
Yep... Rainy. Joy.
Didn't do very much this past week. Opened up a checking account to pay for my new car, gonna get my new plates tomorrow for the car, and in about 5-7 business days I'll have my own checks. I bought my school books today too. $274... Used: 3 New: 1 I hate money... But other than that I've been just kinda bummed. Work sucks. Home sucks more. School sucks 'cause I'm broke.

I've been just sucky in general.
Not to mention it's been nothing but rain all the time. The only joy I get is talking with Jason online and on the phone. He always seems to make me smile again.
^ ^ Just four more months! 

My friend's doing a little better.Her whole situation is kinda bumming me out too 'cause I can't fix it myself with a magic wand![If anyone sees one, please... SEND IT TO ME!!!] I stopped by her house on Wednesday, the day after the fire, and saw the house.

There was not as much damage as I thought. The chimney was hit by lightning and the attic caught fire. The mantle above her fireplace was ripped apart to get to the fire as well part of the ceiling leading out to the front hall. The vents in the kitchen (this is all in the vicinity of the fireplace; like 8 feet or less) showed scorching on the outer part of the ceiling. The rest of the house was intact. Just the fireplace area was pretty burned. The rest of the house is covered in ash, soot, and carbon. The roof and the attic were pretty burned and the skylights she has were starting to melt But because of the roof being so damaged they can't live in the house for at least 6 months... She'll have to spend Christmas somewhere else... Right now the insurance company is paying for new temporary housing, their clean up, new clothes to wear because they're taking the old ones and washing them with all the linen and anything with a cloth cover: carpets, blankets, curtains... She's really lucky. They only lost about 3 pictures and some catalogues!!! Plus, yesterday she had to get her wisdom teeth removed.

Yeah, remember MY little adventure with the "tooth fairy"? They're going to put her out instead though. Her teeth are harder to get to, plus she is needle phobic.
EXCESSIVELY. She'll bounce back. They'll give her "happy meds". She'll be juuuuuuust fine. ^ ^
Feel better, Kristin!
No fanart today... Just a random one!
Please rate my Bunny Lovin'!
It's an old one. Done as a joke. Rate if you haven't all ready! ^ ^I hope I feel better tomorrow...

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