Another pic of your Bishie of the Month!

Sexy? Ain't he?Just went to work today. It was a little easier than usual. Only 20 patients. : P I got stuck filing half the damn day... Oh well, at least I didn't have to answer the phone! ^__^
I bought 2 dvds today: "Pulp Fiction" and "A Few Good Men". I've seen them both, but not "Pulp Fiction" unclipped. ^ ^ Doode. Samuel L. Jackson is one bad ass you know what. ^ ^ I bought a few good men cause it's got Tom Cruise in it. ^ ^ Yes. I'm a fan. Fack your mum if it bugs ya. Just kidding. :P
I did more fan art today! I bought some markers on a whim too and tried them out. It's tricky using them, you know...
"Dog food?! ::whimpers::"
Ed and Al as kids
Please rate!
Well, gotta head to bed now. See you all tomorrow! Maybe with more fan art too!

Good night, you guys!