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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors)
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| Summoner Rekka
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
 Psst! … Christmas is 7 days away!
Wow, a whole week! I still haven’t gone shopping for the rest of the gifts yet. I had planned on doing it during the weekday to avoid MOST of the holiday chaos. I may just do it this weekend or wait until Christmas Eve to do it. Yes, waiting until the last minute is never a good thing… Unless you LOVE procrastination! ^ ^* I was going to shop with my friend but she wanted to bring her boyfriend along and I really didn’t feel like dealing with his… retardedness. So far she says that everything is fine with them, I just don’t like the way he treats me sometimes. I’m okay with teasing, but don’t over do it!  People can be so mean!
Which proposes an interesting question: why do we tease others sometimes when we know it hurts their feelings? I think we’ve all said something not so nice to someone or worse behind their backs. So… if we know, why do we do it? It doesn’t really accomplish anything constructive, besides letting the world know how mean, cold, and heartless you can be… I myself don’t have an answer, because I’ve done it too. And I won’t make excuses like: “Oh, they did it to me first!” or “They deserve it because (insert unjustified reason here)!” Tell me what you think the reason is for being like that? Is it a defense mechanism? A short in our conscience? Did the devil on the right shoulder, gag and knock out the angel on the left? Peer pressure?
Well, I’ve enjoyed my first day off in 3 weeks. I’ll finish it off with pizza, some anime, and Nintendo, before hitting the hay. I think I’ll head out to shop tomorrow… Maybe go to church too… I haven’t been in 6 months. -_-*  Happy Holidays!
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Monday, December 13, 2004
A Dreamy End To An Exhausting Day...
Nothing really happened today… I had to go to some kind of ethics training for where I worked. It seemed like a big waste of time, but at least I was paid for it! I had to get up really early and stay until 4. Ick… It’s late… There’s nothing to really do, but I have found something to watch on t.v. :It’s an old black and white version of Cinderella. We all know the story, but I haven’t seen or read it in a while. This one has Julie Andrews in it too (Mary Poppins for those who don’t know). So I’m going to enjoy it while it’s on and think of my own Prince Charming too ^ ^. Someone sent this to me. They say it’s supposed to be Shuten from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers. ::swoon::……. ::THUD:: ::sighs:: One can only hope, ne?
Happy Holidays, everyone!
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
Holiday Hell
I went out Christmas shopping on Saturday… Some advice: NEVER go out on a weekend if you can avoid it. It’s not worth it. Go after work or during your breaks if you can, because traffic and parking is just a big headache. I didn’t want to go, but it wasn’t like I had a choice. Parents MADE me take the twins out to shop. And they took forever. Hn. Next year they are on their own.  This is what we should be doing: Drinking cocoa or egg nog or grandpa’s whiskey, and having a damn good time! I hope everyone is taking it easy for the next couple of days. Decorate your house with lights and hang your stockings… or light menorah candles. Isn’t today the fifth day of Chanukkah? Eight days celebration sounds wonderful!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Tacos, school, and..........
I’d just like to say that tacos are good. Thank you. Troopers: “…” What? They’re good!. Okay fine. My LAST day of Biology was a waste of time. We had a test AND we had to go into the brain of the specimen! EW! Psycho-boy (see previous archives to get story) totally mashed it when we tried to open the skull. It was by accident of course. I didn’t really talk to him much because… he makes me sad I guess. I think about all the fun that we had then he turned into the grouchy person and… I feel like it was a waste! Oh well. I didn’t really say goodbye to him. He said to me: “Don’t be a stranger!” And I was thinking: “Heh, don’t be a psycho!” He told me to call him. I said I would have to get back to him on that… I left after that. I felt better though. He treated me like he wanted me, then stomped all over my heart and stuff… ::sighs:: Boys can be so cruel sometimes. Girls can be too, hence my behavior tonight. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday so far! I have a thing to add to my list: 4.) Trip to Tokyo to meet the emperor! Yeah! (Impractical, yes… BUT ORIGINAL!)
Happy Holidays, everyone!
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Wishlist and Post Manga Excitement!
Not much to say today. I say that a lot before a really long post, don’t I? ::shrugs:: I promise this will be MUCH shorter!
I got the 12th volume of Fushigi Yuugi: Girlfriend today. O.o OMG! I’m SOO mad! I don’t want to say why, but WAY too many people are dying that I like!! ::sniff:: Hotohori and Tasuki better not! Argh. I can’t wait for the next one! #13: Goddess!
Has everyone finished they’re shopping yet? Have you even STARTED? ::laughs:: I have to finish mine on Saturday. I at least would like these things under the tree: 1.) Boyfriend- Yes, I know it’s impossible, but can’t hurt to ask! ^ ^ 2.) Some purple converses. 3.) Some new drawing supplies. It’s short this year. I’ve got the Christmas Blues so I’m not in the holiday spirit like I should be. I’ll post later to tell you all how Biology class went with Mr. Psycho. ::hides behind Mashos’ robes:: Mashos: “Why are you hiding there?!” ’Cause M’skerd. Shuten: “Naaza isn’t wearing underwear.” EW! Naaza: “::GLARES::” Anubisu & Rajura: “Idiots.” ::sighs:: Aren’t they dreamy?
Happy Holidays, everyone!
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Bio scare!!
Wow. I had a crazy day today. My anatomy class got extended an extra 2 hours to finish the chapter. Our exam is this Thursday. It’s on the reproductive system. ^///^ Fun. Well, let’s just say that I learned a lot more about the male anatomy today! Found out that there is a muscle that can “yank ‘em back into hiding” if I were to walk into class with a double barrel shotgun! The boys in class turned red. Funny. The bad part about staying after was that I didn’t get to eat lunch so I’m eating my rather large dinner now. Yummy I like raw veggies and ranch dip!
Work was interesting too. I learned some more things… and then the power went out in the whole center. We had to cancel all of the other appointments that day. It was about 2 when it happened. The generator failed to kick on and all surgeries were stopped. I’m just glad that no one was undergoing a serious procedure like a hysterectomy or a heart bypass surgery!! Our phones worked though and that was weird. The hot line was down though. We didn’t get to go home. We got to call patients to verify info and the appointment.
And at this point I though that things couldn’t get worse. Well… it did. I’m in Biology class right? (I got into Microbiology! ^ ^ YAY!) Took the test. Went outside where the others were. We started talking about how the tests are too hard and how we think that we’re not getting what we should be out of the class. First of all the instructor isn’t teaching Biology. She’s teaching anatomy. Anyway, long story short, one of the group members told the teacher. She got pissed and gave us a lecture about how if we have a problem to talk to her about it… mostly blah here… Well… the guy that I liked (not anymore. I’ll explain), he got a little… upset about it and just went into a bad mood. I was trying to keep him busy and to forget about it while we dissected. I told him to just lean back and just chill for five minutes while I did a certain part. He did. I guess he was staring off into space when one of the other group members (another person) thought he was giving her a dirty look. She was kinda upset about it. I don’t think he was aware of his face while he was deep in thought, but anyway when we started cleaning up, she approached him… Told him… “You need to have more respect for me…”
Shit hit the bloody fan. He went off on her like you would not believe!! O.o Started cussing her out and yelling. He just grabbed his stuff, left ME to clean up, and stormed out hitting the walls and stuff. I was frightened! I thought he was going to hurt someone! Everyone then started bad mouthing him saying he was no good and what a jerk he was. I felt terrible. I cleaned up and left too and waited for him at his car. The teacher got done talking to him and I asked him if he was okay… Nah. He started going off about how he didn’t get to yell at the woman like he wanted. His anger was skyrocketing so I basically said: “Y’know what? I’ll see you fucking Thursday when you calm the fuck down.” I was frightened, angry that he just left in the middle of clean up, hurt that he was taking his anger out on me when I was TRYING to make him feel better. He got mad. Got in his car, “Have a nice fuckin’ night!” in a real rude way, sped out (almost hitting me) and left.
I just erased his number in my phone and I could careless if I see him again. I don’t deserve that. I don’t need to get involved with someone that can’t control his anger. He smokes, does some drugs (weak stuff on occasion like weed or something), commitment phobic (can’t commit to ANYTHING)… I’m better off, ne? ::WHEW:: So I’m kinda on edge tonight. If you guys can just keep me in your thoughts and drop a comment, I’ll appreciate it. Right now I’m going to get a glass of wine (BIG glass) and calm down.
Cale-kun has the right idea! Cale: “Ahhh… Woman! Bring me more refreshments!” -___-*
New wallpaper! Happy Holidays!
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
Have a Holly-Jolly Christmas!
Wow... That took a lot of work but I finally got everything up the way I wanted it! HTML is hard to do when you're just starting out. I think I did okay for now! (Many thanks to Panda!) I hope every one is enjoying there holiday! I feel a little better than the last post. SO much better. Shopping does a lot for your mood... that and anime!
So what are you guys planning to do for the holidays? Do you celebrate Chanukah? Christmas? I know that the majority of the holiday season is Christmas (look at television!), but I think that it doesn’t have to be just about religion. I can be about family too. Celebrate your family if you don’t celebrate the actual reason! There aren’t any religious conflicts in wanting to do that? OR you can just combine all the holidays into ONE and pretend it’s a huge… party like thing! I know it seems like it wouldn’t work, but I’d rather try and enjoy the happiness this time of year rather than bitch about “what offends me” and ruining everything for everyone. You people need to just throttle back and enjoy the breaks, the lights, the sales, the movie premiers, the excess of candy and booze… The holidays are something to enjoy! Not to ruin because YOU don’t want to have fun. The whole year goes by to have this much fun!! Enjoy it! Don’t be a scrooge! Dais: “Money’s tight Times are hard Here’s your freaking Christmas card!” He can be so grumpy… He’s only dressed like that until I find a tree!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
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Friday, December 3, 2004
Third Time's the Charm My Ass... >:(
I don’t understand things anymore… It’s seems the more I try to understand how to do something or see something or, god, even want something… It’s out of reach and I don’t understand WHY. People tell me: “You gotta try harder… You gotta want it so badly to motivate yourself!” You gotta do this. You gotta do that. Well, what the crap happens when you do this AND that, hm??? Is it SO hard to just get want you freaking want in life?! ::growls:: I’m so SICK of people telling me what “I gotta do”, when they have NO idea what they are talking about or how I feel… I try. I try really hard. I try hard enough to set aside supposedly more important things in order to even think about having the slightest chance at accomplishing something. It’s complete bullshit the things people tell you.
By now you guys probably have NO idea what I’m griping about this time… Well, you can take a wild guess and probably be right: school, friends, and boys. Well, as for school. I study. I study my freaking ass off and I just miss As. They’re all like B+s and stuff and I can’t seem to get ahead. The thing is with nursing down here is that it is SO competitive. Come on here: 30 people get selected based on grades… There are at least 400 people every semester applying. How the hell does that work? Aren’t we at a shortage for nurses here?! Anyway… Friends? Yeah people told me out of high school that they’ll keep in touch… I’ve seen not even half of them at least once… They all have my number, and I call them from time to time. “Yeah, yeah… we should hang out!” I’m still waiting for that bloody phone call. At to top everything off, my best friend (and only one it would seem…) is moving away (I don’t even know where or when!) with that bastard of a fiancé of hers… He’s such a dick… I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how much I don’t like him… I don’t know what I am gonna do about it. I… Won’t have anyone to talk too… Oh? That guy in my biology class? Forget it… As it turns out the past couple of weeks have been a freaking waste of my god damn time… He’ll stay certain things and give me looks like he really is interested… THEN he pulls the: “I like you, but I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to lead you on. I’m not ready for a relationship of any kind…” Ladies we have heard this before, ne? Bullishit, huh? Yeah. If he really DID like me… He would have followed through on his flirt quest and asked me out on a date… This sucks… and this was over the PHONE no less. Doesn’t have the gall to say it to my face… He’s supposed to call me tonight… Heh, I should shut off my phone…
Right I had a point to this… Well, let’s see here. I busted my ass for at least 7 years to get someone to notice me, approach me, want me… yeah… not workin’ out. And to those of you who wann tell me that there’s more important things than guys, save it. I don’t want to hear it cause I ALL READY know what you’re gonna say!! ::sighs:: I KNOW that there’s more important things, but you know something? When all the important things like friends, family, career, yourself go to hell… I just want something to fall back on. SOMEONE actually to keep my spirits up, to RE-motivate me into not giving up on anything. I DON’T have that… So don’t presume to tell me what important. I know what’s important… I’m just tired of everything going to pieces on me when I am trying so HARD here! ::Sighs:: Well… I’m done for now. This has probably been the worst post yet… I apologize about snapping. I’m just frustrated and it’s the only way that I know how to release it when I can’t stand it. I promise that tomorrow that I’ll be in a better mood… I guess it’s these Christmas blues that are really beating down on me this year. So… I’m just going to pull on some pjs, get some green tea, and watch Saiyuki over and over. Or Ronin Warriors… Can’t neglect me anime in this time of turmoil… At least I can still enjoy that… Am so feeling like Kaoru right now…
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
New 'paper and norm update...
Not much to say now. It’s late and I have a quiz tomorrow that’s… hard. Cellular Respiration mean anything to anybody? I also had a talk with the dean of my college. Oi. There’s a teacher that ain’t teachin’ what I paid her to do. SO, I gotta deal with that too. New work is great. I’m just learning everything… can’t wait to start copying for an hour and a half… Oh, Sanzo wants to say hey… Sanzo: “HNN.” ::GLOMP!!:: Sanzo: “… I’m going to kill you…”
Not unless you want MORE b-day spankin’s like Panda said to!
Sanzo: ::gulp:: ::shakes head::
Anywho. Made a ‘nother wallpaper! It’s for you Sanosuke fans. I don’t think it’s the best I’ve done. I’s tired. Go check it out!
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Happy birthday, Sanzo-sama!
::music:: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANZO!! Yes, our “loveable” and trigger-happy monk is another year older today! ^____^ ::goes to give Sanzo big GLOMP:: Sanzo: “Touch me, you die.” .... ::GLOMP!:: Sanzo: ::Fires repeated… blanks:: “WHAT?!”
::Flushes bullets down toilet:: I figured that you’d pull that. You can play “cowboy” later.
Sanzo: ::blushing::
Anywho. Made a ‘nother wallpaper for da birthday boy! Go check it out!
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