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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Being a nurse in 17 months!
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| Summoner Rekka
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I wanna yawn!
::scurry to bring meds::
 Can't open up and say "ahh". It hurts. Took s'more meds. It's 12:30 now. I should be in bed huh? I really wish I could yawn... It hurts to swallow too. Thank you Mouse for sending me a kyoot greeting! It made my night! ::Wishing I could yawn:: I'm just so sleepy now. The 3rd Vicodin is starting to kick in now. I'll post later today when I wake up.
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Watching "Law & Order". My head hurts a little bit. I'm not numb anymore now. Still bleeding a little too. This Vicoden is really weird stuff... I'm taking my 3rd at midnite... Sleepy. Love You guys...
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I so numb...
Owww Very much owww...
Sorry for not posting before I went in. The computer was down for some reason. I dunno ever where to begin. First off, I can't talk. My tongue and lower lip is REALLY numb. They swabbed me with this bubble gum tasting stuff, then they stuck me... I had EIGHT shots at first. Two for each tooth. I had to get two more 'cause the lower teeth weren't numb enough. I was awake the whole time! They covered my chest and eyes so I couldn't see anything. There was this one nurse, Jake, who was pretty cool. He made jokes so I wasn't all too nervous. But when they stuck me, OH MY GOD... the ones in the soft part of the top of your mouth near the teeth, those hurt!!! He held my hand tho. ^ ^ Major bummer that he's married. :P The assistant nurse was cute tho! Removing the top ones didn't hurt, but the bottom left felt very uncomfortable. I had a picture in my head that the doc was using a really big crow bar. But it really looked like a rounded screwdriver edge. I felt a lot of pushing... and cracking popping noises much like the sound of when you pulled out your own tooth when you were little. They gave me I think 8 sutures that will dissolve on their own. And I have gauze in my mouth making it harder to talk. I got to see them when they were done. Kinda gross! When I sat up, I was very light headed and I was shaking a little, probably because I was nervous and some of the anaesthetic in my face. Dizzy is what I felt. I didn't cry until I was in the truck on my way home. It's throbbing mostly, but it was tolerable. I think it was just the shock of what happened. I get a little teary eyed when I think about it! It's hard to swallow and I can't really talk without sounding retarded. It's funny tho. He gave me 800 mg of Ibuprofen and Vicoden. So they pulled out the big guns for me. With the vicoden I can't do anything strenous like exercise or drive. My lips are really dry. I can't have anything really solid. I can eat pasta and pudding, but no soda for a while and no milk products until tomorrow. I can't suck on anything like lollipops or popsicles. Nothing hot like soup for a few days. No alcohol or smoking (I don't do that). I can't use a straw either. I can't spit or brush my teeth through the first 24 hours. The meds are kicking in now. The Vicoden supposed to make me sleepy. I'll post again in a few hours.
 I want to thank Steptoussai for sending me a nice thank you greeting! So sweet! Hugs for you!
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
Countdown to D-day...
"It's WHEN?!"
Yes, yes. Tomorrow afternoon at fourteen hundred military time (... that's 2:00 P.M.) I go under the knife for my wisdom teeth extraction. I think I'll be okay. If I keep thinking that it's just like getting a cavity filled, then I probably won't feel so nervous... It's workin'... kinda. I wanna apologize for not updating and keeping you all posted on stuff. This surgery thing has been grinding on my mind. I know it's no big deal, but... I've never done something like this! >_< Anyway, I actually have been writing a lot for my FAKE fic. It's nearly done and I'm going to post the rest of it when it's finished. I'll post tomorrow before I go in and right after! Thanks for all your support and kinda words! I'm getting to think that this is gonna be cake and it'll be a good experience to tell others when they have to go through it too. See you guys tomorrow!
 "Som yung funguy, Hansolo... ?! O.o What? OH! Just kidding!" (Say the little zen prayer slowly... for Panda's answer to my question! Thank you!)
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
To skip and sleep... ^ ^
 Shorty today. I kinda skipped Zoology today... I was really tired this morning for some reason. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I stayed up until 3 A.M. this morning. XP Oops. I went to my Microbiology class today. The whole lecture was about inflammation response: redness, swelling, pain, heat.... It made my teeth start to hurt. X( My oral surgery is in 4 days...
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Lesson the first...
You are pink. You are in limbo. Not pure and manipulated like white, not impure and noble like red. You are unsure of your real identity, but whatever you chose it to be, you can be it. That is your power. You change everyone you touch, and everyone remembers you. In literature, pink represents the place between heaven and hell. You are the one we will never forget. What inner color are you? This kinda fits.
It seems to me that I'm always having problems of somekind... I feel like it's a major ordeal... like moving Heaven and Earth or something! ::sigh of exhaustion:: I just went through about a 1000 flamin' loops with my printer company. Here's what went down:
I got a printer along w/my new computer about a year ago at MacMall. It was a packaged deal so I didn't by the printer DIRECTLY from their company. Printer broke when the cat knocked something on it ::sweatdrop:: T_T and I called their tech support to get it fixed. My printer was still under warrantly, thank god. We arranged for a product exchange w/a $90 security deposit. The new one just got here and all I "WAS TOLD TO DO" was to put the broken one back in the box the new one came in and follow the instructions included... Here's where it gets interesting... The directions said that I needed the RECEIPT. Well, I SENT them the friggin' thing when I went to claim my $100 rebate... which I never got... So I called over to them about 3 times... with different answers each time: "Call MacMall", "call the sales rep you talked to", "Um... I'm sorry I can't help you with that...". ::ANGER:: Top it all of mom and dad were yelling at me about not knowing what to do and asking for this and that... Well, if I knew what to do... and someone TOLD me beforehand that this would happen... I WOULDN'T HAVE AGREED TO THE EXCHANGE... ::Growling:: I finally got a hold of a LOVELY Italian man named Tony and he sent me the reciept via e-mail AND to my fax at work. I got the email in 2 seconds... Anyway, I had to fiddle with the new printer for an hour cause I didn't know that you have to reinstall it again if it's new... I fixed that tho! ^ ^ Lesson learned, folks: Save your receipts... all of them... tape them to your manuals or stick 'em ina BIG OL' box and keep them safe... and ask all the questions you can... I don't wanna ever have to do this crap again. On a positive note: I got free ink! YEAR SUPPLY! That... and this yummy lookin' wallpaper with Dee from FAKE on it. ^ ^ I think I have next month's new bishie! Surgery in 5 days... ::sighs::
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Six days... and a glimpse at what I write like.
Doi... I'm gettin' antsy! The 14th is so close!! I can feel my teeth all ready startin' to hurt! ::sighs:: This post is short on account I'm kinda cold now. It's cold outside too. I'm also trying to finish this chapter for "The Consequences of Sin" (FAKE) fic! I'm tryin' to write it like one of those suspense scenes where TONS of shit happens all at once, but there's this HUGE ASS pause that drives you nutz! I dunno how to make it come out right! ::growls in frustration:: "The Final Victor" (Ronin Warriors) is on hold again, for now... at least until I get over the teeth extraction. Tick... tick... tick... Friggin' clock... Movin' so slow. I just wanna get this over with! Sorry. I've never had to deal with surgery or the fact that I'll be in an obscene amount of pain in the near future before. Kinda look I've got A.D.D. Friggin' hyper! DAH! I'm acting like Tweak from South Park! Calm. CAAAAAAAAALM. I'm goin ta bed now... Oh, here's a snippet of "The Consquences of Sin". Enjoy! :
Dee sighed. He kept bringing up profiles and mug shots of every “John Smith” the database. He was on page thirty of one hundred pages. Drake peered over his shoulder. “Dude, man, I’m telling you, you’re not gonna find this-“
“Well, well, well…” Dee smirked and enlarged the photo. “ Here’s Johnny!” “Holy crap, you found him! Ugh… Looks like hell.” “This is from… two years ago. Arrested for… hmm, sexual assault on a female… thirteen. Interesting…” he smirked. “Wonder if he has an alibi for the night the victim was killed.” Drake pulled out his notepad from last night. “The address checks out…”
“Printing,” Dee began. “… Print, print, PRINT, ah goddamn piece of crap!!” Dee snarled as the computer locked up. “Could it kill the Chief tell the department about the serious technological problem around here? Christ, no wonder we have to search mug shots by hand. That explains the low arrest record here. Son of a bitch!!” He rebooted the computer. “Good morning, gentlemen,” Rose greeted as he passed by Dee’s desk. “Laytner, you’re your usual colorful self this morning.” Dee didn’t look up as he stared at the hard drive on screen as it rebooted. “No more than your fruity self, ya queer,” he muttered to himself. Berkley raised an eyebrow. “Care to repeat that, Laytner?” “… No, sir,” Dee sighed, tapping in his password lazily. “You two find anything?” Berkeley asked. Drake glanced at the computer. Dee wasn’t going to find the file anytime in the next thirty seconds. He opened his notepad again. “Uh, last night around… when was it, Dee?” “Sometime after midnight.” “Right, Anyway we spotted some midnight jogger-” “’Midnight jogger’? In Central Park?? In this crime wave??” Berkeley asked in disbelief. “Yep… ‘John Smith lives on the corner of Cherry and Clinton.” “Oh, the building with the giant porn ad?” Berkeley interjected. Dee raised an eyebrow and laughed dryly. “Well, we know what famous city landmarks you look for!” “Funny. Watch it or I’ll have you writing tickets all up and down Fifth and Main on Thanksgiving Day during the parade,” Rose snapped. Dee growled under his breath and went back searching. “You were saying, Parker?” “Um, yeah… It was kinda weird to see somebody out that late. He ‘just happened’ to stop by the crime scene to tie his shoe or pick up evidence. Who knows? He didn’t ‘see’ the police tape. No ID on him, blonde, blue eyed, in his forties, works at some photographer’s shop for kids…” “Which one?” Drake suddenly paled. “… Ah, dammit.” “Drake!!” Dee snapped. “I told you to get that address!!” “Hey! I got his place and it checks out on the file!!” “He’s got a file? Interesting…” “Well, we had a file,” Dee grumbled. “Damn ancient piece of crap. You could find a thirty-year old dildo that gave you a better hard drive than this piece of shit…” Drake blinked. Berkeley massaged the bridge of his nose. “What a lovely imagination you have, detective,” he groaned.
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Monday, March 7, 2005
Quiz Query!
Hey. Anybody with Netscape! can you take any quizzes from Quizilla??? My browser says something about refusing connection. Is the server down or what?
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Worries, writing, and the wrath of Rekka...
 Ick... I still feel like I've been hit by a bus... My back hurts and I slept until 2 yesterday afternooon. My surgery is in a week and I dunno if I'll be well at all. Oh, I've been trying to finish my other fan-fiction for FAKE. It's on the same site as my Ronin Warriors one. Just look under Onikage and check out "The Consequences of Sin" under FAKE. It's a yaoi, so if that ain't yer cup of tea. Don't read it! I don't want flames either saying how I'm goin' ta hell or anything. I'm NOT. Love is love and it's JUST a story. So build a bridge and get over it. Ignorance and bigotry will not be tolerated...
Sorry, I'm just grumpy cause I feel icky... Oh, yeah, yeah! Sorry! But thank you all for the supportive comments you guys left me! No calls yet from "Homeboy". Let's hope it stays that way! Pet a kitty today! You'll feel lots better! ::HUGS::
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Found some new stuff at the bottom ...
Quizzes are cool. That is all.
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