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myOtaku.com: sunsetfey

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Saturday, May 8, 2004

   had a nice day!
Hi everyone!
Today was a very nice day, I spent it with my friends filming the movie we have to do for school. IT IS SO AMAZING! I am playing a special agent and our movie represents the secret services in Quebec... which are very VERY cheap and ridiculous. I wrote the scenario and my friends corrected it and added some things that made it even more hilarious.( by the way, if you want a copy of the scenario, e-mail me, you will laugh, I promise you.) When I will have it done, be sure I'll find a way to put it on the net, it will be soooo nice. And you'll get to see my talents of actress. Well... beside these funny events, I find the way to feel a little mad. Why? because the headress I commanded in a medieval shop for my prom was due to febuary and it hasn't arrived yet. Even worse, I called in yesterday to ask them if they received it and they answered they would get it in june. FINE, but my prom is the 23rd, so I hope they get it before august... oh... those shops make me mad... well... be happy and think that you can still command one less beautiful, but less expensive on the net.

Mother's day tomorrow, I get to buy something to mine, even if I only want to be away from home... but I'll buy something, just to see a smile in her face... and hope she'll smile all day.( even if I doubt it). *sigh*

well... gonna do more tests, and post them this time

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Friday, May 7, 2004

   finally, I'm back
OK, now she is locked in my sister's bedroom, so she could eat HER sockets. Where were I... oh yes.. I am happy! :) really... well, it is the week-end! and it is sunny outside, we hear the birds sing, the spring has finally arrived, and I feel your head falling in boredom! And I've got nothing else to say for the moment so good bye.
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   Another week off! ( only 6 till end of school)
Hey! Hi guys! I do not know why, but I am happy right now. Maybe that is because I got to make my law and business teacher sign a contract where was two tiny lines where it was said that he had to put me and my friends a mark of an hundred on our next report card ( hehe) I am still busy, but less than I was, with all my activities ending. I spend all my afternoons trying to find something to do. Mostly I go on quizilla and find some quizzes fun to do. Particularly I've passed one in 10 stages which was : will an angel, demon or pure evil fall for you? I was surprised to find that in the 10 cases it was the demon. Well... it is true after all, I would never love a complete pervert, purely evil, or a caring father always there to catch me if I fall! While I'll love someone different, who has something special, who can be sometimes evil, but probably only for the helluvit. hehe. But anywayz, who cares about who I'll love??( sorry, I forgot you were reading a livejournal and if you've read this far, it is probably that you are or interested or too bored to do anything else.) So... now I am happy and I laugh at my teacher secretly, while I dream of my sister's dog roasting with an apple in her mouth because she peed again on the floor! Argghh... wait, I'll come back..
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Thursday, April 29, 2004

   a moment of peace...
I can finally breath! These last days have been really busy. Monday and tuesday were my theatre shows and all afternoons since monday I was doing the script for the scene fencing show I'm preparing for the fencing school. I practically have no time for myself, or my friends ( altough I always will find time for my friends, even if I stop sleeping). Well, I still have time for you, guys, and I'll keep sending good tests for everyone who knows how to get bored.
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Sunday, April 25, 2004

Well... it seems that I found a way of keeping me busy tonight... maybe too much as it is now midnight and I am tired of my week... well... my life is boring, but I always find a way to get tired at the end... so good night everyone,
may the force be with you!(right)

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Saturday, April 24, 2004

other tests I took...
between you and your partner in your
relationship. You are very difficult to get.
You have big requirements and this one you love
must try hard to get you. But after she/he melt
your heart she/he will be the most happy person
in the world. You need someone who shoes you
that you are special and it makes you feel
good to see that you are loved. She/He shall
know that you could easily get another
girl/boyfriend but you wont as long as you
love him. when she/he hurts you you will hurt
him too, but in general you dont get hurt. If
your partner cheated you ,you would react cold
and immediately (try to) forget him
PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you think about my
quiz, I worked hard on it.You can always
message me or tell me how I can improve that
quiz. Ill sure write back.

~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the What Type of Friend are
quiz, and visit mutedfaith.com.

You're addicted to.....

Your addicted to nothing at all? Well..... ok I
guess thats a good thing but come on just think
of the possibilities!

What are you addicted to? (pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You feel happy, and loved. Nothing could be any
better for you....you may even have a love one
in your life....go you. (Please Vote)

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always
pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no
where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek
or more passionate embrace. super markets and
work places are your favorite places to attack
your loved one with all your love =p

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

find your element
at mutedfaith.com.

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   first entry
hello there!
well... if you are bored enough to go read on my life, I'll try to entertain you as much as possible, although I am sure that you should get a life before visiting mine... Now I just came back from cegep ( the school that here in Quebec we have between high school and university.). I found many friends there. I also found out, and I am glad, that us, students in dramatic arts, are all crazy and funny. I also found out surprisingly that the girlfriend of my ex isin the same class as me, in the same CEGEP... I had never seen her before... it makes me laugh alot... Well... I am gonna do some tests, to pass the time. Because now that I am back home I am quite bored. Good day everyone and thanks for your courage of reading till the end...

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