
Now this is getting a little outta hand... [90% in the morning; 50%ish throughout today]
High: 80s*F
Winds: HUMID. Ick.
Hope the folks in Louisiana are staying strong. Heard the death toll would be in the hundreds... Everyone say a prayer for them this week. They need them!
Mmm... Nothing much happened since last post, save for two VERY scary things. I think this was on Monday morning as I was getting ready to take a shower. Groggy, I got up and walked to the bathroom. I have to pass the garage door on the way there. It was open. Odd. So was the big garage door. I just closed the regular door thinking that maybe one of the twins [brother and sister] left it open by accident on their way out the door... Didn't think about it. Sleepy...
Passing mom and dad's bedroom door [daddy went to work all ready...], mom comes flying out:
"What was that?"
::I blink:: "What was what?" I yawned, and mother proceeded to tell me of the morning's events...
Backtrackin' a bit: Mom used to be heavy. Now she's not. Lost 200 lbs! ^ ^ Anyway, she likes to run in the early mornings. Being as pretty as she is [Jason can attest to that... hee hee. So shy :P], naturally other guys of all ages [yes, including guys my age: "Your mom's hot!" Ew?] think so too, so she carries a gun when she runs 7 miles every morning. With that in mind, back to the story.
It had been going on for a while now, sort of harmless things... What am I talkin' about? Mom has a stalker!
And it's our paperboy. Well, he's certainly no shrimpy kid on a bicycle throwin' papers at the door. Nah. This guy is with the Florida Times Union, which is the paper we get. He's no BOY either. Tall as my mom [and she's an amazon at 6'2'' in heels], kinda built, but in a chunky way, foreign [latin or hispanic. Yes, there is a HUGE difference]...Ubermensch [the dregs of society]. YUCK. Anyway, on one particular road, the guy would sit... and wait for her to pass. He was always in a different car or van so mom could never tell where he was... You'd think he was using the provided one... Oh well. She would run past, he would slowly follow her until she was off that road, then continue on with the paper route. Finally, Saturday morning as she was running, he was getting a little too close to her with the car/van, and my mom finally stopped and turned around. "You are pushin' it bud. You are really pushing it." He gets out of his car and stands at the door and whistles "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyaaah", gets back in drives off. Mom told daddy and they got everything ready: phone, keys, car parked for easy backing out... Sunday morning, Ubercreepy pulls out all the stops, follows her, passes her, has the van blocking the road in the center of it... and gets out of his car... starts toward mom. Mom stops and pulls out her gun from her holster. Just stands there with it at her side. He just stands there and goes to move again. Mom threatens him to stop and calls dad. Dad is there in two seconds! He gets in the guys face too! But by now the guy had gotten back in his car and dad had driven up to the car with the truck so close that the guy couldn't open his door. Well, I don't know what he said and all but needless to say, he scared the guy. Mom and dad called the Sheriff's Department and the Paper. They got the guy fired and since he hadn't hurt mom, there was no way that he could be arrested or anything. All mom can do is file a statement and get a restraining order or something.

WHAT THE HECK?!So the scary thing is that the gun thing happened the morning I woke up and found the garage door open and big door open!! Mike and Shannon didn't leave it open! They shut it tight to keep the kitty from getting out!!!!

To make things worse someone followed me home Tuesday night!! I sat in my car for 20 minutes in my driveway b/c someone was sitting in theirs right behind my car! I didn't know if someone was playing a joke or if the guy was actually lost, but I hit the panic button on my car and the guy drove off. I have no idea if it was the same guy but... still.. that story scared me! I called Jason and bothered him at work about it... I didn't want to, but I was scared and I didn't want to worry my daddy. I was in tears too, Jason'll tell you. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night either... Jason made me feel a little better.

Lemme tell ya what Jason did for me!I told Jason the same story about Ubercreepy when I got out of the shower that morning online. He asked me for my mom's name and the number where I work. I thought that was kinda odd... He then told me that in case something happened to me if I were talking to him online or on the phone, that he could call my mom and tell her what happened so that she could try and help me. He says that this is his way of protecting me because he's so far away... T////////T I started to cry when he told me that! I was so shocked that he would do that, especially for someone he's never really met. I think I really do love Jason. It's the little things he does to make me feel better. I love you Jason. Thank you! ^////^ He's also going to call me every morning as I go out to my car to go to school and to work. He's my hero! ^////^
Gonna head to bed... to sleep...
Good night!

Remember! Lock all of your doors! Keep your cell charged if you have one when you go out! Remember that everyone is NOT your friend and they CAN hurt you if they want! Always tell someone where you are going! Have someone with you for a buddy system! If you have a weapon, make sure you know how to use it properly so you don't hurt yourself! Be aware of what is going on around you! And read the paper online... Paperboys are weird anyway. : /