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Summoner Rekka
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Northeast Florida
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Nursing Student
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Getting into nursing school.
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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors)
Being a nurse in 17 months!
Drawing, music, and anime.
Drawing, writing, and music.
| Summoner Rekka
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Pick September's Color! ^ ^ Try not to pick one you've seen here. Like the current ones... Choices at the end of the post! VOOOOTE!

Tee hee ^///^
 Rain, rain, thunder, thunder... bah [90% in the morning; 67% throughout today] High: 96*F Low:83*F Winds: HUMID. Ick.A hurricane is coming to Florida...
Oops... I need to be watching more of The Weeather Channel, huh? Hurrican Katrina is supposed to pass over the middle of Fla. Looks like we're just gonna get the bands again. So rain all week it looks like.  I started school again for the Fall Semester. I'm taking 12 credit hours: Elementary Statistics, Human Growth and Development, Microeconomics, and U.S. History I. I had the last three yesterday and I have Stats later today. I like all of my professors so far. There's one that's just a STUD. ^////^ He's a doctor and he's pretty funny. He's a fair guy too! ^////^ So cute! Don't worry, Jason. ^////^ I'll only play doctor with you!!! ^//////^  I just called over to Texas while he was at work. ^ ^ He was very happy and surprised that I called! ^////^ I love you, Jason!
 I'll be studying a lot more lately, so I may barely get to update! Don't worry. I'll still post the next Bishie of the Month! ^ ^  Just hope I won't pass out! Let's see what else did I do?... OH YEAAAAAH! ^ ^  I'm learning how to play the guitar!I learned chords G major, G#, A major, A minor, C major, and one diminished chord that's HARD to make. My hands are too little... Oh well. My friend J-rod [Jared] is teaching me! ^ ^ He might buy me one for my birthday! Cool huh?! ^ ^ My fingers are hurting though...  I feel better now after all the fun.I'm a little tired though. My sleep cycle is a little wacky with the getting up early in the morning. I'm exhausted though.I get paid later today, BUT... most of it is going to the car. I make my first payment Friday. >.< I'm almost out of money! Other than that, I did some shopping. I got a Panda key chain that says "Eat my shoot". LOL. GET IT!? Okay.... Â. I thought it was funny. I also bought a purple Inuyasha t-shirt, Vol. 15 of Ranma 1/2, and a How To Manga art book... It really helps me out! ^ ^ "This Tank is beat dooooown!" as a friend of mine would say. He's funny. Gonna head to bed... Good night!
 Oh yeah. Pick one of these colors... PURPLE, DARK BLUE, BLACK, WHITE, GREY, or RED [Jason, if you say BROWN, I will beat you down! Lol! Inside joke, guys. Sorry! ^ ^;;;; I pick purple! I haven't played with that color yet! |

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