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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Nursing Student
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Getting into nursing school.
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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors)
Being a nurse in 17 months!
Drawing, music, and anime.
Drawing, writing, and music.
| Summoner Rekka
Thursday, May 5, 2005
Days may suck but: You ain't gettin' rid of me!
T_T  Maaan... Erm... It was kinda gloomy today. Lots of rain, but not enough to really make things miserable. The sad thing was that it was all day long! Perfectly good nap weather... wasted at work. Work was slower today. Yesterday we had 53 patients as I said last time. MAN. I xeroxed a lot of charts. It took me 3 hours to copy: demographic sheet, financial aggrement sheet, insurance verification, photo I.D. and proof of insurance, plus any receipts or Medicare forms! That was the left side. On the right is a 5 page History and Physical (medical background), anesthesia record, AND the doctor's pre-op physical before you go in! Times all that by 53.... -_-* I was really tired. Not to mention that I royally screwed up and let someone see a patient w/out clearance. I got a MAJOR verbal warning. I felt so bad that I ate lunch by myself outside, crying most of the time. Yes. I am a baby sometimes, but that person could have had a gun or a bomb or worse! I endangered the life of a patient and possibly the staff. I'm really surprised and thankful that I didn't get fired on the spot. I'm walking on eggshells now... so if I seem a little... "unposty" that's why.  See Seiji. See Youja. See Seiji kill Youja. Go Seiji, go!!Yeah, also to make matters a little worse, Nintendo has yet again pushed back the release date for the GameCube version of Zelda. I read about it in Electronic Gaming Monthly that had the feature. The game looks pretty sweet from the graphics and interviews. Sadly, Eiji Aonuma cannot disclose a lot of the secrets. Even the game theme and the actual title can't be answered! Makes me wanna buy it more now! ^ ^ Anyway, instead of June 2nd, it's November 2nd. That's 6 months away... -_- Nooooo. Eh, I'll live.Oh well, at least this was a little less sad than my last post. Panda is doing a little better it looks like from her post today. My browser wouldn't lemme post!!!! M'sorry! T_T Oh well, time to hit the hay. I don't know if my letter has reached my oh-so-loveable-hugable-dare-I-say-GLOMPABLE pen pal yet. I'll let you know when he gets it. Oh I called about my results from my nursing exam... still not ready. ::sighs:: At this rate I'd have BETTER passed it!  Oyasumi!
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