Just chillin'...

Scattered T-storms [40% raining]
High: 94*F
Winds: North @ 5-10 mphIcky day today it looks like...
Oops... Looks like I've forgotten to update with you guys. My bad.

Well, a lot has happened... kinda. I got to talk to
TheMouse a few days ago. We were talking online and he was helping me [well, attempting to, lol] figure out the best way and time for Jason to fly down here. Jason and I had decided on the 15th of December. Just a few jolly days before Christmas. ^////^ I can't wait. Jason wants to take a bus... Oi. That's 16.5 hours... one way... ::whines:: I can't wait that long! "Ah, it could be worse..." Yeah, yeah... I think he feels safer on a bus than a plane... of course planes are SAFER than buses, ah well... it might be cheaper... he just needs to book it soon. Like this weekend. *HINT HINT* ^ ^ Anyway, off track a bit... Sorry. There's a lot to yak about! ^ ^ I was getting confuzzled with all the airliner talk Shawn (TheMouse) had when we were on AIM. So... He called me! ^///^ He wasn't at all what I thought he sounded like! Very mature. ^ ^ Shawnie's got kinda a sexy voice. ^////^ I bet he can if he tries. *WINK WINK* Tee hee!

::swoon:: Lol!!! Some sketches and fiddles...Original sketch [[unfinished]]That one's just in pencil. Playing "Final Fantasy Tactics" for PS 1 and got inspired.
Same [[inverted??]]
Kinda looks like I did it in chalk and black paper! I like it as is... I just need to sign it. ^ ^
Let's see what else did I do?... OH YEAAAAAH! ^ ^ 
I have brand new checks!What am I talkin' about? That new checking account I got comes with checks and stuff! I'd post a picture, but it's got all my info on it. But if I can find the link later when I reorder them, I'll show you! ^ ^

I did a lot of resting this week. I think when you hit 21, every body function seems to fuck up one way or another. Three days ago it was my GI tract. Tummy hurt, cramping, and yes, Immodium AD was my best friend with the toilet and it's paper. >.< At least I found time to read some of the new manga I hadn't had time to read. Anyway, a few days later [yesterday], the "red dragon" returned from it's 28 day journey... It was angry. It hurt. Couldn't get up to move or do anything. It was like some one shoved a knife up there. It even hurt to pee!!

Owies. My meds weren't really helping. Jason was on the phone to help me from crying. I love you, baby!!! ^//////////^ I'm better now.
Ooh, I saw "The Skeleton Key" on the weekend and on Tuesday night again. I liked it. Not too scary. It's PG-13. Kinda a mix between "The Sixth Sense" and "Darkness Falls". Not very scary, but you'll jump a little bit. Anyway, it's got a New Orleans flava to it and a little bit of Creole folk-tale and some magic. There's some voodoo-ness goin' on and some plot twists that will surprise you if you're REALLY not paying attention. The ending is... meh. Good if you like that kind, bad if you don't. I'm partial to happy endings myself, but this movie went both ways. I had to see it twice to get all the story straight in my head. Go check it out or wait until it comes to DVD/video. It's a good Halloween girl slumber party movie for teens. ^ ^
Other than that, I bought the new "Saiyuki: Reloaded Vol. 1" and "Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 2". Happy to buy little things again, but I still have to learn to manage my monies now. I got 3 "Fullmetal Alchemist" shirts from Hot Topic. 2 black with either a pink picture or pink and green with Ed and Al on it. I scored an "Inuyasha" one that's yellow with green, red, orange on a yellow shirt. It's Kagome, but I bought that a while ago. Other than that, that's it! ^ ^

Kinda bored now. Maybe some Final Fantasy is in order!?
Good night, you guys!!OH!!!!!!!!

Did uh, you guys hear about "The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess" getting PUSHED BACK EVEN FARTHER?!?!?
Anger. Mad. Rumor has it that it's going to be in March now. Someone [some video game guy that get's Nintendo emails/memos] that works at the game store where I have it reserved said that at a press conference, Bill Gates is also releasing the new X Box in November. NOW, Nintendo is moving the release date AGAIN for
"Zelda"!! Coincidence? I say it's a pretty tactical move on Nintendo's part. Perhaps it's because they don't want to have to have people buying the X Box over the new game. More sales= more games for Nintendo to create I guess. Ah well, my reserve is still good. ^ ^ In the mean time...