Summoner Rekka
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Monday, February 6, 2006
I'm friggin' bored. SO friggin' bored that I'm ACTUALLY watching "Napoleon Dynamite". Ugh. Some of it's funny, but I don't see what the big friggin' deal about it was. Oi. It's got okay 80's music though.
So, what's everyone been up to? School? Boys? Girls? Everything is right now with the boy. Nothin' new to say about that. Down to 144lbs now. Hmm, the weight is coming off slower now. Wonder what I'm doing wrong?
Anyway, gonna go study for this AIDS test I have to take to get a special card that says I'm knowledgeable in it. Yey.
Maybe should I go save Hyrule instead?
I'm downloading some songs. Getting some Nightwish and some Billy Idol. Any suggestions about some sweet music that's all orchestrated and metal? Either or is fine! XD
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Sunday, February 5, 2006
Pig puppet, gay pirates, and MAN LINK. XD
:: rolling of the eyes ::
So I'm finishing off the Wind Waker [Twilight Princess STILL isn't out yet and I needed a Zelda fix] and realized something... Ganon is just LAME. Final boss? Freakin' puppet thingy in 3 stages: Piggy, this SICK looking tarantula, and lastly a fuckin' speedy little snake with a little bob on his tail about yay --------> . big. ¬.¬ I hate that damn Ganon. Took me an hour to figure out how to hit the damn bob thingy...
Oooh I can't WAIT for the new one to come out. It's gonna be schweeeeeeeet! XD No more little kiddie Link. Now fan girls everywhere can drool over MAN-LINK. XD It's supposed to come out in April, but who knows. Nintendo is being a little bitch. Argh. Oh well, I suppose it's best to wait and not rush. Rushing= bad game. I just wish it GET here!!! XD I miss playing all night with a new game, new story, new everything! XD
I'm not sure if there was a point to this post. Oh well, I'm gonna go redo the whole game again and see if I can get everything this time around. ^ ^ There's a GAY pirate in it too! Well, if ya think about it... pirates are generally out at sea for a VERY LOOOONG TIME... and are mostly boys... ¬.¬ a gay pirate doesn't surprise me anymore. Damn. XD
Cheerio! I'll be in St. Augustine all day tomorrow. XD
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
One month
O.o I can't believe that a whole month has gone by since Kim and I started dating. O.o I feel like I've known him for a long time. Like forever. Is this what love feels like and stuff? I've never been sure before... even with all the drama of last year [for those of you that know me]. But I dunno. I feel just weird when I'm around him. It's an excited/happy/anxious feeling. Butterflies are involved everytime I'm with him. Sometimes when we're just talking and laughing or something, and then there is just this pause before he'll just kiss me or something... I don't know. I'm getting butterflies just thinking about it again.
I'm not one to say "I love you" first in this type of situation and frankly... I don't expect it said to me now, but he's all ready said it a few times. I don't know how I feel exactly. YES. I care about him ALOT. He just doesn't come across as the sensitive guy. I mean he told me once before that he didn't really believe in love... and then he says it out of the blue. No smart remarks. We're just talking and bam! Out it came. bahhhhh... I think I'm falling for him... I just don't wanna get heartbroken again. I know that there are risks in life but... I've had my heart ripped from me, I'm not sure if I want that feeling again. =(
What do you guys think?
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
I'm gonna be a nurse! I just got into nursing school! 36 people picked out of 500! YAY! I start in May! XD Wish me luck!
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Meh, a little bit of an update. Things are going okie dokie... sorta... Kim [boyfriend] and I are doing okay as far as 3 weeks are going. I've seen him almost everyday now. Mom and dad think that I'm seeing him too much. �.� Well, that's only because he's gonna be starting a job tomorrow about an hour away from my house [he's moving down there too]. 16 hour shifts is what he'll be mostly working. So I'll only get to see him once a week... I'm kinda sad about that. But he says that he'll call me when he's on his breaks and stuff to let me know how work went... I may move in with him eventually, but I think I'll wait until school is done with. I think I could be done with it this year! Anyways, I still haven't heard anything from the school yet about my being accepted or not. You'll all be the first to know! ^ ^
Anyways that's it for the update! See you guys soon!
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
A little update!
Hello! Yes, I'm alive. Sort of... �.� I just thought to drop you all a line seeing how some of you [ALL 6 of my friends LOL] are worried about me. Christmas was good and so was the new year. XD I'm just glad that 2005 is over! XD So here's the synopsis of December:
Christmas I managed to score me some Prismacolor markers! They're really nice and they don't leave that marker... marky look to them when they dry! I've done a few pieces of art. I'll post them at a later date. My scanner is kinda buggin' out. I got a lot of socks. I got a lot of liquor from my underaged friends! O.o I don't wanna know how, but whatever. ^ ^;;; Um... Oh yeah. ^//////^ Santa brought me a late Christmas present! XD I met a boy! XD Tall, dark, and handsome, yes sir! Just out of the army [GO FIGURE! I'M a NAVY BRAT! >.<]. He's actually from Spain, but you can't really tell from his voice. No accent, but when he speaks it! Ohhhhhh, I could die. XD It's been only a week, but yeah, what a babe. ^ ^ New Years I went out to a friends house with the usual gang. Played pool, rocked out on Nightwish and Queen. Nightwish is a new band that I LOVE now. Try "Nemo" very cool! XD Later we went to my house and got a little tipsy for the new year. We toasted and drank. No one drove home drunk thank god. Good times. :D Anyway, that about will rap it up for this month and last. I turned in my application for nursing so, I'm going be waiting for about 4-6 weeks for the news if I'm in or not. Keep me in your otaku prayers! Pleaaaaaaase!!!!! XD See you all next month I suppose! I miss you guys!
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
Happy Trails To You!
Yes. I am leaving the Otaku for a little while... Things aren't going right and I need to clear my head... Thank you all for being such good friends for advice and for laughs! I'll be around to leave witty comments and the like... I will miss you all. I love you!
Sincerely, Summoner Rekka
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy, happy, turkey day!
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
[Above quote from the new HP movie] Whoa, has it been a week since I last posted? Sheesh... Sorry guys. These past 2 weeks have been a little bothersome. I'm just giving you guys a quick update! I just saw the new Harry Potter movie: "The Goblet of Fire"! ^_______^ Wow. It's the best one yet! I'm looking for time to read the books now! Yay! ^_^ OH YEAH! I PASSED MY CNA EXAM! I HAVE MY LICENSE NOW! YEAH! Boy was I worried during that whole test! I had to take my clinicals before everyone else!!! Eeeeeek! The written was a piece of cake, but the clinicals... Sheesh. I was shakin' afterwards! I'm just glad that this part is over! I gotta get to bed. I just wanted to post seeing how I haven't done it in a while. Hope you guys don't hate me! |

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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Double post! See below!
See old post below. It's worth a look, a smack to my face too. >.< UPDATE:Doing a little bit better. I'm still pretty messed up. I am heart broken too. Most of you [if you read the last post] would wonder "WHY?!" Well, I've never done that to someone before, but I've had it done plenty of times to me. I feel awful. My mind is made up though... There's no going back now. My State exam is on Monday. Hopefully I'll pass... Mom is having surgery today. She's gonna be in some pain the next couple of days so I may not be on as much for the next few days. I will be ON Tuesday to tell you the results of my exam! Wish me luck. Lord knows I need it!

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