::Humming "Old McDonald"::

Icky. Tuesday...
The Poll thus far:
Vegeta: II
Roy Mustang: IIII
Yamcha III Okay this was last's posts results. Looks like Roy and Yamcha are pretty close. Yet, sadly. I must drop Vegeta-sama -.-* Please forgive. Vote again! Sorry Yamchaa, only one vote per poll! Naughty!
Well, my weekend was certainly "satisfying" ^ ~. Especially early yesterday morning. Hot damn! ^////^ Unfortunately, I will not disclose what happened... Not something I want on the internet... : / I like to tease you guys though! ^ ^ (I love you, honey!!!)
I register later this morning and I'l find out if I can really keep my job and go to school. Oy... I really hope that I can get the classes that I want. I can't even log in online to do it until the time and the date. I HATE this COLLEGE. BAH!!! I'm attempting to take 12 credit hours... and still keep my job... I'm gonna be sooo worn out!
A short post today. VOTE DAMMIT! Lol. Please? It's a new poll so if you wanted to vote again on your favorite, go ahead! Yamcha versus Roy Mustang! Vote for character! Not just cause he's hot or that everyone else thinks he's so cool! I hate bandwagon voters. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. >.<
I love you all and take care!

Me and my friend's guitar. No. This isn't my room (I wish I had that much Metallica and Zepplin junk) and yes, I do know that the camera adds 10 pounds. : P Yami thinks I'm gorgeous so NYAHHHH! :P I do like my hair color in this picture! ^ ^ Plus I finally got a smile down for once! I'M TAKEN, BOYS!