
I had a busy day today and I have one again tomorrow, and Monday, AND Tuesday. ::sighs: At least I have the weekend off.
Tomorrow is when my ex has his surgery. It's like at 7:30 in the morning and I have to be there at 8. I'm kinda nervous about it. I don't think he's got any idea that I work there and we didn't part on the greatest of terms. I'm not mad at him, just a little bummed because he wasn't really that into me. Kinda puts a dent in my confidence. Oh well, I think it was based solely on because he was just in it for attention... of everykind. I think ya gotta be friends first. Yeah, that way there's nuthin' overly weird.
Okay guys. Today is the day you get to see the mastermind behind the wallpapers, fanart, and odd-ball off the wall posts. 'Kay. As of now I forego the right to get angry or upset if your comments aren't that nice... HOPEFULLY you guys aren't like that ::grins::

This is me. Taken in the summer of '03. It's my most recent picture that I can find at the moment. I'm a senior in high school still...
People tell me that they can't believe that I never had a boyfriend in high school... ::silence:: I don't the answer!Anyway, I was talking with a good friend. I showed him a pic of me when I was 7-ish. So, this was at a request of a friend. Here ya go, Yami!
I posted some fanart a few days ago. Go check it out while I make some more! Oh! Thank you ElvesAteMyRamen for your PM on the colored pencils... Looks like I need to start saving to get that big set... I don't have a grand to spend on the entire Copic marker set A, B, and C. Oi.

Well, anyway. My Nursing exams scores should be here within the next few days. Keep your fingers crossed! Well, I'm heading to bed now. I have to get up WAY early tomorrow.