Math is still hard. Anyway...
I'm too hungry to do math at the moment... I can do it when I come home later tonight. Oh, this post doesn't have a theme to it. It's completely random... Just some FYI.... Mom just came home. She's got some kinda skin thingy cleanser on her face. I thought she was sweating. Lol. Facial peel maybe? Dunno, never tried it... Don't think I want to...
Still sunny and kinda cold. I still had to wear a jacket outside, but the sun feels good. ^ ^ For once I'm not sweating my ass off from the humidity and the heat. I'm sure some of you hate the cold, but I like it! Especially since it's hot 9 months out of the year here! WITH your killer hurricane chain might I add!
I got a belated birthday check from the grandparents. $210 big ones! Whoo hoo! I'm not... THAT... poor anymore! Yay! There's this HUGE astronomy/planet/ spacy booky I wanna buy that weighs more than my kitty! Or as much... can't really tell... But it has all sorts of photos and stuff. I don't need it, but I really want it!

I hate working late... Arrrr... I'm scary! Grr!! Lol.