^ ^

Life is kinda fickle...
Heya, guys. Did everyone have a productive day? Yeah, I was pretty busy myself with all the work to be done at the surgery center. It was a lighter day today, but I had to get a lot done because later today we have our biggest case load of patients. Think about this: 12 hours to check in 53 procedures and 1 pre-op (that's like a physical only without the cavity search technique ::winces::). Usually there is about an hour for each patient. Today there will be mostly Cataract removal, Yags, and Phacos. I'm not sure what those are but there about your eyes. The other big chuck is the Pain Clinic and that's just shots of epidural (girls take this during labor for pain. HAPPY DRUG ^ ^) for pain like back and neck injuries or arthritis. I'm not sure about what it's affects are on RA, I'll have to check into that for Panda-chan. But needless to day. I have an 8 hour day tomorrow. It may not seem like a lot but you do the math with these cases! You have to fit other surgeries and procedures in there too! Like colonoscopies and lap tubal ligations (getting your "tubes tied" for girls). It's bananas!

I'm such a dork.I sent my letter today... ^ ^ I almost didn't either. I kinda don't want to say who it is cause there's someone here who really likes him. We're just friends... well for now anyway. ^ ^ Can't rush a good thing. I'll be honest too. I kinda like him, but I don't wanna ruin what we have so far until we get to know each other better. To me, IMing online seems kinda impersonal, but actual letters is something tangible I guess. You can tell person's attitude and thoughts through penmanship. Like when you're angry you bear down really hard and write messy. When you're calm, it's nice and straight... unless you are a messy writer! ^ ^ LOL. I think I'll just sit and wait for a reply (handwritten) and I guess I'll tell you all who it is! ^ ^Unfortunately, no everyone today is having a good one. I just visited Panda's site and she just found out that her mother has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. This is a progressive hematologic (blood) disease. It's a cancer of a plasma cell (an important part of our immune system) that makes antibodies (immunoglobulins) that fight infection and disease. It's characterized by having abnormal production of plasma cells in the bone marrow. You can be susceptible to infections from bacteria, more plasma cell production problems (impairment) and can even cause osteoporosis throughout the body. Your kidneys can suffer a lot too. Unfortunately, there is no cure and the survival rate is around 30% for five years. Higher in youth and lower in the elderly. Visit This site for more in depth info about it. Panda! This is a good site to go to! I'll pray for you and your dear mommy for you both to get better! ^ ^

You'll do your Happy Panda dance soon, Gail! I know that something good can happen! Just pray okay?!Please visit Panda today and give her words of incouragement!
ChaosButterfly has been a little under the weather as well. She makes brillant wallpapers of Saiyuki! Check out her work and comment!
Well, anyway, I'm going to hit the hay. I have a crazy day at work tomorrow. I need all the sleep I can get! Yami! If I don't get to talk to you later this morning, I'm sorry! I'll try to catch you before you zonk onto the floor. Bed is more comfy you know! ^.~
