
I was kinda in a bind for the main and post backgrounds. Can't go wrong with chickens and hearts right?!
Well folks, I've decided to wait until August to go buy my car. There was a bit of a "rift" this weekened concerning the new car. Is it bad if I don't want a cheaper car just because I don't like the color or even style? Plus it's USED. REALLY used and the girl selling it and I REALLY don't get along! ^ ^;;
I counted up all the votes. Ranma recieved 3, Kouga recieved also 3, and Inuyasha really surprised me and only recieved 2! So it was a tie originally out of the 8 people that voted so, since I didn't vote yet, I chose Ranma! ^ ^
I'm sorry those who voted for Kouga and Inuyasha! Since Kouga won second, he'll be next month's bishie! ^///^
Sorry this was short. I'm kinda tired after all this redesigning!
I love you all and take care!
