I'm back!I've been kinda exhausted lately. I didn't even get to post on my birthday! And I missed Katocool's birthday! Happy late birthday, Kat! ^ ^ I didn't do a whole lot on my birthday. I got to pick out a new desk [I'll get pictures], went out for lunch at a Cuban restaurant. Gooood food. Better than anything! I got a free drink too! "Sangria" It's a wine with apples, pears, and I think oranges cut into it to soak. It's pretty good. My head started to hurt a little. I think it's because I'm sensitive to the sulfites in certain drinks. I had a Fuzzy Navel [vodka and orange juice and peaches], then 2 Smirnoff Twisters [watermelon and raspberry]. That was over the course of a few hours and a lot of food. I almost got into a fight at the end of the night cause some jackass was talking shit about my best friend. Saying she was a whore and a bitch and stuff. I told him to shut his mouth [well, the uncensored version can't be posted... sorry ^ ^;;;] or I was gonna pop him one. My 2 friends were "Dude, don't make her mad!" The guy was an idiot and a stoner and thought he knew more than I did about my friend.
I felt bad for ruining my own party, but no one talks about my best friend [or any friend of mine for that matter] and gets away with it!!! I called back after I left and apologized to my friends for acting like a bitch, but the guy needed to be put in his place! I don't care if he was gonna beat me up!
Sunday morning was kinda hard to do when I had to go to the nursing home and help out with the CNAs there. There was a lot of yucky stuff. I got to see people with colostomy bags [ makes you have a #2 in a bag; done by surgery b/c of the lack of bowel movement] and see how it's changed and replaced. I got to feed patients, and help them go to the bathroom. I made beds and took their vitals. I didn't get to do the blood pressure b/c I couldn't get his pulse... I need to practice that... This weekend I'll have a lot more to do. Yay. :(

::Yaaaaawn:: Gotta head to work now... I'll be around later tonight to visit everyone's sites, okay?