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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
I'm back again. Just got over a horrible stomach flu but I feel fine now ^^
I'm going to be changing my theme to Gatekeepers 21, so if my site looks mixed up when you stop by that's the reason.
Till next time
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Well, I found out what happened to my drivers license. They sent it to my street address and not my postal box, so the post office sent it back. Then the DMV destroyed it opon return. Talk about a sucky deal. Now I've gotta go back down there and register ALL over again. And get this: they wouldn't even renew my temp one. How in the name of Fortuna do they expect me to drive over there WITH NO LICENSE!!?? *ahem* Sorry about that, I'm not in the best of moods right now. I'll just take my leave...
[edit]btw, I almost forgot. A friend of mine joined recently ^^ She doesn't care about comments, guestbooks, or friend lists but she would like some opionions on her wallpapers if anyone has some free time. Thanx.
btw, thanks for 1200 hits.
Till next time
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
I'm so tired. I have had about four hours of sleep every-night this week, and am fighting collapse @-@ Plus, I think the drivers license bureau forgot about me. They gave me a paper license(temporary) and told me the plastic would come in the mail withing 40 days. It's been 80 days, and the paper license has expired. Stupid drivers license bureau >.< Or rather, stupid me for not calling them yet. I guess I'm just too lazy. I'll stop rambling now and go off to moderate CS.
Till next time
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Well, I ended up walking about a mile in a snowstorm for entertainment ^^ It was fun. 
To those who asked about my mom: the 'treatment' is chemo. she's got breast cancer, it's why I was out of commission for so long ^_^; hardly anyone remembers me now, and most people deleted me from their friends list, not that I blame them ^^
Well, I'm going to visit some sites now. I'll talk you you guys later.
Till next time
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
My mom's in the city getting treatment and I'm one's online. And it's blizzarding so I can't go anywhere. But I probably will walk in it anyway at this rate. What's a bit of ice compared to boredom, ne? So how are you all doing? Valentines day is comming up, does anyone have plans? I have a date...with the couch and a bowl of ramen ^^ Best date ever ^^
Till next time
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Well I changed my site theme for the first time in about a year ^^ What do you think? Good, bad, offensive to the eyes?
Till next time
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Many Apologies
I'm sorry I've been gone for so long; I've just been too darn busy to update. For those of you that have asked for graphics: I'll have them to you within the week. For those who wish to request graphics: Please visit my graphics site and fill out the request form. I can't promise to be on much, but I will be adding as many of my old friends as possible to my msn contacts. Again, gomen for my long absenses.
~Ja ne.
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Friday, October 14, 2005
I'm still alive over here! :p
I'll try to visit you guys now, sorry I haven't been doing it but I'm just so busy lately!
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
No time
no time for anything but a short post today, sorry! just stopped by to let everyone know I'm still alive ^^ btw, kittykatangel: I'm still working on your blog, don't worry, you haven't been forgoten! How does everyone like their button marquees? lol.
Mischief Managed.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
C'mon guys!
I only got 3 buttons, so I'll ask again: please send me your buttons ^^ okay, i have homework, so this is as lenghthy post that I have time for ^^
Mischief Managed.
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