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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Nursing Student
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Getting into nursing school.
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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors)
Being a nurse in 17 months!
Drawing, music, and anime.
Drawing, writing, and music.
| Summoner Rekka
Friday, May 6, 2005
::YAWN::  Ugh. A little sleepy now. Erm... ::looks out bedroom window:: Looks like there is going to be actual sun today. I had a very slow day yesterday. Only 15 patients to copy for. ^ ^ And get this: remember that BIG oopsie I did the other day? Well, I did NOTHING wrong according to our Privacy Officer. I had turned myself in after it happened to her. The form that patients sigh, she told me, only applies to PATIENT INFORMATION. So, by legality's standpoint, letting her back there wasn't a smart thing to do, but I did not violate any patient rights. You have to ask to "opt out of the directory (become a restricted access patient) for something like that. When she told me all that I was a little confused. I didn't know what she meant. She told me that the patients and family members are given the pamphlet to read and it has that option. PSH. NOBODY reads those damn things! So, it's kinda of like a double edged sword here. They didn't read so therefore there is no cause to get all bent up about it. NYAH! :P But one thing happened yesterday that I kinda oopsed on: I was talking with my pen pal online ( ^///^ So nice) and lost track of the time because I was having so much fun. Well, I was supposed to go into work at Noon, but ended up realizing that at about 12:10. No worries. I wasn't fired. Although, I did get the nerve to say a few things and split without a response. YES! What courage! Tell him how you feel and then split before he can reject you! I AM SUCH A COWARD!  Heh heh... My bad. ::kicks dirt:: Yami, I apologize! T_TI bought the first Volume to Full Metal Alchemist yesterday too. ^ ^ Alphonse looks bad ASS in it! He's all "Rrrr" and Ed's all "Nyah-ha-HA!". They're so cute! WAHHHH! I saw the episode last night! O.o WTF!? WHAT HAPPENED?! It was soooo sad! I kid you not, I cried a little bit! There is no justice here. INJUSTICE!!! Whoops, sorry. Wu-fei moment... ::blush::ATTENTION!
 ::INSERT HAPPY DANCE::My nursing etrance exam results came back to me in the mail! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I had to get an average of 50 in Math and a 55 in Reading comprehension... ::DRUMROLL:: Math score composite: 72!Reading score composite: 70! I DID IT!!!!! XD Soooo happy! The only thing that can make me happier now is for my pen pal to get his letter today and well for him NOT to flip out on me after my PM... Hmm... Guess I have to wait until I get home tonight...
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