
Well, I went to go deposit my tax return the other day and my card ended up getting eaten by the machine! If you leave it in there too long, my bank's safety feature is to eat your card so other blokes don't get my hard earned moo-lah! So I had to call the corporate office and cancel cards and they're sending me a new one in the mail... They're also sending the pin number separately too. I won't have access to money for a while. Good thing I filled up on gas first! OH! Bank told me the amount I have now!! Drumroll please!
$2300! WHOO HOOO! I'll have at least $3800 by the time mom and dad come back from Africa!
HA! I don't work today! M'sooo glad to get this day off. I HATE MONDAYS! I finally started playing Final Fantasy X-2! >.< It's kinda fast in the battles. I'm not quite used to it, but I'm a MASTER at this series! I'll get it eventually!
Oh, next month will be a new post design and a new bishie of the month! Any suggestions? I've got these three lined up:

Kouga-kun ^ ^
Ranma-chan ^ ^

Inuyasha-sama ^ ^
Please be fair! Don't pick the ones you like just because they're your favorites! Think about them first!! Okay. I'll have to figure out colors on my own I think... but every opinion is appreciated!
I love you all!
