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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Being a nurse in 17 months!
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| Summoner Rekka
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture
Watching Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture. Eee! It has my favorite voices from Ronins: Paul Dobson, Matt Hill (needs to STAY on the good guy side:P the voice don’t fit!), Jason Gray Stanford (Kento-kun!), Ward Perry, and David Kaye! Let’s see that’s: Anubis, Ryo, Kento, Rowen and Sekhmet, and the Ancient/Narrator! Wow… I’m surprised the whole cast wasn’t in there, though I thought I heard Richard Newman (Cale) at least once. Hmm. Could be wrong. Anyways. I haven’t seen the 2nd movie yet. I’ve read some of the reviews online and they say it’s better than the first although not by much. This one though had a LOT of potential for a really great plot… it just kinda bottomed out. ::sigh:: Oh well, I’ll write another fanfiction to fix that! :P ::sigh::
ACK! I don’t know what people like about some stuff. I can understand yaoi enough, hell. I LOVE IT. But… for me… relation is MY boundary. Same mum an’ pop? NO TOUCHIE!  I. DON’T. GET. IT! They're BROTHERS.
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Wow. 52 downloads for wallpaper I made! ::weep:: SO. HAPPY. ^ ^ I’ll make some more now!  YAY!
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Not much to add today… ‘cept I’ve had a LOT of free time on my hands… I don’t start work until Monday and I am excited about the new job, I just… I haven’t been feeling okay lately. No, not the sick feeling. The feeling that bothers you, like you should be DOING something with your life feeling. I’ve been feeling so… BLAAH lately. I haven’t written in my fanfiction for months. I can’t abandon it… It’s going on 30+ chapters! I think I’ve lost my muse or something. I believe the word I’m looking for is depressing. I think I’m depressed, but I don’t think I need meds… Although the occasional pill may not seem like a bad idea the way things have been going. Maybe if I list the things I don’t like I can help bring out the things that I do: ‘Kay… I’ve gained 10 libs since my graduation… my best friend is making MORE time for her boy-toy than me (I have one friend out of high school and this is her)… um… the guy I’ve been seeing I think is completely giving me the run around… I can’t stand up for myself at home for fear of getting pounded by much larger and grumpier younger sister (I have a bruise from 4 months ago on my back STILL)… ::looks back at list:: Yee… That’s grim either that or I’m just whining… I don’t like to think I whine… I just don’t like feeling empty. I wanna be full dammit! Full of what I don’t know. NO. Not full of poo :P I feel like I’m being bombarded! “Go ‘way!”
I made 2 more wallpapers. They’re Saiyuki ones. Hope you all like them! Having accomplished something today has made me feel a little better… Anyways, I promised my friend that I’d try and post another chapter of my Ronin fic. Read and review! I need the comments so I can be BETTER!
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::Yawns:: Good morning. It’s like two in the morning and I’m so very bored. I should sleep shouldn’t I? ::thinks for a moment:: Mmmn… I think the turkey sleeping magic is wearing off. That and the soda I’ve had in the past hour probably isn’t helping either.
So, what’s everyone planning to do today? Are you guys going to enjoy the Saturday and just loaf around? How about shopping early for Christmas? There are some sales that are still in progress throughout the weekend.
Oh, did I tell you? I’ve quit my job at that horrible restaurant! Yay! I have a new job now! It’s at this surgery center. I get to make patient charts, handle and call about insurance… fun stuff. I get a password and a badge and stuff. Yeah, I’m easily amused… I don’t start until Monday. It’s gonna crash with school. I hope my grades won’t suffer…
 Time for a Ronin sing-a-long!
I’ve been tweaking with the HTML gadgets on this site a little bit. It’s really frustrating though. Oh well, practice makes perfect I suppose!
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Oi… I just visited a couple of sites mostly near the top 50 members and all I have to say is the competition here is just mean! It’s comments back and forth. Some are good, the rest are not so nice. I mean… do you get anything if you get to be #1? A sticker? A sack of money? Free anime for life?? What’s the big deal? I know I sometimes cheer myself on as my rank goes up, but I’m not about to cry about it if nobody decides to visit me. I’m not gonna jump down someone’s throat just cause they’re beating me. Can’t we all just get along? ::sighs::“Give Tori hugs!” See? Torrent’s got the right idea!
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Happy Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday. I'm taking it really easy today 'cause tomorrow is Black Friday. What? You don't know what Black Friday is? Here:  "Noooo! I want my X-Booooox!"
No, I'm only kidding about this... But "Black Friday" (there are other ones too) is basically the day after Thanksgiving. You know the BUSIEST shopping day of the year?? Sometimes a riot will break out. Though I don't think that it's QUITE that bad. It can be though. If someone was giving $50 million away to the first 20 people, yeah: RIOT. So I need to spare the energy to shop ‘til I drop!
Oh, I found out an interesting fact today. Ever wonder why you feel sleepy after you eat your weight in turkey? I ask my mom about this and she said to look it up on the net, so I did: "L-tryptophan is an amino acid that occurs naturally in foods. It occurs in turkey meat, and thus one feels sleepy after having a big turkey dinner. L-tryptophan can also be used to treat sleep disorders. It can cause some stomach upset and should be taken with a carbohydrate rich snack at bedtime. The downside of L-tryptophan is it is quite expensive, and not covered by pharmacare." So, this is what you look like when you have too much turkey:  “Aww, ain’t they cuuute?”
But isn’t that weird? ONE little molecule in excess can may you sleepy! I guess it’s kinda the same thing when sugar makes you overly hyper… ::shrugs::
Well, I hope everyone enjoys their holiday! I guess eating (turkey) until you drop (sleep) has a whole different meaning, huh?
Oh, how does the site look now? Good bad? Comments…
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I AM #2000! WHOOO
Yay! It's an actual rounded number today! Hum, I wonder if I can get it down to at least 1500? Well, you know what they say about goals! Set them and get them... okay, maybe they don't REALLY say that... Thanks to all who visits my blog... thingy. Especially the -crypts. You know Helio and Luna... Thanks you guys! If anybody knows anyone that loves the Ronins or Saiyuki send them my way! Lots of love for you guys!
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Saturday, November 20, 2004
Laaaaazy Saturday...
Got two more games (yes, I know I should be saving my money, but they cost me like $20): Zelda 1 and Zelda 2 for GBA. These are the oldest versions of Zelda (from NES!) and damn it all is it confusing... Argh. I've died 39 times so far (Zelda 1) and I still haven't gotten the Up+A cheat to work yet to save without having to die... I think they fixed that bug in this version. I haven't killed Ganon yet and the game has a second playthrough. But aside from all the 2D action and front attack only it's cool to have. Hard as hell if you're used to A Link to the Past or any of the other games where Link has a broader swing range... Money is SO scarce in this game too. At least there aren't like 3000000 pieces of heart to find. Just heart containers and there aren't any game indications to where they are. It's mostly just trial and error with bombs and bush burning. When you do beat it, you will HATE Darknuts, especially the Blue ones. They attack in swarms and you can only hit them from the side and behind, but they're FAST. Zelda 2 is a lot like Mario Bros. The battle system is like Final Fantasy: defeat enemies to get experience travel the world (like FF) map. I've played about an hour of this one... I'll let you guys know what kind of game it is for those who don't know when I play it more. I didn't have much to do today so I decided to talk about gaming...
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
I must say that last night went rather... well for what happened. Yeah. I definitely talked to him. Turns out that (of course) he's having waaay too much fun with being single now and doesn't want to jump into anything (like I don't :P). BUT... let's just say that there's gonna be some... getting to know you more in the near future. ^ ^ I DO know this: feelings are mutual sooo I'm keeping my fingers crossed and not getting my hopes up too terribly high. I'll keep you posted!
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Monday, November 15, 2004
Hanging out and Mario Party 5
Ehh... I'm just laying around today and enjoying the nice weather for a change... Surprisingly, Florida has good weather days believe it or not... Anyways, got another game: Mario Party 5 for GameCube. It's okay. The colors are great and some of the games make you sweat a little bit especially the ones where you have to mash the buttons like crazy. True to it's name. It IS more fun when you are playing with actual people rather than the comp. There are a few characters that are new. Some guy who looks like an evil version of Luigi and a girl who looks like a brunette Peach. Boo is a playable character and I LOVE that! You don't get to be Bowser like the other MPs. You're Koopa-kid instead (from Yoshi's Island for SNES: Super Mario World 2). Cute game and you'll have to play it several times to unlock all the games in Mini-Game mode. Buy it if you're bored on a rainy Saturday. Here's what you do. Grab some popcorn, soda, and a friend and go nuts. I like this game. Not too easy, not hard either.
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