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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Being a nurse in 17 months!
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| Summoner Rekka
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
-_-  ::sigh:: I posted too early. Comment below, please.
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Signs?  I feel like I need a crystal ball to tell me what the crap is going on... I dunno if I'm just paranoid or if there is something "paranormal" going on, but I have encountered 3 events involving ex-boyfriends. All of these within the week. They weren't full blown confrontations. One of my friends is friends with one of them and he keeps asking about me. I keep coming up in conversation. Coversation that was a little inappropriate. Another encounter happened while I was at work. The phone rang and I had to pre-register them. I ended up talking to his mom. I was a little stunned and a little bit worried. I'm thinking what was going on? The third one isn't really an ex, but he has a crush on me. He likes to write music and fiction and was writing some kind of story when he got stuck. Then he told me that he was sitting down one night wondering if he should finish and said that a voice told him to dedicate it to me. It's nice, but sometimes I think he's still thinking that it might impress me, but he's more like a brother. I get kinda creeped out sometimes and I feel bad sometimes. Me and him still hang out. I just try and not think about what he may feel more than friendship. Is that wrong?  I'm getting frustrated and a little pissed because the coincidences. RAWR! What's goin' on?!I feel so frustrated with this. I keep thinking about stuff that happened with them and it hurts... How I was so clueless to their ploys or the lies. I really liked them... (talking about first 2, not the third. He and I are still good friends). I feel stupid. I feel even MORE stupid for even considering calling them... ::Hits head:: Stupid, stupid, STUPID!!! I have met some online guys here at the myO. They make me laugh. (You two know who you are!) Seriously. You two would be kick ass friends if ya lived near here! Thanks Yami and Aikou!!! ^ ^ (I'm lazy. So I short names).  I am in the mood for a SERIOUS cuddle-fest here. I feel like I'm at wits end.
Well, anyway. On a lighter note, one of my co-workers had a wedding. It was a civil ceremony. I didn't get the bouquet. ::sighs:: Looks like I won't get hitched anytime soon. Oh well...
 Study, study, study!Gotta test tomorrow. I should know pretty soon about my nurse entrance exam. I'll tell you guys when I get it!
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
Wha? Ohhhh coffee's ready.... ZZZZZzzzzzz
Sleepy...  ZzzzZzz
Just waiting for Yamchaa to get on AIM. I'm talking with a new buddy here on myO:Aikou no Shinzui. He's pretty nice. He just had a bad day yesterday, so go say hi to him. :)Nothing much yesterday. I went to work and got paid! YAY! I came home and did some more drafting on my fic and watch Ninja Turtles again. Sorry. I love these guys!. So here is your question, folks: Long distance relationships? What do ya think?
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Friday, April 22, 2005
A repost cause I didn't wait for Midnight. New stuff on the bottom!
::yawn:: ::Insert Mexican Hat Dance song:: Akayo was worried about me and has demanded that I post so... POST! (I'm just giving you a hard time, sweetie!) ::FEMALE PROBLEM WARNING:: I hate being a giel sometimes. I forgot to take my meds and was in a lot of pain. Be glad that you who are not females are not females.::END FEMALE POSTING:: I don't have anymore classes now until August. I'm thinking about taking chemistry and astronomy. Has anybody taken courses like that? Oh well, that's it for today. See you tomorrow! Oh, I saw Full Metal Alchemist today. It was the 2 episodes with the Chimera transformation. Where this crazy guy is fusing animals with alchemy. Pretty freaky crap... Anyway. Go watch it now... I just finished watching all 3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Movies and realized that I didn't quite get a lot of it when I first saw it back in the '90s. MAN I feel old! :P But I'm sitting there (with pizza of course) and laughing my ass off at some of the script. I think it's still pretty funny for it's time! YAY! Matt Hill played Raphael in the 3rd movie! I don't think he did the voice 'cause the credits showed some other guy, but I think he was the one in the costume! Or... I shatter all my fan-girl dreams and say that it's some OTHER Matt Hill... but... ::sigh:: Oh well... Time for bed now! Thank the gods that it's Friday... So tired. Oyasumi!
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Just layin' around at my friend's house...
::yawn:: ::Insert Mexican Hat Dance song:: Akayo was worried about me and has demanded that I post so... POST! (I'm just giving you a hard time, sweetie!) ::FEMALE PROBLEM WARNING:: I hate being a giel sometimes. I forgot to take my meds and was in a lot of pain. Be glad that you who are not females are not females.::END FEMALE POSTING:: I don't have anymore classes now until August. I'm thinking about taking chemistry and astronomy. Has anybody taken courses like that? Oh well, that's it for today. See you tomorrow! Oh, I saw Full Metal Alchemist today. It was the 2 episodes with the Chimera transformation. Where this crazy guy is fusing animals with alchemy. Pretty freaky crap... Anyway. Go watch it now... Oyasumi!
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Whatta way to spend you day off of work... :P
::sniffle:: Feelin' better-o! I'm feeling a whole heck of a lot better! I'm finally over this awful cold! Usually, I'm only sick about 3 days, but I was so miserable for almost a week! I had my nurse entrance exam today at noon. The whole test was easy, but that's what made it hard. Reading comprehension I think I did okay on, but the math part... It was basic math to beginning algebra... stuff I haven't seen since Jr. High... Mixed numbers and percentages... mixed up... with algebraic numerics... T__T My brain hurts... I don't have to work today, but I've got class at 6 tonight... Maybe I'll take a nap... Oyasumi!
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
Noo! Don't close the casket! I'm ALIVE! I'm not dead!!! Hooray!
::COUGHCOUGH:: I feel icky... I'm sorry that I haven't posted in almost a week! I caught a nasty cold on Monday. It started with a bad sore throat, then it went down hill from there. My head is very stuffed up and my ears are all clogged. I can't hear very well. Mom keeps telling me to turn the T.V. down... I haven't done very much because I've been sick. I couldn't go to class or to work on Thursday. I was dry heaving ( It's going through the motions, but nothing coming up! :P) all day. I did go out and and buy a new art book by CLAMP and volume 7 of Saiyuki earlier in the week. ^ ^ It has Goyjo on it. I also bought the movie "Ever After" on DVD. I'd never seen the whole thing, but from what I saw, it really seemed like it was a good buy! ^ ^ I love happy endings! I saw a few more movies on T.V. I finally saw "The Fugitive" w/ Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. Good suspense movie. Nice doctor gets framed for killing his wife. U.S. Marshall chases him all over the country. Some close calls. 0.o Also when I got up this morning at 4:30 I got to see "An Innocent Man" w/ Tom Selleck (sp?). I jumped into it about 20 minutes in, so I didn't know what happened until about the end... Prison is a BAD place! :( Scary! Always watch a movie from start to finish!
I'm going to go take some more cough medicine and "sudaphed" before taking a nap.
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Purple Sin
Party naked!
 Hee, hee. Drunk Touma-chan. The party was pretty cool for me being the only one under 25. I couldn't drink or anything, but one of the girls who could be like my older sister bought me a drink called a "Purple Haze". YUUUUUCK! It tastes like really strong cough medicine! EW! I had a whole shot. BLAUGH. I'm sticking to peppermint schnopps thanks. I danced a lot. We all ended up staying at one bar that played nothing but late 70s and early 80s. I was happy: Billy Idol. ^_____^ Didn't get home until 12. Sadly, no guy came up to me... ::sigh:: I saw "Sin City" tonight. I just got back. I was a pretty cool movie. The whole thing really did seem like a comic book! It's a little long, but I think it was worth the money. Not for kids. Some naughty bits and a lot of violence. Elijah Wood is in it... He's a freaky little bastard! Breaks out with the silent but deadly mad ninja skills. I won't say anymore though! Go see it!
Yamcha is back... Well, he is now known as Yamchaa with 2 "a"s. His account isn't working properly! Go visit him so he can get back to that 200 slot! YOU CAN DO IT!
I'm starvin'! Goin' ta get some food then head for bed. Oyasumi!
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Who said what?
 "But I wanna be in the show, Rickyyyyyyyy! AWAAAAH!"
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Kinda mad.
 Rajura is makin' me a doll... I need voodoo pins.
Word to the wise... well that's pointless, 'cause wise people don't need advice! DUR. Anyway some wise words: When a person breaks you heart, forget him. Have nothing to DO with him! Make a voodoo doll and poke it with many pins! ::sigh:: I don't follow my own damn advice sometimes... but THIS time. RAWR! No matter. Goin' to my first bachelorette party at a bar. XD Plenty of pickin's! ^ ^ I could go as Wufei... "ONNA!" But i think I'd have to dye my hair and cut it. It's auburn.
Thanks so much for the ideas for a costume. I guess I could do a poll or something. Still taking down ideas! Feel free to comment! ::Mexican Hat Dance plays:: Q&A: Monkey Orange asked me if I was going to any of the conventions I listed last post. Sadly Sakura-con is more than 3000+ miles away and J-con is in my homestate, I just can't take anytime off! T_T September sounds good! In regards to Mouse's question: yes, someone was being rather naughty and I came to find out that he/she was "joking". Whatever. I'm ignoring them now. Katocool! I have a picture of Tasuki you can use! I'll email it to you! I need your email first tho!
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