Sunday afternoon and nothing to do. ::sigh::

It's been raining a little bit here. Kinda off and on.
Two weeks without the folks now. Things are going all right. I got paid this week, and I'm about to make a grocery store run.
Update on my best friend: She's doing a lot better now. I had let her use my phone to talk to him. But on Friday night he called MY phone at 2:30 in the morning. >.< We didn't talk, but you're not supposed to call people that early in the morning!
I have adoring fans now for my fanfiction!! Four of them! ^___^ I am very much grateful to them: Furby, Coco, Pocky, and Milan! ^ ^ You guys rock!
Well, I'm waiting for a friend to call, so I must bit you all a fine farewell. Mom and dad come home next Sunday so I may not update for a little while again.
Did everybody go see that fan art I did last week? Click and no harm shall befall you!!It's for ChaosButterfly!
I love you all and take care!

Ja ne!