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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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| Summoner Rekka
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Monday, January 31, 2005
A day of progress! SOO proud! ::weep!::
O.o ::BLUSH::  Yaoi at it’s best, folks.
A friend of mine sent this. Dunno who drew it, but whoever did… … Dude. I bow to your greatness…::BOWS:: Anywho… Now that we’ve all had out daily does of man-lovin’, how was everyone’s day? Me? Well, I am proud to say that I have updated yet again on my fanfiction, (RW one) and am in the process of writing chapter 38. Wow. 38?! It seems like forever ago when I first posted! I think it was sometime in 2002!! But it only has 19 or 20 reviews, so please check it out and tell me what you think… I’ve worked so hard! And the boys helped out too!
So, what’s the LONGEST fic that you’ve ever read? Haven’t read any? What’s WRONG with you?! Kidding. ^__^ Well, the longest fic that I’ve read was a “FAKE” fic by I think Swordy called “Crash and Burn”. It was like 30 chapters, but was by far the best fic that I’ve read! Yay Swordy! I also did another wallpaper finally! Go see!  O_o
I dropped 2 pounds! YAY! I think it might be water, but at least it isn’t still on me!! Current: 5’5’’ and 152 lbs. Take that fat! :P
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Friday, January 28, 2005
I is veri kold...
Cold, cold, cold! Nooo heaaaat!
S’cold. Cold ‘n’ windy here. The weather guy said it was going to be in the 70s all this week! Hn. I like the cold. I don’t have to be seen in shorts… -_-* But I don’t like it when it’s unexpected cold. Cold that ruins a date or something. Not that I was on one… ::sighs:: Hmm, so many to choose from…^ ^
Hey, what’s your ideal date? Yes, I know that this is a long winded question that EVERYONE asks you, but I’ve never been asked this so I’m asking all of you! And seeing how it’s getting to that time of year, it’s a just question! An ideal date for me… let’s see. Probably something that lets me say real close where we won’t have to talk very loud. Hmm, we would go out and maybe sit on a blanket at the beach on a cool spring night, wrapped up in a big blanket! #^_^# Yes, that dream is cavity infested, I know… Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! #^_^#
Still going easy with my fat booty loss… and I’m still retaining water like a damn cactus… It won’t go away!!!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
I have returned ::dashing smile::
Yes. I am, in fact, alive. I hate this picture… but I LOVE this picture!! Should've lived, dammit! Hey, we managed to get a nice chill down here, for about a week. Now it’s back to being warm again. I still can wear a light jacket tho! Don’t they look yummy in their light winter wear? ^ ^
Well, the month of January will be leaving us again soon. It’s time to wear the pink and dark reds for your boys, girls. Boys, it’s not too early to start looking for something good. Hell, if you can remember the day and bring flowers? Kudos to you! I knew a guy who bough his girl a pack of gum… well, he was cheating on her anyhow, but that’s beside the point. Well, speaking of that there should be one right about here, ne?
So, what’s the worst Valentine’s present that you’ve received? Or the best; it doesn’t matter to me! I wanna know! Let’s see, the worse one I got was a card. Yep. A card. Don’t get me wrong, the card was… okay… but he never signed it. In fact, the card wasn’t for me actually… He happened to leave mine. At the store. This one was for his girlfriend, but had my name on the envelope… Tricky. Not sure what was up there. Not sure if I want to know. We were never going together, but he still shouldn’t have done that… I’m over it though. Well, the best Val gift I got was from, yes, of course, Dad. He bought me some roses! I liked them a whole bunch. #^_^# Aww!
Well, my weight loss it going okay. I haven’t weighed myself yet. I’m holding it like Michigan (girl inside joke)! So the weigh in is whenever I stop! Oh! I just downloaded a bunch of RW/YST music! Awesome. Just. Doode. Lemme know if you wanna know where you can get 'em. It's free. Point. Click. Download. ^ ^
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Sorry that I didn't update sooner. There has been a couple of things going on here. A girl I knew from my youth group died last week. She had epilepsy and was a very sick girl. Unfortunately, she took her own life rather than the disease.
So my diet-fest is on hold until I can sort things out and get my priorites straight. What happened has made me change my perspective on a few things.
So, today I ask all of you to just think about her and take some time to reflect on the simpler things that make life worth it.
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Monday, January 10, 2005
If I had a dollar...
A small step...  Go Rowen! GO!… Did about 20 crunches today. Gotta start small, you know? Well, they say to get an accurate measurement, weight yourself after you get up in the morning and use the bathroom… So… ::Drum Roll::  5’5”… 153lbs… Hm. Not as small as I thought. It’s been a while since I weighed myself… Oy ve… Well, next Monday we’ll see what it’ll be at. Let’s hope the number goes down… Happy New Year!!
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
No snow... It's not even cold!!!
Hello everyone!. Study. Study. Study… My brain is beginning to hurt. Well, we are very much into the new year now, it’s the middle of winter… and it’s about 75 degrees outside my window… Where’s the COLD???? Still waiting for cold weather…
Aside from the fact that it’s pretty much beach weather here in Florida, I don’t have to really pull out my winter wardrobe yet. Let’s hope that it still fits… Speaking of that, I have decided to do a weekly posting on my progress to get into a better lifestyle. AKA: I have too much holiday cheer left over on my butt and I wanna loose it! Every time I try it, something happens and it doesn’t work anymore. So I thought maybe if I post results and see how much I loose (or gain), it might help me keep at it. Anyway, I’ll do this for a month I guess and see what you guys think and how my progress goes… ::sighs:: Wish me luck!
Happy New Year!!
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
woah... sorry that I haven't been updating everyday like i should. I'm working so much lately and school has started again! Um, this will be short, so I just wanted to say that I'm not dead or forgetting about you guys! I'll try to visit everyone later or as soon as humanly possible. I'm just so tired and busy as of late... It should mellow out soon when I can re-learn to manage my time better! Nighty night!
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Happy Jesus Day!!!!
It’s a Gundam Wing Christmas! Okay, how many of you actually got to sleep without any trouble this year? Me? The is the first year EVER that I fell right to sleep and slept through the night. I went to bed at one and got rudely awoken at seven! I wanted to sleep more! I guess because this year I didn't get as excited as I did in previous years. I'm not sure why.
 Next question!!!
What was your most favorite gift that you gave AND received this year? My favorite gift that I received today was the Lord of the Rings Trilogy box set. All 3 extended editions! So excited! But my favorite given was probably the Snoopy lighter from Hong Kong that I gave to my mom. No, she doesn't smoke. She just likes Snoopy! It's not a very good gift in the sense of using it, but hey! What if she needed to burn herself free from ropes like on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?! Huh? Huh? Yeah, see there is a method behind the madness! A very patriotic beagle and bird!
I was going to put a list of stuff that I got, but it was mostly just clothes. I have 2 new games now: MarioKart Double Dash! and Final Fantasy 1 & 2: Dawn of Souls. Not a very huge Christmas, but it was okay. I'm just glad that I am so lucky to be able to have one. Many people around the world can't be at home with their families. And some don't have any at all! So, every year we give money to the red bucket for the Salvation Army and when the truck calls the house, we leave out boxes of things that we don't use anymore, like clothes and furniture and toys. I still have a lot of Barbie junk from when I was a kid...
So everyone, enjoy your Christmas with your families! Be thankful and don't eat too much candy! That's my New Year's Resolution... No more fat me!  HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Holiday hugs for a friend in need!
MWAHA! I have done it! I have finished my shopping for this year! I spent my last pay check, but it’s worth it, I guess. Wow, a usual 7 minute drive to the mall lasted 30 minutes!! AND I got stuck behind someone who wanted to let EVERYONE into the slow lane (where I was). The slow lane was backed up for at least 2 miles! And this was on a MONDAY! Weekends are worse! Feel the wrath of the Holiday Shopper!! ARGH!. … Well, not quite like that, but I was about this angry. We have a Christmas Party later today at work. We gotta bring our own food, plus we have over 40 patients coming in today. 15 of them are eye surgeries. EW! Eyes! Mom told me about a time when one of her friends was working at a construction site and got a nail in the eye from an air gun!!! EWWW. So painful sounding!  It’s all fun and games until someone looses an eye! Whoops! My bad, Dais. Dais: *GLARES* Okay enough talking about eyes. Hey! I’ve been by my otaku pal’s blog: Yamcha. He’s been feeling really bad lately. He’s got a cold on Christmas, his hotmail account/computer is messing up (give him some helpful tips if you can!), and one of his good friends is gone away on an emergency. Just go visit him and give him some encouraging words and flu tips.  Hang in there, Yamcha! ^ ^
Happy Holidays, everyone!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Link and Legolas??? Twins? Hmmm.
Sorry that I haven’t been updating more promptly. I think I may be coming down with something. Plus, I’ve been trying to update on my fic for quite sometime and it’s slow going. I just have been feeling so sleepy lately. Like I’m hibernating like a bear or something.
Today was uneventful so I’ll be quick. I did read about a new Zelda for GBA that will be out in 2005.  It’s called The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.
I don’t know all the details yet, but I think that the infamous green cap at one point was a bird of some kind. “It’s the story of Link when he was ::gasp:: capless!” It looks pretty cool. I’ve always wondered it Link’s hair was long or short underneath that green hat… Hmm, I like long hair. And I’m sure all the Legolas fans out there would agree with me that if they made a live action Zelda, Orlando Bloom should get the part. Come on! We all know that picture of Link from OoT! The one with the bow! Man, give Legolas a fairy and the green cap and we have got one hot Hero of Time! ^ ^
I can't wait for the game to come out!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
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