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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Here's some anime personality tests that I made
Give me some feedback, please!
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My mom's at kemo right now and I'm at the library. It looks like rain again, but oh well. I won't melt. Does anyone read Shonen Jump? Just curious. I'm so tired. My mom tried to make me go to bed at 10 last night, but I hid in the bathroom and read till midnight. I would have stayed up longer, but I finished the book ^.^
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Ai!!! I went to the library to work on my website, and now it's thunderstorming!!! I don't want to walk home in this!!! Please dont hail, please dont hail like last time!!! Oh well. I'll just stay awhile and hope it stops soon so I can go home and eat lunch. So hungry. Need. Food.
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This morning was okay...then I woke up.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. So many things have been happining lately... First my mom got breast cancer and had to get a masectome(definatly spelled that wrong), now she's going through kemo(spellings off again i think), then my cousin and his fiance got into a car wreck, and his fiance lost her baby. She was 8 months pregnant. They just bought the crib. They are both pretty banged up, and they're sueing the driver. With good cause. They kept telling him slow the fuck down, slow down! But he thought he was cool and funny, and he killed my cousin's son. It's all so depressing and sad. I just want to cry, but I ran out of tears when I was 8. Anyway, I'll try to post more.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

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Monday, May 30, 2005
Memorial Day
It's memorial day, so i'd like to say hi to my dad in heaven, and my grandma, and my grandpa, and my other grandma, and my other grandpa, and both my great uncles. May god bless you all, and I hope you're having fun in heaven.
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
I am now officially subscribed to both Shonen Jump and the new manga magazine Shojo Beat! It's about time that came out in the States! I wonder what it will be like... It better be good though. It has to be, to have survived long enough to make it to america. Which is always over a year, if not 10 years. Japan is so far ahead of us in so many things. It's not fair...
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
Don't you hate it when they edit anime for tv?
Oooh, it makes me sooo mad when they edit a decent anime for tv, and completely ruin it! Here's some for the list:
Yugioh- for one the names: I mean what's with all the puns? Joey Wheeler, Tristen Taylor, Tea Gardener, Mai Valentine, Weevel Underwood, Rex Raptor ect. I mean who do they think they're kidding? Keep the origional names for god's sake! Point two: They're supposed to be in high school! Why don't they act like it?!
Yu Yu Hakusho - what happened to all the blood?
One Piece - what's with Sanji's lolipop? also it's very unrealistic with the fighting scenes. Shanks looses his arm: no blood. Luffy punches Krieg's shield of spikes: ditto. Nami's sister gets shot in the back: nothing.
I mean, I can understand they want the anime to be kid friendly, but it wasn't made to be! If you want to play a kid friendly anime do one that is meant to be origionally! Stop making us spend extra money to buy the unedited dvds!
Ok, I'm done ranting now ;) I feel better...
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
RIP Simon Ng. May God take care of you in heaven.
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Hello, I just figured out how to use this site, after what, 6 months? Anyway, I'll try to post regularly.
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