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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Nursing Student
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Getting into nursing school.
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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors)
Being a nurse in 17 months!
Drawing, music, and anime.
Drawing, writing, and music.
| Summoner Rekka
Saturday, April 2, 2005
A Churching I Will Go... A Churching I Will Go! Hi, Ho, A Dary-o...
I got my Edit Profile page fixed. jblessing didn't seem very happy with me. He told me to be more careful with HTML from now on... whatever that means. I just do what I normally do! ::sighs:: Oh, well. I AM glad that he fixed it! Thank you, Justin! ^ ^
 Prayin'. I'll be on a church retreat for "women" (I guess I am one now. Wow. Sounds weird.) all day today and most of tomorrow. I have to wake up early on a Saturday and spend that day just... talking I guess. I sounds boring really... it wasn't my idea to go, but I'm going so people won't look at me and go "she's not serious about her faith". PSHH. I AM serious. I just don't like talking to others about me emotionally. I hate it when people ask me "And how does that make you feel on the inside?" "Let's put on our thinking caps!" It sounds like I'm being treated like a kid and I'm not! I don't like being babied. I don't like having to share my personal thought that I share with God. It's no one's business. If it was, He wold have made it so that everyone could tell what you were thinking! DUR.
 Anyway. Update. Everyone's still kinda mopy about Maggie being gone. Mom finally went a day without crying. My sister and brother are "back to normal", and Dad, well I haven't been around him that much to see change. As for me, yeah I'm doin' better. I miss my dog, but I'm greatful that I have my cat still. I'd probably fall to pieces if he died too! All of my sutures are out now. Doc pulled one, which kinda hurt. The other 3 I removed myself with a pair of sewing scissors, a mirror and about an hour into "Silence of the Lambs". Yeah, great movie to watch when you're doing suture removal with blood and yuckiness. :P But I can have soda again! YAAY! In honor, I drank 3 cans of orange soda, Dr. Pepper, and Mt Dew (all diet... still being careful!). Doc gave me this weird syringe with a curved end. It's fun to spray the cat with it when he's trying to chase me around the house. I bought Super Mario Sunshine for GC the other day. It's HARD! @.o I didn't buy the guide cause they didn't have it new or used. Some of it makes my head hurt with all the cleaning and stupid obstacle courses! RAWR! Well, it's late and I've got to get up early for my church retreat today. Come back soon, Mouse! Hey! AK! If I marry you, can we travel first class to Tokyo? ^ ^ But I gotta buy a killer dress first!
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