
I had an interesting weekend.
Mom and dad went to a wedding all weekend out of town. So I had the whole weekend... to clean... and truck my sister to and from Akido all weekend. On my spare time I talked alot with Yamchaa online. ^////^ I don't think he'd be happy about me talking about certain stuff... You're secrets are safe with me! ^ ^ We did talk about music a lot and the pictures he took. He accidentally fell asleep while talking to me! ::tee hee:: He's so cute. No really! Jason you're a babe! ^////^ We talked about other stuff, buuuut... it's way too much stuff. I stayed up all night on Saturday! Went to bed at 1 P.M. ¬.¬ Yes, how irresponsible of me... >.< Anyway. I had a great time!
I bought a scanner today. I accidentally shorted out my brother's ram on his comp when I used his scanner. So, I gotta buy him new ram and my scanner cost alot too. I'm in the hole $280 and change...

Say hello to Mr. Salty! He's my kitty...But I'll start posting pictures of me soon. I just have to find them...
I'll post some fan art in a few days. Now I can scan all the junk I want! "WOOT". That was for Aikou no Shinzui... He's always saying it, but it BUGS me. So this is a one time deal bucko! ^ ^ Hope you and your sister are feeling better..

I'm fixing to watch "The Goonies" now. I haven't seen it in a while. "The Breakfast Club" is on now, but it's all clipped. ^///^ I like it. Question everyone!: If you were going to die in 72 hours, what would you do? I'd go see Jason then probably go to Orlando to Disney or something. I'm having a rough spot with my family here. They're making me mad... >.< Hope you guys have a wonderful day!