Summoner Rekka
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Triforce Shards and Floor Masters
I. Hate. Floor Masters. I just wanna get that off of my chest there. These things are like the spawn of Satan (they grab you from this dark pit thing and take you aaaaall the way back to the start of a dungeon...) These things should be illegal, y'know? Oh, I'm having trouble finding out where the Triforce chart #4 is? Something about a ghost ship chart? Where's thaaaat?
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Friday, October 22, 2004
Paper Mario 2 & Zelda: the Windwaker
Oops... I forgot to update after the party. My bad. I was very busy with work and I had mad testing to study for. School is haaaard. Oh, I got a new toy! ::grins:: Game Cube, baby! ::sweatdrop:: Oi, I know that they've been out for a while, but yeah... I'm poor sooo, I got lucky. I got the Zelda windwaker game and bought Paper Mario 2. Both games are sooooooo fun! Paper Mario 2 lots of humor. I highly recommend that you at least try it if you like evil curses that aren't really evil, chicken wrestlers named Rawk (the Rock... get it?), and a bob-omb with one eye that make farting noises at frilly pirates. I was laughing out loud nearly every half hour! The windwaker is awesome too. A HUGE game with lots of ocean to cover, pretty colors, challeging to easy side quests. I haven't beaten either of them. I'm nearly done with PM though. Any other good games out there for GC. Yes, I am SO excited about the Zelda for GC in 2005!
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Household chemicals make my head spin. Too much cleaning... Guests don't arrive until four sooo... I have to clean until then. Yay. -_-* Tell you about it all later,kay?
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Friday, October 15, 2004
Presents pwease! Just kidding :P

Happy Birthday to me! Wee! Yeah, I know it's a bit impractical to wish yourself a happy birthday, but I'm like that... plus I'm kinda by myself for today anyway. Tomorrow should be fun though! Today I am no longer a "teenager" but I'm still not old enough to drink yet ::sweatdrop:: It's the big 2 0 ! Just another 365 days and I will be officically responsible for all of my actions! (I shouldn't sound so enthusiastic, should I?) Oh well, the party is tomorrow. I'll tell you guys about it!
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
It's Saaaaaaturday!
Whee! Yay! A day off from school and from work! WHOO hooooo... Hope you all are having a nice weekend just doing whatever you guys do or NOTHING at all! Ha ha! Weekends are so much fun! What do you guys like to do on the weekends? Beach? Home? Mall? Baseball, football, soccor, WORK? Me? I like to just kick back and relax, trying to unwind from the week. Beaches are kinda over rated in Florida if you ask me... It's just sand and water... and your occasional streaker... THAT was weird. I'm eating jelly beans now. They're the gourmet Jelly Belly ones. Mmm, gooooood. Have you guys tried the Bernie Botts Every Flavor Ones?? All I can say is: STAY. AWAY. FROM. THE. YUCKY. COLORS... ::shudders:: "Vomit" is NOT a flavor you make into a jelly bean! EWWWWWW! Oh well, enjoy your weekend! Mine's only a day!
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
You know when you're blind date's gone south when...
Yay! It's up! Go check out my wallpaper! Oh yeah... remember that blind date I was talking about? Well, yeah... Is it a bad thing if your blind date backs out on you?? Well, that's what happened... I feel kinda bad though. The guy didn't even want to even meet. I feel unloved... ::sighs:: Well, it doesn't matter. ::whispers:: I kinda have a crush on somebody. It's not huge, but... eh, I think about him from time to time. I'm not gonna try anything though... People tell me that when you STOP looking, BAM. There he (or she for you boys) is! ::shrugs:: I'll be 20 in a few days so... it's not like I'm 30 and single. I think I'll find someone by then...
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
YEAAAAAAH! 100 hits so far and I'm in the 2,000 range. SWEET. Ugh. but I'm still worried about that damn blind date of mine. ::whines:: I've never been on one before! HELP!
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I submitted a new wallpaper today. You'll have to wait and see when they post it. It's my best one I think so far. Oh! I think I'll do one of Byakuen next. I found this cute pic! 
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
... The footsteps of satan into the mouth of Hell...
Agh... Mondays... I hate them (yes I know that it's Tuesday at 1:15 A.M. but anyway...). Got up, school, home, work, home... Exciting, ne? :P I did do one thing that was good: that humanities 2 exam I had I got back today... Honestly, I thought I was going to do poorly... even with 25 extra credit points... I was sick for a week and missed class, and I kinda sorta didn't study like I should have (I crammed while driving to school-15 min max...) For those of you who think that it's a good idea, don't... you'll bomb the test and might crash the car making your parents even more upset. ::sweatdrop:: but in this case I actually did WELL. I got a B- (second highest. The highest was a B+) which shocked the living hell out of me. Needless to say I was happy... Yes, I WILL study for this next one and get an A like a good girl... OH. Get this... my friend's fiance has a guy friend who wants a girl friend... okaaaay good news I guess. Here's the bad part: potential boyfriend is SUPPOSEDLY exactly like my friend's to-be hubby... A JERK (well to me at least). But yeah, she wants to set me up. A BLIND DATE. AHHHHGGGG. For some reason, I accepted ( she said he was cute so... hey what else can I go on besides a name????). I dunno what the hell I was thinking, true no one's probably ever gonna ask me out for a while, but then the opportunity may not arise for a while. If we don't hit it off, fine... but still, if he's like him (to-be hubby) (I'm not using names for safety's sake here, sorry)... I REALLY don't want to. Regardless I can't back out, and the thing is this saturday... HUM. IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE WHO'S BEEN ON A BLINDA DATE?!!! I need advice...
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
Yay! Finally my wallpaper has been posted... I just hope that it won't show up 10 billion times again ( I resubmitted it alot :p). Go check it out, okay? Comments welcome (even mean and harsh ones...) I'm going to be doing requests and stuff. I think I'm going to do one for Kento this time. Thanka AnimeBlue for stopping by and keeping me in good spirits. Luv U!
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