Tee hee ^///^

More rain yet again... [90% in the morning; 50%ish throughout today]
High: 90s*F
Winds: HUMID. Ick.
At least the hurricane is gone.
Wow... last week was kinda crazy. Been busy with school and work. I'm trying to get used to the new schedule... My sleep cycle is kinda going on it's own now. I'm either tired or hyper... or horny. : / Yeaaaaaah. VERY TIRED. Oh well, I'll get used to it eventually...

Yamcha took 2nd place in the last Bishie of the Month Poll, so... he is it for this month! ^//////^ Yay for Yamcha! So dreamy! ^////^ No, I did NOT choose Yamcha because it's Jason's user name... :PI did a lot last week. Kinda worn out still. I've got school later today, but nothing too hectic. Just three classes then I have to head to work and stay until 6. I also spent my last pay check on my first car payment. I've got... meh $50 left over.

That's gotta last me until NEXT Thursday. Mmm... Gotta go buy gas...

Downloaded "Doom 2" onto my computer. I used to play it a lot when I was younger. I finally found it ^ ^. I've forgotten all the codes and cheats for the game and can't get past the 2nd level without getting "raped" by monsters.

Can't wait until I find the chainsaw. Nya ha! If anyone knows the stuff for it, send it my way!
Let's see what else did I do?...

Oh, I learned a few more chords for the guitar.I'm actually writing something. It sounds pretty good... I just have a hard time playing it since it's a bit advanced for me. I hope to perfect it soon and maybe put words to it! My fingers still kinda hurt...

I'm WOUNDED!Actually, I'm okay. I was doing the dishes last week and ended up slicing open my pinky wide open. It hurts. It's healing though. I dropped a galss bowl and the shards cut me. Nasty cut... Can't bowl very well...
Gonna head to bed...
Good night!

Oh yeah. How does the site look for this month? Purple is harder to match things for me... It's weird. Maybe I'm not so good with matching... Oh well. New color and bishie poll at the end of the month!