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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Nursing Student
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Getting into nursing school.
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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors)
Being a nurse in 17 months!
Drawing, music, and anime.
Drawing, writing, and music.
| Summoner Rekka
Monday, March 14, 2005
I so numb...
Owww Very much owww...
Sorry for not posting before I went in. The computer was down for some reason. I dunno ever where to begin. First off, I can't talk. My tongue and lower lip is REALLY numb. They swabbed me with this bubble gum tasting stuff, then they stuck me... I had EIGHT shots at first. Two for each tooth. I had to get two more 'cause the lower teeth weren't numb enough. I was awake the whole time! They covered my chest and eyes so I couldn't see anything. There was this one nurse, Jake, who was pretty cool. He made jokes so I wasn't all too nervous. But when they stuck me, OH MY GOD... the ones in the soft part of the top of your mouth near the teeth, those hurt!!! He held my hand tho. ^ ^ Major bummer that he's married. :P The assistant nurse was cute tho! Removing the top ones didn't hurt, but the bottom left felt very uncomfortable. I had a picture in my head that the doc was using a really big crow bar. But it really looked like a rounded screwdriver edge. I felt a lot of pushing... and cracking popping noises much like the sound of when you pulled out your own tooth when you were little. They gave me I think 8 sutures that will dissolve on their own. And I have gauze in my mouth making it harder to talk. I got to see them when they were done. Kinda gross! When I sat up, I was very light headed and I was shaking a little, probably because I was nervous and some of the anaesthetic in my face. Dizzy is what I felt. I didn't cry until I was in the truck on my way home. It's throbbing mostly, but it was tolerable. I think it was just the shock of what happened. I get a little teary eyed when I think about it! It's hard to swallow and I can't really talk without sounding retarded. It's funny tho. He gave me 800 mg of Ibuprofen and Vicoden. So they pulled out the big guns for me. With the vicoden I can't do anything strenous like exercise or drive. My lips are really dry. I can't have anything really solid. I can eat pasta and pudding, but no soda for a while and no milk products until tomorrow. I can't suck on anything like lollipops or popsicles. Nothing hot like soup for a few days. No alcohol or smoking (I don't do that). I can't use a straw either. I can't spit or brush my teeth through the first 24 hours. The meds are kicking in now. The Vicoden supposed to make me sleepy. I'll post again in a few hours.
 I want to thank Steptoussai for sending me a nice thank you greeting! So sweet! Hugs for you!
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