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One hell of a butler~
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To finally scan my art and post more stuff on Otaku
| supersaiyanjounin

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Back From Busy Work
Mood: Calm
Listening To: "Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix)" - Caramell
Hello guys! I am sorry I was gone awhile! I have had LOTS of work lately, and still do! But I am taking a break for my favorite people in the whole world! ^-^
But, of course, there is a reason for this post besides my return. We have one more member in the ninja club! Meet InachiUchiha, brilliant artist and one of the nicest people I know, which is extremely ironic, considering that she is the Ninja Club's very own Madara Uchiha!
Sorry it took so long to post this for you, Inachi-senpai! But I know you were worried about having a good picture for the post, so I looked far and wide for a cool Madara picture. Hopefully it will do!
Well, looks like we have enough members to start doing contests, which leads the question of the post! Everyone on this site knows I do not have a scanner, and as much as I hate to ask (really I do), would anyone like to make the prizes for a contest? No pressure, but if anyone wants to do it, you can ^-^ *Is a terrible leader* T^T; Haha ^^;
Until the next post! Jya-ne! ^_^

(I thought this was such an awesome Madara picture, I had to post it even though it was a group picture ^^ This picture was made by ary-aiedail at, so I give the artist full credit for making an absolutely amazing picture ^-^)
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Thursday, February 7, 2008
One More Member!
Mood: Calm
Listening: "Shissou" - Last Alliance (Ending Theme of Ouran High School Host Club)
Hello, Otakus! Minato-chan, here, with another Ninja Club update! We have another member!
Everyone, please welcome Artichoke, who joins the club as Haku, who seems to know how to make the viewers cry. Seriously, I have never heard of so many sad Otakus as to when he was on the show. Anyways! ^^;
I will be changing my page theme soon, since a holday is coming up! I thought I would warn you, because I was afraid that if I did not give fair warning, Luna-chan might chew my ear off wondering where Yondaime went X_X Haha ^-^
Alright then! Question of the post! This question of the post is inspired by 1naruto, the Ninja Club's Kakashi Hatake. Hatake-san wanted us to have an online game, where we could battle each other as our own characters. I realized that it was virtually impossible for me to create such a game, but I know of one Naruto game I used to play online that seemed to be what Hatake-san was asking for. I suggested we post the link on the site, and we could all play the game with each other for fun. Maybe some of you may think this is dumb, but Hatake-san really wanted this game, so, what do you think? Do you think it would be cool if I set up the link, and the Ninja Club could all play the Naruto RPG together? Let me know! Your opinion matters most to me ^-^
Until the next post! Jya-ne! ^_^

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Monday, February 4, 2008
And The Members Just Keep Coming!
Mood: Happy
Listening To: "Say This Sooner" - The Almost
Konnichiwa! Yet another post dedicated to the latest members of the growing ninja club!
Our latest members are Mayumi94, pikmin541, and 1naruto. Mayumi-chan is the infamous slayer, Itachi Uchiha! Pikmin-san is the sannin of snakes, Orochimaru! And finally, 1naruto is the fan favorite, Kakashi!
Thank you for joining! So far, this club is getting big! So far, the taken characters are:
Tell your friends! Let us get all of these positions filled!
A big thanks to Dark-san, or DarkFox 013, who even made a banner for the site! Check out Dark-san's page for a look at it! Also, another thanks goes to MEUN-san, who not only made a Naruto fanart promoting the club, but an ID for it as well! Thanks, Dark-san and Meun-san! You guys are amazing! ^-^
Question of the post! Are YOU telling your friends about this club? If not, why are you not? Haha, just had to ask! xD!
Until the next post! Jya-ne! ^_^

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Sunday, February 3, 2008
The Club Keeps On Growing!
Mood: Excited
Listening To: "Naruto Main Theme" from Naruto
Hello there! Minato-chan here! (Like the new nickname? x]) Yet another update on the club!
We have 2 new members! My new friend DetectiveDiva18 is the ninja club's very own Hinata Hyuuga! And let us welcome our very first member of Akatsuki, DarkFox 013, also known as the hilarious Tobi!
It seems a lot of you liked the ranking idea (thank you Luna-chan for the idea!). And it also looks like we will be having some contests soon! but we will get into that later ;]
Now for the question of the post! DarkFox 013 had the idea for a banner for our club! I personally loved it, but what I wanted to know is: If the ninja club had a banner, would YOU post it in your profile? Also, what do YOU think the banner should look like?
If anyone would like to make any banners, feel free to do so and send them to me! I am technologically impaired, and thus have no idea how to make a banner, so hopefully I can get a little help with that later on! ^^;
The more members, the merrier! You guys are the best ^_^
Until the next post! Jya-ne! ^_^

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Saturday, February 2, 2008
New Members!
Mood: Ecstatic
Listening To: "Go, Go, Naruto!" from Naruto
Oh my goodness! I am getting loads of comments and PMs from people asking to be members! We have a few members to mention here, and some more pending! I am so excited! ^_^
First of all, it is official - I am Yondaime, also known as Minato Kamikaze! Luna-chan and I thought it was fitting ^-^
Our next member is the Hinata-adoring MEUN! Check out his comics, because he has an awesome sense of humor. MEUN is the club's very own Naruto!
The final member to mention is the legendary (literally) Homsar88! Look at her e-cards, because she is definitely one funny otaku! Homsar88 is Sai! Hurray! Because what group is completely without a pervert? ^-^
Thank you Meun-san and Homsar-chan for joining! You guys are so awesome!
Also, we have some pending requests! Currently, Hinata, Orochimaru, and possibly some Akatsuki members are on hold, so start PMing me now, or else you might lose your favorite character to someone else!
Question of the post! I was talking to Luna-chan, and she had a brilliant idea! She wanted to know if the club would have rankings, and I thought that was very interesting. I thought that we could have Genin, Chuunin, Jounin, and ANBU, and that the more people who helped out with the club, the higher their rank! What do you think?
And, for the very first time, a 2-in-1 question of the post section! DarkFox-13 asked if we would have contests, and I also thought that this was interesting. What do you think? Should we have contests?
Thank you to Homsar88 and MEUN, our amazing new ninjas! Keep PMing me, people! Join the club!
And also, a big thank you the lunastarz! Luna-chan is like my advisor! She gives me advice, whether it be for real life or the club. She even helped me pick Yondaime as my character. She is really my best friend here, and even did a picture for the club! Luna-chan constantly posts on her site about the club, and really is an amazing person! Go to her site, check out her portfolio, and talk to her! Lunastarz is one of the nicest people I have ever spoken to in my entire life ^_^
Until the next post! Jya-ne! ^_^

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