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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Nursing Student
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Getting into nursing school.
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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors)
Being a nurse in 17 months!
Drawing, music, and anime.
Drawing, writing, and music.
| Summoner Rekka
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Friday, April 7, 2006
It begins... muhahahahahahaaaaaaa
I had my nursing orientation earlier this morning. Went through a lot of this and that. MAN. It's like military training or something. We all have to be in uniform IN and out of the classroom. We wear a different scrub in clinical. All the same. Same kind of shoes, socks, you can't even wear your hair down while in school unless it's off the shoulder [mine is, yay ^ ^]. I had to get a hemostat, penlight, bandage scissors, lab coat, stethescope... Oi... About $200 dollars for just those things and the uniforms [one uniform set, not multiple like they suggest...]... Classes are expensive! O.o And the test itself is $390 or something for each one... Boy. I hope I pass it the first time! -__-*
My very first class is online and the second one is at the back of the OPMC. I start on May the 8th at 9 am on Monday for the first one: Pharmacology. There is only one actual class then. The second one is Tues-Thurs. from 9a-4p... GAAAAAY. This means I can't work at the Surgery Center anymore. I'll have Mondays off this time... Fridays are off until clinicals start and that I think is in August. I should be out by about 4p everyday. TT__TT I put in my 2 weeks today. I really didn't want to... But that's my whole semester until the Fall. I don't know what it will be after that... but it's basically 2 a semester. And my last classes I will be working as an intern with another nurse working his/her shift. THAT isn't until I think the summer of '07. December is the graduation date!!! YAY! ^ ^
I want to work while I am in school still so if anyone know a good place, tell me!!! I need mad cash! TT___TT
The bill. Hold on to your seat boys and girls!
The First Year [26 credit hours]
Course fees -- $1,738.88
Books -- $500.00
Uniforms -- $200.00
Misc. Supplies-- $150.00
Liability Insurance -- $17.25 <------- Not sure what that is all about yet...
Lab fees -- $110.00
Standardized Testing -- $200.00
Physical and shots -- $200.00 <------ Did this all ready ^ ^ Navy makes stuff free!
Total Estimated Cost First Year: -- $3,028.13 >_____<
But wait! There's more.....
Second Year Fees [16 credit hours]:
Course Fees --$1,070.08
Books -- $200.00
Standardized Testing -- $112.00
Liability Insurance -- $17.25
Lab Fees -- $90.00
Pin/Composite Photo --$100.00
RN-CLEX Exam <------THE TEST! --$390.00 -_________-
Grad Fee -- $20.00
Total For Year Two: -- $1999.33
$$$ ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $$$ ------- $7,775.86
Sooooooooooooooooo if anyone wants to send me money???????? I will loooove you forever! TT______TT I'm gonna be so unfun now... Booooooooooo
I make my mission statement here and now!

Wish me luck! I want you all there at graduation!! Well... if you can make it of course! XD
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Back baby!
Still sniffly, but I'm coming out of it... I think. Got an email from the ex... all ready has a new girl... and she's pretty. >.< Grr. Yes, I shouldn't be jealous as hell, but still. It's the principle of the matter! ::sigh:: I'm over him. Sorta. Had I seen it on the street, fine, but you don't gotta rub it in my face! Hmph!
Anyway, update in the anime... MAN I've been a bad otaku. Gone back to watching Ronin Warriors [Anubis so pwns me XD]. Ehh, the dubbing isn't so great, unless your me and love the one-liners some of these guys throw out: "Your mother wears army boots!!" Wtf? Lame insult, but I lurve it!!!!! XD Two of the CDs that I scored at "Mega-con" in Orlando make me squee for all things armored and purtee. One's mostly BGM. I didn't think I would like it at first. But some of it is pretty catchy. It's put me in a better mood since I have been pretty crabby lately...
I really would like to get into Tsubasa, but I think I have to finish Card Captor Sakura, right? O.o That's a long series if I remember correctly. And everyone is getting into Naruto now. I heard it's a really LONG series. I lost interest in DBZ and Inuyasha because they just dragged on and on... grah. Plus I'm kind of on a time bind because of nursing now. I have my orientation later this week so I'll know more then.
Yay! This was a good sized update, ne? XD See you!
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Coming down with a cold. Boo. I'll be back soon...
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Monday, March 27, 2006
i think i may just not call friends this weekend. i think i need this time to myself... so they can cool off and so i can get my head on straight again. i've put them through a lot of drama and they don't deserve it. ::head desk:: sometimes simple things ain't so simple. boy does that suck. lol.
anyway. i might make some more fan art and wallpapers instead.
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Advice column #1
Alcohol isn't good for you: it makes you silly and you do things that are bad if you're not paying attention. It makes you needy and horny if you're coming out of a bad relationship with someone "special". It makes you fat if you don't watch what you drink. Worse of all, you have this sick ass headache if you drink too much!
I haven't thrown up, but I think I'm not going to hang out with my "drinking buddies" as much anymore... Long night, I just wanna go hide in bed and hope for the best...
Self = dummy
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
Gone to get funnied. Lolz. How is everyone doing otherwise? XD
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Random Thought of the Day:
My eyeball friggin' hurts. Every time I blink, it feels like there is something in it, but there's nothing! NOTHING!! Image hosting by Photobucket
Mad Libs is a fun game... XD
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Beatdown. St. Patty's Style
I'm making this quick since I feel like I'm gonna hurl. Yuck.
Got drunky... well, tipsy rather, but enough to give me bad ass hating heartburn and a gurgly tummy. --_____-- I had fun tho!
Bed time. It's 6 am here.... haven't gone to bed. :P

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Thursday, March 16, 2006
Feelin' fine.
 M'still a little bit on the tender side. o_x I sound like I'm talking about grilling chicken. Lol. Emotions aside, I'm doing pretty well for about a week and a few days into "dumpsville". He hasn't called me or anything... That in itself makes me feel that I'm not worth anyone's time [which, of course, I know is not true!], but it still is kinda painful.
I figure that I'll be over this better once school gets underway and nursing will REALLY give me something to cry about. :: looks around the messy room :: --___-- Nuts. I'll have to move junk around again to have a place to study and memorize all sorts of evil things.
Orientation is April 6th, so I'll have a better idea of what work will be like once I start classes. I may not be able to keep working if the schedule is too hectic... I tried calling the school about it and, well... they don't know jack apparently 'cause they won't give me a definitive answer about anything!
Anyway. Update completed. ^ ^

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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Getting through the days. It's been one whole week... Man, I can't believe that I got dumped by some jerk! ::sighs:: Everyone saw this one coming... :P Oh well...
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