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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Getting into nursing school.
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Being a nurse in 17 months!
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Drawing, writing, and music.
| Summoner Rekka
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Saturday, June 10, 2006
Dream the Crow-Black Dream...
"Don't look don't look" the shadows breathe
Whispering me away from you
"Don't wake at night to watch her sleep
You know that you will always lose
This trembling
Tousled bird mad girl... "
But every night I burn
But every night I call your name
Every night I burn
Every night I fall again
"Oh don't talk of love" the shadows purr
Murmuring me away from you
"Don't talk of worlds that never were
The end is all that's ever true
There's nothing you can ever say
Nothing you can ever do... "
Still every night I burn
Every night I scream your name
Every night I burn
Every night the dream's the same
Every night I burn
Waiting for my only friend
Every night I burn
Waiting for the world to end
"Just paint your face" the shadows smile
Slipping me away from you
"Oh it doesn't matter how you hide
Find you if we're wanting to
So slide back down and close your eyes
Sleep a while
You must be tired... "
But every night I burn
Every night I call your name
Every night I burn
Every night I fall again
Every night I burn
Scream the animal scream
Every night I burn
Dream the crow black dream
Dream the crow black dream... God I love this movie. Brandon Lee... sohotwrong. xD
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
::POUND:: ................. ::POUND POUND!!!::
... the little gnome inside my head is digging again. Probably to find a place for all this extra knowledge.
... Just wish he would take a break! My head hurts! T.T
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Sunday, June 4, 2006
-/////////- Some guy asked me for my number. He's so cute too. Argh. I feel like a dork. I gave it to him, but I don't wanna get my heart broken again. :( Aaaaaaah.
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
I should be studying. I fell asleep on my book and have a pressure print on my fore head of the back of the paper mate pen logo on my cheek. I'm going to bed.

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Friday, June 2, 2006
I don't think I could be anymore clearer about the large statement above this one... Maybe I should have an age limit or something? Got a 101.5 on the Foundations Exam. I have a 93.42 in the class and THAT folks is an A! I have a 89.4 and that is .1 away from an A in Pharmacology. ^ ^
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
This camera phone is so nifty. It sings happy birthday. And the Smurf theme song... Ringtones are about $3 tho... I'm all about the lateness that is the hour. Sweepy.
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Did everyone have a good holiday? Mine was busy... I didn't get to study a whole lot for my first unit exam which I had [technically] yesterday. > < I think I did really well on it! ::crosses fingers:: The next one is the midterm and that's on the 27th of June [cumulative, of course :P].Speaking of fingers... Mine's... okay??? > < It doesn't hurt when I move it. It hasn't bled at all, until I took off the bandaid and pulled something the wrong way, then it just... gushed. Yuck. It's still an OPEN wound and I don't know what to do! [A nursing student and I don't know basic first aid. > < STUPID.] I think I'll show it to the teacher... she's a nurse w/ a doctorate. :P So is she a nurse or doctor? Lol. Saw "X-Men 3" and "Over the Hedge" this weekend. Much funny for the animals and their food capers. Lol "Can you help me find my nuts?!" It's great for kids. As for "X-Men"... > < All I'm going to say is that if you watched the cartoon when you were a kid [not the new cartoon network version], the GOOD one with the yellow spandex people. Yeah. You'll be pretty disappointed with it. LOTS of stuff happened that wasn't supposed to! NO GAMBIT. SONOTCOOL. Meh, I got to see a half nakie Wolvie... and his horny side. ^////^ So hating Jean Grey. Lol. I got a new phone! A camera phone! Yay! Still fiddling with it, but no pictures of me yet. They're all... yucky. :P Heading to bed. Sleepy.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
Sad, stuck, and a little crippled.
A little down for the last week or so... old memories die hard. Stupid guy.
I cut my finger yesterday to make matters worse. Picture this: skinny nail sticking out of the side of a large bin |\ <----- kinda like that. I pick it up, get the nail STUCK in my hand, and then lift up, digging and pushing under the skin of my finger, then tearing thru as I realize that I've done an owie boo boo thingy.
So I gotta lengthwise cut from the bottom to the first crease of my finger on the underside.
A bloody mess.
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
: : Crawling out from under nursing book pile : : GAAAAASP! Air!
Study skills, hooooooooooooo! Sorry if I've been a tad over zelous with work and school. They're beating me down. This is the first time that I feel like I'm on top of stuff. > < This will be short and sweet because I have to get up early tomorrow for school. God I hope there isn't a pop quiz. Those things friggin suck.
Summary: Sister just got HER wisdom teeth pulled. For those of you that were here with me last year, I got mine pulled too. Not fun. Oh well, at least the Vicodin has put her in a good mood.
Laundry is done! Yay! I had spiders in my bed! O.o I've got 4 bites: elbow, foot, left hand, right wrist. Ititititich-ch-chyyyyyyyyy! O_x. Washed and rewashed stuff, and sucked up stuff. Saw Da Vinci Code. Meh, it was good buuut, I'm not really comfortable with all the stuff that was "covered" up. It's plausible, but I don't like the ideas. > < DO NOT POST ABOUT this. It saves bashing from any and all! I won't but I don't like being told that I'm wrong or anything. Keep it to yourself guys or mail me and we can talk... :P This is anime, not bible study. :P Bought #6 of FMA. O.o Crazy island guy. Poor bunnies. :D Started lifting rather than running. I've plateaued in weight loss, but I'm down to 146-ish now. Less than when I graduated 3 years ago! XD Well that's about it. Kinda medium post. I'll try and post later this week. Love you guys!
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Iatrogenic hazard:
"... [e a tre jen' ik] Any potiental or actual patient harm that is caused by errant actions of health care staff members."
Notes cards...
There are like 50 terms per chapter that I want to know. Flaaaaaash cards... Many many many cards! Tee hee!
Man I'm tired of writing!
Such a good movie. ^ ^
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