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Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Your Sora!!
Your Sora! you hold the mighiest weapon of all, and
your heart, is the strongest, from the will to
protect those you love.

What SquareSoft Character Are you?
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Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like?
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003

   Merry christmas
Have a merry christmas and have a good time.
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Hard-worker you are not, you enjoy listening to
music, surfing the web, blowing off homework
till the last possible minute, and other lazy
activities. Even still, you are good at helping
your friends with their problems, and if you
see something goin' on that you think just
isn't right you're not afraid to say something
about it. Unlike how others see you, you have a
lot of potential.

What Shaman King Character are You?
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Congratulations! You're Faramir!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
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you are gotenks a little badass redhead kid who can take on almost anyone
you are hyper X gotenks you are a badass but not
the strongest

! Anime! which anime badass are you?
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Monday, December 22, 2003

Average and individual... you dont really belong to
any of these... good for you ... Independence
form such restraints is a great feat but cam be
rather lonely as well..

What is your social status or personality?(images and lots of results)
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You and yuusuke would be greatest plas.
You and yuusuke would be good friends.

What Yu Yu Hakusho Character would You be best friends with.
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You're Yusuke! You're a human Spirit Detective.
You've got a kick-butt attitude, and you love
fighting. Even with your sometimes horrible
people skills, your friends can easily
understand that deep down inside you is a nice
boy who would do almost anything to help his
friends. Your weapons are the Spirit gun and
eventually a Spirit Wave. You're the leader of
Team Urameshi and yet not the owner. You're the
sarcastic one in the group. You Rock!

What Yu Yu Hakusho Character are you? (with pictures and Character Bios)
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