
I'm alive, just a little tired and bored... See?
Hey guys, no, I didn't forget about you guys. I've been working full-time now for 2 weeks and talking with a good friend online every morning too instead of sleeping. It's crazy what you'll do for someone you care about, huh? ::singsong voice:: I'm nooot teeeellliiiing! ^///^

Say hello to Mr. Salty again. He's my kitty... Chaos Butterfly wanted to see him so... Hope she stops by!Most of this week and last week have been really busy at the surgery center. I've been working 40 hours a week! And we had another 50+ case day today and an early morning meeting at 6. I stayed later than everyone to finish up so I would have more time to deal with tomorrow's day. Man it's only Tuesday!
Uh oh... Hey guys? Y'know that fuzzy tummy feeling you get sometimes? The one that makes your head feel woozy and your heart skip?

I think I'm in love guys! ^///^
Shh! I'm not disclosing anything now. Maybe soon? NYA HA! I love suspense, don't you?
I did another fan art! Please go see! ^ ^