
Mexican Seiji!
Well, I've had an interesting and fullfilling weekend. I can't really tell you everything that went on because of confidentiality in some of the readings that some of the women gave us. All I can say is that most of these stories were really heartbreaking. Yeah, I cried A LOT last weekened. I hate crying. I think that was the point of most of this retreat. But they took away my watch, my cell, all the clocks down. No one knew what time it was! It was so annoying! But we got to eat tons of candy and the food and entertainment was pretty good. I did learn a lot too. I did feel better when I was sharing what I thought about religion and God and all that jazz. I found that many of the others felt the same. They thought that it was good that I questioned a lot. I guess that it meant that if I had so many questions, then I was truly paying attention and cared about it. I do.
I think the only thing I could have done without was the "surprise" confession. Yeah. Me and Padre on-one-on and me spilling MY guts... I think I went through about half the box of tissues. People tell me that I would feel better afterwards. Well, not as much as I wanted to hope. I felt ashamed for a while. I still do.
But what made me cry the most out of the whole weekend was this manila envelope of letters. Different letters from people I didn't know, people that knew I was there... people that I didn't think knew I was there. Mom and Dad knew... My grandparents, aunts, BEST FRIEND had no idea. Those ones made me cry! The last one I read was from my best friend! Mom told me that she came out in one of the days when it was raining really hard and the rest of the weather was really bad to bring it to my mom. Mom got a call and I guess she told everyone to write me letter about how they think of me and how much they love me. Needless to say... I don't get told I love you that much from anyone and when I do it's nothing like what I read... I sometimes wonder if they just did it because someone asked them to and they didn't want me to be the only one not getting very personal ones... Dunno. I guess that it's the negative side talking... Boy is she a fat chick. Positive Pam (oh man am I LOSING it?!), is a LOT smaller... Oy vey.
Where was I? Oh! On a much lighter note, I got $20 bucks from my 3rd cousin! ^ ^ That's two whole mangas, but that's beside the point!

For Mishotarup! Pic exchanges are fun, ne?
Well, this was a lot to write about. I'm still a little tired from it all. Um, lessee. I gotta leave something for you guys to comment on if you don't wanna talk about God cause you hate to or... whatever... Hum. OH! What's the best date spot you've ever been to?! First date? Favorite date? Your ENGAGEMENT date??? Tell me! I know some of you are married or have a boyfriend/girlfriend!! Me? Oh I feed off of this kinda thing. So lonely... Still waiting for Akayo Kanachi to get down here and sweep me off my feet! :P