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Friday, July 15, 2005
Has anyone heard of the anime Ultra Maniac? I got a free preview of it in the first issue of Shojo Beat, and it looks awesome. I'll see if I can find the theme song, and post it below. Found it! Took me awhile, cause it wasn't on animelyrics.com. Well, it was, but not the english one.
When you’re sad, it’s all right to cry
Once night falls within that world
Tell me, show me the feelings that you hold close
We will bring light to within the mirror
Within the mirror lies another world
And now it is starting to change
Love, hope, even time itself
They are all set free
You are so dear to me; I want to reach out and touch you
Once night falls within that world
There will be nothing to hold us back
We will open the mirror
I was dreaming of you
I saw your lonely tears
Then, before I knew it, I had became you
Now I am shedding those very same tears
I realize that I want to love you
I tremble, for I cannot love you —
I fear what it may come to in the end
You and me, me and you —
We’re starting to think only of one another
I realize that I want to love you
I tremble, for I cannot love you —
I want to be sure of our future
You and me, me and you —
That night we began secretly watching over one another
i just love those songs. They sound beautiful in Japanise.
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Oops, Sorry
I spelled my friend's name wrong in the last post. Her name is wezzie, not weezie. sorry about that guys...but i can see most of you figured that out anyway. thanks for visiting her site!!
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Thanks to everyone who took my survey! Nothing much has been going on here. Our library has the new Harry Potter book, but they can't release it yet, so they put it in fake chains, and surrounded it with cardboard cameras. It's pretty funny. Did you guys here about the drugstore in NY that accidentaly sold a copy? The one who bought it actually gave it back! I would have grabbed and ran! Why can't they accidentaly sell me a copy!! Anyway, if anyone has any time, please visit my friend weezie. She just joined today.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Okay, I made the survey like I said I would. You don't have to take it if you don't want to:
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I'm still hyper. lol.
To Blue Water: I'm not insane! *chews on keyboard*
Thanks for all the comments yesterday! 14 is my new record! Kinda sad, I know, but I'll take what I can get ^^ I might make a survey today. If I do I'll post it l8er. And I won't force you to take it, I promise. lol.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I'm back, and I do need new lenses. But not coke bottle ones. lol. I had some in fourth grade though... boy did I look nerdy! I looked just like Naru does when she's decked out w/her braids and glasses. lol. My eyes were stinging so bad yesterday from that yellow stuff they squirt in there. Eye doctors are sadists, every single one of them. And then they tell you not to rub your eyes. AS IF!! okay, I'm better now. I'm hyper today, can you tell? Anyway, I'm accepting requests and visiting everyones sites. I got a bunch of new friends yesterday.
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Thanks for the card YamiYugi1990!
Thanks for another great card!

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Monday, July 11, 2005
300 hits
I just got my 300th visit! Yay! *does another happy dance* lol.
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Eye Doctor
I have to get my eyes rechecked at 3 today. *sigh* I already have 20/80 vision. At this rate I'll be blind by the time I'm 20... Oh well ^^ Here are some more questions, answer them if you want, if you don't that's cool too ^^
1. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2. Do you like rainy or sunny weather better?
3. If you had to chose, would you rather burn to death, or freeze to death?
my answers:
1. Simple and Clean from the Kingdom Hearts intro
2. sunny
3. freeze
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I'm reorganizing(sp?) my site profile, so bear with me and let me know what you think please ^^ Aren't the Hikaru No Go chibis just so kawaii!? I'm also still working on requests ^^ I'll be back soon!
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