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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Nursing Student
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Getting into nursing school.
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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors)
Being a nurse in 17 months!
Drawing, music, and anime.
Drawing, writing, and music.
| Summoner Rekka
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Again thanks! Help me get to #1000!
 THANK YOU! I think the job hunt went well! I applied to Bath and Body Works and to Suncoast. I have a good feeling about both of them! I also got a call from another place I applied at about 7 this morning. Ugh... They just wanted to see if I was available to move. I've got limited travel since I don't HAVE a job and gas is so fuggin' high. >_< My BEST friend is in New York City watching the broadway production of RENT. ^___^ With the original cast might I add [most were in the movie!]!! She was so excited about it and is sitting in the 4th row. LUCKY! The tickets were limited and were $1000 bucks a pop, but that includes dinner and a chance to meet the cast. I can't wait until she gets home! I got my book list for the first semester. 10... TEN books for this semester! And this is the reading list, suggested reading is out of pocket since that scholarship I got only covers required books. The book lady told me to bring a wagon or something to carry them all. TT_______________TT I have to get those tomorrow. Bah.
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Monday, April 24, 2006
Spring cleaning!
 THANK YOU! Well, it's the first day without work. O.o Job hunt anyone? I used all my stress from last post to do laundry and clean my room. I got a lot done! And I'm giving a lot of my clothes to good will so that other kids can have them. That and I can't fit into them anymore TT___TT. So I'm dropping that off tomorrow among other errands I have to run. Fun. Nursing is next week folks! I'm stoked!
Edit: I just chatted away a few minutes with SomeGuy. Friendly fellow, that one! ^ ^
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
I've been feeling like this for the whole weekend. Like every little thing is buggin' me. It might be that whole woman thing with the 28 days, but... meh. Midol takes care of that! XD Anyway, I'm hanging out with the usual gang like always. I found out that one of them has a crush on me a while back. I told him that I wasn't interested and he kept pushing and asking why why why. I finally broke down and told him that "dark skin" [see where this is going] isn't my preference. Now he thinks I'm racist and crap. I'm not. I don't think I'm better than he is just cause he's black. I thought we were cool and everything cause he said he didn't care, but the past 3 weekends he's been really RUDE to me. I finally asked him what was up and hence the racial accusation. Wtf? I'm not racist. Dark skin, blonde hair, green eyes. These are traits. So sue me if I don't particuarly like something about you! Grrr... I talked it over with 2 of my friends that also hang out with us. They think he's just looking for an excuse to hate me for not liking him. That's how it seems anyway. I'm just going to keep being as nice as possible I guess. I don't hate him, I just wish that he would chill out about it. I'm not the only one who thinks that way. This is how I was raised... Sorry this was turning into a rant rather than a post. Maybe I just needed to vent. I hope some of you aren't too upset with me. Am I making sense? In other news, I bowled a perfect 20! -____- I was really sucking tonight, but I bowled 2 strikes! XD Yay! Nursing starts next Monday. Ooooh, I can't wait for all the new books and the experience... wait. Gimme 3 hours and I'll wanna cry with all the work I'll be getting. Dang it! Lol. That's it for now. I'm going to bed so that I can clear my head. |
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Friday, April 21, 2006
Party for the departing
Tired. It's almost 3am here. I got a going away party thrown for me from the girls at work! They swiped my gym clothes [ I go to the gym right after work...] and put this really cute outfit there instead. I had a great time and had a few beers. I met someone that I hadn't seen since ELEMENTARY school. He got cute, but he's a screw up of sorts. He tried to be all sweet and say that he likes to fuck around and drink... This was after I had like 3 beer bottles in front of me... bah... I hate guys like that. You know, the ones that rattle off how many girls they've dated. How much money they have. Bitch please, if I want a resumé I'll ask, dammit. Sorry, just a little annoyed... But I had a good time regardless. He was a jerk, but pretty to look at. ^___^ BEDTIME! |
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
Counting the days...
Well, Friday is my last day at work. No, I didn't get fired. I have to quit my job so that I can go to school. I have been putting out mad applications tho to work on the weekends. My tax return won't last me 18 months... I'll get paid for the last 2 weeks and this week that I worked. I just want 2 weeks for myself to party, prepare and god knows what else before I won't have time to do it anymore... Which really bothers me now considering that in September, Zelda: The Twilight Princess is supposed to be out by then... and I won't have time to play it like I want to! Booo... TT___TT
I'll make time. =P
Anyway, today the girls at work are taking me some where, even though I have to drive there on my own.... as a going away present I guess. I received a card from most of the Pre-op/PACU and OR staff. Some of the doctors signed it too. ^__^ That made me cry and then one of the nurses gave me her stethoscope that she used. She even had my name engraved in it!
I really don't want to leave the job I have, but duty calls I s'pose...
I've been in the mood for wallpapers lately... so expect some soon!
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Monday, April 17, 2006
Egg Hunt Shananigans!
So I was on an egg hunt right? Well, it was at an old friends house and basically the whole gang every year has an egg hunt. This was the first year that I was in it. 31 egg 12 of us. Rules grab an egg. No stealing. Everyone gets an egg. Person that has the most gives one up BEFORE they're opened. Some have money in them the highest was a $10 bill.
I scored a $5 and a $1 plus a quarter. XD And some candy. We couldn't find all 31. SO there's like $2 still in the back yard!
But I mostly enjoyed the whole weekend with just friends. I didn't spend easter with the family. I do it every year, they're important to me, but... these last few months, my friends have been more family than I've ever known. Sad I know... but...
it's encouraging to know that I'm not alone.
Thank you Jesus for dying for me, my sins, and for the good and preservation of us all...
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
egg hunt
i havent been on an egg hunt since i was like 12.... doooode. i get money if i find the right ones! im at a friends house and his mom will be making all these eggs with moo lah!! happy easter every one
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
I just wanted to share that! Does anyone know where I can buy it around here? I've only seen the last hour so I'm kinda lost. The fat racoon/cat... GUY! He rocks so hard!
Sorry, I haven't seen a really good anime in a long time and it makes me think back to when I first got into it. I was excited! O.o It's not over! Wonder what's gonna happen next!? XD
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Dreaming of the $6000 free money from the state when I get it.... TT_____________TT I'm SO FREAKING POOOR!!!!!!
Graaaaaaaaah I suppose it could be worse... I could be having a million papers to write like SomeGuy did. Man, that boy's got talent for pulling that off. Lucky bloke. TT___TT
Watching MORE Ronin Warriors XD.
Sh'ten Douji so pwns my soul. XD
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
Money Update!
There is this thing called "Workforce" that if I sign up for it, they'll pay up to $6,000 bucks for my nursing. No catch it seems. Apparently, they're just trying to help kids/adults give back in the community with jobs that are in high demand right now. Nursing is a big one. I have to apply for the Pell Grant [which I know I won't get. Mom and dad make too myuch], and for FAFSA, turn in some paperwork and that's it... I think...
Anyways... I have an appointment with them on the 13th so set everything up. Hope I get accepted. Wish me luck! XD
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