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Thursday, May 25, 2006
My mom's back in the hospital again, and no one's telling me what the **** is going on!! ARGH!!!
*runs off to relieve some nervous energy*
[edit] I feel a bit better now...
I think I'll post some more of my drawings...
Ultra Maniac
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Well, I did manage to get more(although still not quite enough) sleep in the past few days, and I'm not doing too badly on my finals (at least I don't think I am). I rented a movie on Sunday, called Last Holiday, and it was great. Really funny ^^ I also watched the Chumscrubber, and I wouldn't recommend it. It just seemed pretty pointless ^^; The temperature is in the nineties, but there's a wind so it's not too bad. Summer is here at last, and I only have three days left of school!
Take care
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Friday, May 19, 2006
So tired...
Well, as you can see I changed my theme around a bit. It was actually inspired by Blink's theme.
Ugh, i've been doing essays, and studying my butt of for finals for the past week, and all together I think I've gotten nine hours of sleep for the week. And this morning, when my sister KNOWS I have the day off of school she 'forgot' and woke me up at five in the morning. I'm remembering that. After all, she gets off school two days earlier than I do. *grins wickedly*
I've visited everyone that has visited me recently, and even some who havent ^^
Take care
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Heh... ^^;
Heya ^^ Sorry I haven't been around lately, I've had some things to deal with...
But instead of boring everyone with my complaints, I'll tell you some good news! One of my cats had kittens, and they're sooo cute. They sound like squeaky toys being stepped on when they meow XD My mom's getting closer and closer to being done with chemo, so that's good news as well. Um...
Well, I'm going to go visit you guys now, take care.
Till next time
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Some of my drawings
Yes, I know they're ammaturish, but I'm bored ^^ So I decided to post some of my drawings...
Sano's back
Shaman King
One of my role play characters
Sia(another role play character of mine)
Ryak(yet another of my rp characters, and yes, he's supposed to look scary)
And that's all I've got right now ^^;
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Friday, April 7, 2006
Guess what? I got a job before summer after all. I clean houses :) It's peaceful, and pays well. I've been kept pretty busy lately, with my job, school, and the web site contest, so I've got a lot to catch up on with you guys ^^ So I'll cut this short to go and visit your sites.
Till next time
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Friday, March 24, 2006
I changed my theme. Made the background, avatar, and blogs myself.
I'm a library volunteer so I helped judge a Duel Monsters tournament today. It's so funny to watch the kids imitate the cartoon characters while they lay down cards. It's so cute. I started to lose my voice though @_@ I had to talk too much, lmao.
I spent all day yesterday painting, and if I see the color 'Beige Straw' one more time I'll go insane! This is getting long so I'll let you go now.
Oh, by the way, thanks for 300 guestbook signings.
Till next we meet
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Monday, March 20, 2006
I have some good news ^^
2. I've been chosen to compete in a website designing competition between schools. I hope I've got a chance ^_^;
And some bad news:
1. I can't get a job until the summer
2. It's sleeting during spring break and there's a good chance of an ice storm.
3. I'm making a numbered list for crying out loud. If that doesn't scream boredom I don't know what does >.<
Till next time
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
Well, I can't even apply for the job now. Messed up my shoulder. Got it x-rayed, but I didn't understand a word the doc said when he told me what was wrong with it ^_^; Why cant we have subtitles in real life? lol! I'm applying for a job at a pharmacy instead. But I just KNOW that I'll spend a large amnount of my paycheck on that rack of candy by the counter...either that or I'll have to handcuff myself to the register :)
I watched the movie 'Steamboy' over the weekend. It was pretty good ^^ And not as predictable as I thought it was going to be. Wow, this is getting long, so I'll let you go now.
Till next time
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
1 more down!
My mom had chemo yesterday. She doesn't have very many treatments left, only a few months! I'm so excited 
I'm going to apply for a job as a janitor in the elementary school. I hope I get it.
Till next time
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