Mom and Dad come home today! ^____^

Boy, am I sure glad that they're coming back. I HATE being responsible!!Bah. But they're supposed to be home sometime during lunch. So I was gonna make something easy to eat because they'll be really tired. Does pasta and salad sound good to you guys? I'd make some meat, but... all we have is chicken! I can't cook it very well...
I managed to help clean up around here. My room's still a mess, but I did get the family room picked up, dusted, and vaccuumed. I finished cleaning the dining room too, and I tackled the bathroom with a variety of cleaners.... My head hurts. For once I got lazy with directions and I mixed chemicals. Don't do that. I still smell bleach, kaboom, and teflon cleaner... My eyes are still dry too. Blah. I feel clean yet... artificially covered in some filmy mess. Yuck. Lesson: Read directions and follow them... You'll save yourself a big headache...
OH! ^////^ I'm in love! ^ ^ I feel so giddy right now. Actually I've been feeling a little light for a while now... but I dunno yesterday while talking on the phone with him I just... ^/////^ I felt HAPPY! Happy, excited, anxious, fuzzy, warm, calm, a little turned on too... Ack! I'm turning red! Maybe that's why everything is pink now!! I feel like the color pink!! But anyways. I'm not telling who it is (and for those of you that figured it out: SHHHHHH!!!!). I want "him" to say it if he wants to. Well anyway. No pressure on him. I'm all about keeping secrets... I just don't wanna say anything cause it might piss a few people off. >.< Can't have that now... Oh well. I don't care! I LOVE him!!! Totally, completely, utterly, can't live without each other love!!
I'm not over the top am I? This is a first for me sooo... Tell me to calm down. Please? I don't want this going to my head.... LOL.
Well, this is the new background and colors for this month. There will be a poll for August... Suggestions open! I need 4 candidates!! I shall start of with:

This picture is just screaming to be thought of in perverted ways. Meh. I'm a BIG fan of Vegeta. ^////^ I LOVE this fanart!!
Anyway, 1 down 4 more to be chosen! Enter and win... my gratitude? ^ ^;;;;I love you all and take care!

Ja ne!