last time. MAN. I xeroxed a lot of charts. It took me 3 hours to copy: demographic sheet, financial aggrement sheet, insurance verification, photo I.D. and proof of insurance, plus any receipts or Medicare forms! That was the left side. On the right is a 5 page History and Physical (medical background), anesthesia record, AND the doctor's pre-op physical before you go in! Times all that by 53.... -_-* I was really tired. Not to mention that I royally screwed up and let someone see a patient w/out clearance. I got a MAJOR verbal warning. I felt so bad that I ate lunch by myself outside, crying most of the time. Yes. I am a baby sometimes, but that person could have had a gun or a bomb or worse! I endangered the life of a patient and possibly the staff. I'm really surprised and thankful that I didn't get fired on the spot. I'm walking on eggshells now... so if I seem a little... "unposty" that's why.  See Seiji. See Youja. See Seiji kill Youja. Go Seiji, go!!Yeah, also to make matters a little worse, Nintendo has yet again pushed back the release date for the GameCube version of Zelda. I read about it in Electronic Gaming Monthly that had the feature. The game looks pretty sweet from the graphics and interviews. Sadly, Eiji Aonuma cannot disclose a lot of the secrets. Even the game theme and the actual title can't be answered! Makes me wanna buy it more now! ^ ^ Anyway, instead of June 2nd, it's November 2nd. That's 6 months away... -_- Nooooo. Eh, I'll live.Oh well, at least this was a little less sad than my last post. Panda is doing a little better it looks like from her post today. My browser wouldn't lemme post!!!! M'sorry! T_T Oh well, time to hit the hay. I don't know if my letter has reached my oh-so-loveable-hugable-dare-I-say-GLOMPABLE pen pal yet. I'll let you know when he gets it. Oh I called about my results from my nursing exam... still not ready. ::sighs:: At this rate I'd have BETTER passed it!  Oyasumi!
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Medical Madness and a Hope for Medical Miracles...
^ ^  Life is kinda fickle... Heya, guys. Did everyone have a productive day? Yeah, I was pretty busy myself with all the work to be done at the surgery center. It was a lighter day today, but I had to get a lot done because later today we have our biggest case load of patients. Think about this: 12 hours to check in 53 procedures and 1 pre-op (that's like a physical only without the cavity search technique ::winces::). Usually there is about an hour for each patient. Today there will be mostly Cataract removal, Yags, and Phacos. I'm not sure what those are but there about your eyes. The other big chuck is the Pain Clinic and that's just shots of epidural (girls take this during labor for pain. HAPPY DRUG ^ ^) for pain like back and neck injuries or arthritis. I'm not sure about what it's affects are on RA, I'll have to check into that for Panda-chan. But needless to day. I have an 8 hour day tomorrow. It may not seem like a lot but you do the math with these cases! You have to fit other surgeries and procedures in there too! Like colonoscopies and lap tubal ligations (getting your "tubes tied" for girls). It's bananas!  I'm such a dork.I sent my letter today... ^ ^ I almost didn't either. I kinda don't want to say who it is cause there's someone here who really likes him. We're just friends... well for now anyway. ^ ^ Can't rush a good thing. I'll be honest too. I kinda like him, but I don't wanna ruin what we have so far until we get to know each other better. To me, IMing online seems kinda impersonal, but actual letters is something tangible I guess. You can tell person's attitude and thoughts through penmanship. Like when you're angry you bear down really hard and write messy. When you're calm, it's nice and straight... unless you are a messy writer! ^ ^ LOL. I think I'll just sit and wait for a reply (handwritten) and I guess I'll tell you all who it is! ^ ^Unfortunately, no everyone today is having a good one. I just visited Panda's site and she just found out that her mother has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. This is a progressive hematologic (blood) disease. It's a cancer of a plasma cell (an important part of our immune system) that makes antibodies (immunoglobulins) that fight infection and disease. It's characterized by having abnormal production of plasma cells in the bone marrow. You can be susceptible to infections from bacteria, more plasma cell production problems (impairment) and can even cause osteoporosis throughout the body. Your kidneys can suffer a lot too. Unfortunately, there is no cure and the survival rate is around 30% for five years. Higher in youth and lower in the elderly. Visit This site for more in depth info about it. Panda! This is a good site to go to! I'll pray for you and your dear mommy for you both to get better! ^ ^
 You'll do your Happy Panda dance soon, Gail! I know that something good can happen! Just pray okay?!Please visit Panda today and give her words of incouragement! ChaosButterfly has been a little under the weather as well. She makes brillant wallpapers of Saiyuki! Check out her work and comment! Well, anyway, I'm going to hit the hay. I have a crazy day at work tomorrow. I need all the sleep I can get! Yami! If I don't get to talk to you later this morning, I'm sorry! I'll try to catch you before you zonk onto the floor. Bed is more comfy you know! ^.~  Oyasumi!
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
This Kind of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
^ ^  Feelin' Fine. This is a late post, but I'll post again on the 3rd to get back into my routine.Wow, the past 48 hours have been pretty uplifting since Friday. I couldn't believe it! All of my friends are all ready gone or leaving... so it's getting lonely, but it is AMAZING, simply AMAZING how I feel more secure with the kind and uplifting words of a friend almost a 1000 miles away. I had a HUGE blast talking with him last night and a good part of this afternoon. So I just wanted to say... Thanks J. ^ ^ I have redone the site design and am currently listening to Chevelle's "Panic Prone". GOOD song! It gives me goosebumps when I listen to it. Music tends to do that to me. I feel the notes and the melodies. It rocks! Oh, I did get the address from my friend! So don't go bashing him now... wait. You guys don't know him yet! Shh! It's a secret! I'll tell soon so keep quiet you! ::pointing:: But, yeah, I barely know him and we have each other's addresses all ready? Is that weird or just fate? I just felt the urge to ask one day. What am I thinking? Well, what ever it is... I'm not gonna stop! ^ ^ Oh, my OTHER friend is the one going to work with Jaques Torres. She's a GIRL. The pen pal is a boy. Mouse got them confused. ::pats his head:: There there. You have school to worry about! I haven't done very much except talk with Yamchaa a lot online. We kinda watched Rocky 3 and 4 and just commented back and forth. ^ ^ It was my first time seeing those two! Yo, Adrian! ^ ^ Mr. T was in the 2nd one. He's awesome. But I like the whole rising against all odds hero. Hmmm, who does that remind me of Well, anyway, I'm going to go start my first letter. I'll let you know when I get one back... IF I do ::raises eyebrow at him:: You know I wouldn't get mad, dude. Chill. SH! Don't give yourself away yet! I will see you guys soon! 
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Why can't good friends live closer to me? : (
Oh man... bad day.  Why me?! Yeah, remember when I said that my ex was having his surgery today? Well, technically I'm not supposed to talk about it b/c it's where I work, but I won't say his name or what he had done b/c I can get into REALLY big trouble. Anyway. He never saw me and I did see him as he came out. I just saw his face. He was still asleep, but still really stressed from the procedure. I dunno. I only saw him for a second, but I got SO many mixed feelings. I knew what room he was in and I kept hearing Dr. So and So to that room over and over on the pager. I my heart kept jumping into my throat. The doc was in there a lot more than usual. Anyway, I had all ready talked to his mom to go over his information at Pre-resgistery, so she knew me. I didn't ask her how he was, but I did a BIG no-no and asked the nurse if he was okay. He's fine which was great, but later she told me that I wasn't supposed to ask. Honestly I didn't know! I was just concerned about him. Anyway, the head nurse heard about it and I talked it over with her. She understood and I think I'm okay right now. I just can do it again. I felt so terrible because I let my emotions take over and acted unproffessionally. I understand why they were a little upset b/c for all they knew, I could have been a pyscho girlfriend. So, good thing was he never saw me. So there was no harm done. I just can't go up to him and ask him how he was feeling after his surgery, b/c that would indicate that I knew he was there and that I shouldn't even discuss it b/c of his patient rights. If HE brings it up, then it's okay. I can act surprised and go "OH! So that was you?!" and pretend that he was someone else. So lesson learned here: If you have to ask about doing something b/c you don't know if you're allowed, don't do it. Don't even ask. I'm just gonna HOPE that my boss doesn't find out. Okay, enough of that. I'm rambling now like she is! I did post some more fan art. 4 this time! I really need those new pencils. Better start saving.Oh, I'm trying to start writing letters to a friend here, but he hasn't given me his address. I found out today that my friend is moving away soon. So I need all the friendship I can get! Still waiting for him to mail me. I hope he doesn't avoid and forget doing it. I wouldn't want him to do that. (respond to me via PM if you change your mind. Spare me some grief at least). ::sighs:: I'm really sorry guys. It seems all that I do now if complain about the bad things in my life. I don't know if I'm just seeing the bad things over the good or if the good is barely there for me to even pick up on. I meet great friends and I have so much fun talking with them, but they live almost 3000 miles away from me so there's NO way to even hang out. My friends here are also leaving too. My best friend is probably leaving for New York City soon. Yeah, it's pretty cool for her. She'll be studying with Jaques Torres! You know! That chocolate French guy on the Food Network! How KICK ASS is that!? Down side: best friend. Only friend here really. I'm sorry! I'll stop griping now. I think that I'm low on sugar or endorphins. Hay! Monkey Orange! Ya recommend any meds? Okay. Well, please go see my art work. I think I worked really hard for the lack of good materials! Leave a comment, vote, FLAME it! I don't care! Just lemme know that ya saw it! 
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Tired.  I had a busy day today and I have one again tomorrow, and Monday, AND Tuesday. ::sighs: At least I have the weekend off. Tomorrow is when my ex has his surgery. It's like at 7:30 in the morning and I have to be there at 8. I'm kinda nervous about it. I don't think he's got any idea that I work there and we didn't part on the greatest of terms. I'm not mad at him, just a little bummed because he wasn't really that into me. Kinda puts a dent in my confidence. Oh well, I think it was based solely on because he was just in it for attention... of everykind. I think ya gotta be friends first. Yeah, that way there's nuthin' overly weird. Okay guys. Today is the day you get to see the mastermind behind the wallpapers, fanart, and odd-ball off the wall posts. 'Kay. As of now I forego the right to get angry or upset if your comments aren't that nice... HOPEFULLY you guys aren't like that ::grins::  This is me. Taken in the summer of '03. It's my most recent picture that I can find at the moment. I'm a senior in high school still... People tell me that they can't believe that I never had a boyfriend in high school... ::silence:: I don't the answer!Anyway, I was talking with a good friend. I showed him a pic of me when I was 7-ish. So, this was at a request of a friend. Here ya go, Yami! I posted some fanart a few days ago. Go check it out while I make some more! Oh! Thank you ElvesAteMyRamen for your PM on the colored pencils... Looks like I need to start saving to get that big set... I don't have a grand to spend on the entire Copic marker set A, B, and C. Oi.  Sleepy.
Well, anyway. My Nursing exams scores should be here within the next few days. Keep your fingers crossed! Well, I'm heading to bed now. I have to get up WAY early tomorrow. Oyasumi
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Paint my world!
XD  Poor Rowen...! Today I have a new feature to this span of the internet. You can now view my art work at the bottom of the page. There are only three today. More coming when I have the time! They're characters from my fan-fic (WHICH YOU NEED TO READ at the website in the menu!! >:P) There are 7 total in that set. Please comment!
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