I'm DOG tired!

I didn't do very much today. I did go to the mall today and found the GREATEST shirt!!
HERE! Isn't it funny?! It's true because my honey DOES live in TX. Lol. Okay. I'm a DORK! I KNOW!
I'm reposting the photos of my room again for you guys! Scroll down if you've seen 'em....
Here's some stuff and my anime collection:
My former Red Bullet! I miss you, Van! T.T
I kinda miss driving it. It was so easy to see out the back!
My kitty.
Sack lunch Kitty!
He's so crazy...
Where all the myO magic happens!
Small space. Gonna get a larger desk soon! Yep. That's an Apple eMac. I love my computer!
Above the desk!
I have a lot of hats that I never wear. Bah. But that's a "tin" gold dragon I got for Christmas a few years ago. I think it's very chic! ^ ^
Mostly this is all dvds and some tapes. I have just dvds for most of my anime. There are other movies in my horde: Disney, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings stuff... Ninja Turtles ROCK, baby! ^______^
My manga horde and drawings!
Yeah. Lots of books. You can see my stereo there and above that is a fanart with me and my favorite character in an old fic I wrote. ^/////^ You can see the one I did of Touma to the left and on the right is Rekka no Ryo. Some little figurines of Quistis Trepe and Hamtaro and a Hello Kitty doll I won..... somewhere....
Close up of the left side.
You can see my art books. I loaned two of the new CLAMP ones to a friend, but you can see how big the poster of that pic of Tenku no Touma I posted as "Thinking of You, Baby".
Other drawings and high school awards.
The top one is Naaza from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers in charcoal. The other is another view of Rekka no Ryo from the same show. You can see my letter I earned for band and cords I wore at graduation. Pink was band and red was for a Spanish Competition I helped run for the whole state of Flordia in 2003. I scheduled ALL of the times for the performances! :/ The silver cord is leadership in band, medal for making superiors across the board at State Competition for marching band, and the blue ribbons is first prize in Behavioral Science for the Science Fair when I was a Freshman. ^ ^
My bed ^ ~
Self-explanitory folks... duuuur. You can see Mr. Bear and and One-Eye the Tiger. Yes, brother RIPPED out his pretty green eye and flushed his tail down the toilet. T.T Above that is my Ronin Warrior action figure "shrine", Inuyasha calendar, Angel Santuary wallscroll, and the bulletin board for random junk. There's a better angle of the Cowboy Bebop wall scroll I have. I have more, but I'll need to lay them out to snap pics...
Well! That's me and my junky life!
I did do some fan art today!
Water sprite
Me as a kitty!
Same as before but done
There's also Mexican Seiji for those of you that haven't seen his happy dance of Mexican hat goodness. Please rate!

Good night, you guys!