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Acting like a loser in front of women.
A lil about me, Active, Smart but act wild, crazy~but people luv me, very romantic! Sporty, peaceful and loving! Cutie im so sweet :D, well thats wot my friends said.
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
How long have you been on the Net?
Click the Linky 2 Find out ^_^
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Live Free, Dream Well, Have Fun, Make Your Own Destiny.
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Friday, October 15, 2004
2day was Short and Sweet
Got up played touch footy, helped out the landlords family, watched burkes backyard, picked up an Energy 4 Life kit, spoke wif me sis 4 2 hours, played chess.
What did I learn 2day: From Burkes Backyard I learnt how Kinkys owner taught her how 2 use the toilet instead of kitty litter. :D
Hugs all wuv u
Live Free, Dream Well, Have Fun, Make Your Own Destiny.
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Looks like shes having fun!

Looks like sum1s head.
[bottom right hand corner] ;) :p
Live Free, Dream Well, Have Fun,
Make Your Own Destiny.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Leadership ain't a popularity contest........
Hello all,
Well its time I get up of me arse and take sum action, I didn't realise how much people are watchin me, even though they fully deny it, they are curious whether or not I'll will build a successfull business.
I was watchin TV wif ma littlest sisters boyfriend adam, then mum and I got in2 an argument, Adam said after we had finished that I'm like his dad, We've both got great ideas and we say we'll do them one day...... Stunned I was, only met adam for 6 hours and he picked me straight away, sumfin I try 2 hide from myself.
Time 2 take action, I don't hav the confidence 2 b a leader atm, although most of the people around me are lookin at me as a leader, these ppl are usually the more confident, outgoing ones, whereas I'm usually shy and an easy target 4 jokes cause I'm not as quick on the comebacks.
Deep down I've learnt that they are looking 4 sum1 2 lead them and I know where I can learn the leadership skills. It will be difficult although the rewards are well worth it.
Live Free,Dream Well, Have Fun, Make Your Own Destiny.
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Reminder of Mon True Self
 You are one of the few out there whose wings are truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and divine, you are one blessed with a certain cosmic grace. You are unequalled in peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of Light your wings are massive and a soft white or silver. Countless feathers grace them and radiate the light within you for all the world to see. You are a defender, protector, and caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver of the wrong, chances are you are taken advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often. But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in everyone and so this mistreatment does not make you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will try to help misguided souls find themselves and peace. However not all Angelics allow themselves to be gotten the better of - the Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting for the sake of Justice and protection of those less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever change - the world needs more people like you.
Image Copyright Sheila Wolk (prints available through - words added by myself.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
only took this quiz cause at the moment I feel like a fallen angel, every line in demons angel is how I'm feelin. Live Free,Dream Well,Have Fun, MYOD
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
...Monday Rehearsal, tunzafun :p
We walked up 2 the place and it was like one of those old mid 20th century houses, white wood wif 2 pointed sections in the roof, wif 2 creepy windows and a Eerie Tree out the front over lookin the lake, and a basement downstairs, just ya regular goth house was mon expression lol, haha actually it belonged 2 Grandma Thomas, Hurstys ma Co-Stars, Grandma.
...Tuesday Filming at GTs place.
Skipped afternoon lessons 2 film down by the lake, brought Amber along, she met the guys and then we had 2 go back 2 her place 2 pick up a photo, and she had this fight wif her dad and she told me she was over the whole filming thing :(, this was about 2 weeks ago and I still got the photo now, duno where she is, she had 2 leave home 4 a while, so that put a sour note in me day although we still had fun, took us about 5 hours 2 complete filming, any1 is welcome 2 hav a copy, when we release it.
....Tuesday night Tuesday night was even more fun, every1 pitched in and we drank until 5am, and did crazy shyte wif the camera.
Um yeh, this is the point where I'm really tired cause I spent most of the night playin chess, Damn U Demon Messiah... Damn U 4 showin me D Zone lol. :p :D
More of me week 2 cum, I'll update when I'm refreshed.
Live Free, Dream Well, Have Fun, Make Your Own Destiny.
Hugs 2 all me friends, ({) bec ({) amber ({) Demon ({) juggalo muahs. ^_^ ^_^
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Yay Im goin 2 be in a movie
Hmm lets see, Friday, I got shouted Goon and was given the exclusive borrowing rights of Rita Marleys Autobiography, Marabou Stork Nightmares - A book written by Irvine Welsh, author of "Trainspotting" and the Silmarillion, which is a story of the Elves in the 1st Age of Middle Earth.^_^
....Saturday was a very sleepy day, don't remember much, good thing about Saturday was being shouted Woodstock Bourbon.
....Sunday played touch footy and Armadillos kicked asss :D, and the 1st reading of our script, titled Scarecrow, I couldn't believe that they actually wanted me 2 be Scarecrow, I've haven't acted in me life, I'm usually the more serious one haha, I found it very fun though and they Luved me :D... and just muckin around on the cameras, Lizard has this huge gully next 2 his place, 1/2 pissed 1AM monday morning, were running around, doin stupid shit and filmin the whole fing, turned out kinda like a mini Blair Witch hahahaha, sorry peeps it wont be on our DVD.
2 B cont.....
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
This fortnight was pretty good
Hi, sum good news 4 a change,
I was invited 2 a party and shouted piss all night at a private nightclub, pretty sweet, only thing I had 2 do was sing "Metallicas, Nothing Else Matters" which I felt was appropriate at the time.
Saturday/Sunday we had free movies on Austar at home and I watched "Enough" and "Scorpion King". :D
Me Ex has been tryin 2 pick me up 4 the last month, this is not good... cause her fiance is overprotective and has threatened me wif all sorts of crap, she just broken up wif him, and shes asked me out very impulsively, I'm like noooo.... no dice, especially not on the same day as she has broken up wif this guy.
Yawns, hmm Im really tired, if I keep goin im prolly guna end up ramblin on wif shyte.. so I'll post the rest another time.
Live Free, Dream well, Have Fun, Make Your Own Destiny.
Hugs all
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
Intangible Gains Vs. Tangible Losses
One thing I've learnt 2 ask myself when in a relationship of any kind is "If this ends what intangibles can I take with me."
Although the end of a relationship may hurt, this question allows you 2 see more clearly what U have gained from the relationship rather than what has been lost.
Live Free,Dream well,Have Fun, Make Your Own Destiny.
({) ({) hugs 2 all from Super Gohan. :-D
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4 flowers in the tango of life.
2 major events playing out simulataneously, the creation of one, the destruction of another,
both intimate yet on opposite ends of the world,
2 buds side by side, ready 2 bloom in the Autumn climate,
ready to open themselves,
the intimate beauty they share,
soon for the world to see,
flowers, specialists in beauty,
caretakers of creation reflecting its fragility in the ripples of life.....
Wilting in the cold early spring,
2 flowers cling 2 life,
one begins 2 drop its petals,
until one day their is only one petal left,
Donating its petals the other flower, sacrifices its beauty for the life of another,
for this flower knows they cannot lose thier petals until it has dispersed all its seeds into the wind,
One flower in a field of many, whose beauty radiated more brilliantly then any other, saved from self-destruction 2 continue on until creation.
Creation sometimes wears a mask,
Some people call it destruction,
As we learn to let go of that which we hold dear,
we see through creations mask,
and find a new bud, one, that was just as close as the last.
I dont really write poems, although this came 2 me head, hope you enjoy,
Live Free,Dream well,Have Fun, Make Your Own Destiny.
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