Gone. Gone. Gone...r?

Hope the natives will be nice.
Yep, parents are on a ticket to Johanesburg, South Africa.
Dad and mom are going to be gone until June 26th. They'll both be on a safari in Zimbabwe, but they have to fly to South Africa to get there. They left early this morning at around 1 so I'm a little tired. It's a flight to Atlanta, GA then from there it's 17 hours give or take to Africa. As of now, I'm legally responsible for my little brother should anything medically bad happen to him. I don't have one for my sister because she was supposed to stay with my grandparents all summer, so they have her medical power of attorney. So I get to babysit for about 3 and a 1/2 weeks. Fun.
I didn't really do much this weekend. I basically laid around and enjoyed the weekend. ^///^ Yami called me and it made me very happy. It's good to hear a kind voice on the other end! He's on a trip right now, but he should be back soon.
Sorry this was short. I'm kinda tired after helping mom and dad get ready for their trip, but sadly I have to go to work now. :P
I love you all and take care!

Ja ne!