People are sick.

Yes, it's that crazy...
Sorry for not posting at Midnight this morning. My internet crashed and I waited until 2 to post. Didn't work. So it's 11 AM now. Anyway:I just want to let everyone know that it isn't a smart idea to try and mess with people on the internet. Don't play games like acting like your someone going to bomb a school or solicting sex! Come on! There are minors on this site! Get a clue, guys! It'll only get you kicked off or banned!
Anyway, I had to get that out there and off my chest. People are so mean and hateful and really gross sometimes. I hope that person will realize the error of their ways.
On a lighter note, Sakura-con is soon and J-con in Florida is not this weekend but next weekend. I want to go to that one, but don't have the money. I WILL go next year tho!
So here is your question, folks: Which anime character do you think would best suit me from what you've know about me and the way I post. Also, what anime character do you think that you are most like? I have to start thinking about my costume now!

I like to go as an angel or something. Cute? Yes? No?
Thanks Akayo for your hugs and kisses! And thank you Panda for your help earlier! Love you guys!!